Short Story The sun was settmg as the few people of the "ea gathered at the hill. Their faces “So be it," uttered Dovaidona. "Know thu Lovemioe. You have been chosen becauseyouareaDruidandasonofa kmg The gods have honored you with the responsibility of the protection of your people Your name shall be sung through the ages and this place shall forever be holy Hail to the Protector of Ireland!" "Hall to the Protector of ireland!" echoed the others. Lovermos' mmal dismay quickly disap peared as his heart swelled with pride. How proud his father would be. Lovermoe. hero of his people, beloved of the gods. PAGE 8 - WATERLOO CHROMCLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1991 For unemployed people 55 years if age and older REGISTER NOW for full and part Mme positions We pre-screen mature personnel for positions that vary day to day Possible posxtlons may lnclude Quality control, drwers manag- rrvz. professional eng'meers. office skill. handypersons, etc Please call 741 2509 Mon ~Fn 9am ~12noon '405 Klng Street East, Kitchener lhc, Mice ls funded as an Out. roach Program by Employment and Immigration Canada and Is sponsored by the City of Kitchen- Pr, Parks and Recreation Depart- ment YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW SUPERIOR MEMORIALS Work Opportunities Remun- Wc-stun Batu-v m) '4rttl36 LMIME INDOOR SHOWROOMS 55+ 338 Victoria St. N., Kitchener For Winter Installation were taut from fear of discovery by the Roman patrols. But something greater drew them to the site. Word had travelled srwiftly of the ultimate saerirtee to honor the gods. (Continued from page 5) Lovemioe had been stripped naked. After the ritual cleansing, he had eaten the bannock and drank an elixir of the sacred mistletoe. As he stepped from the tent to face the crowd, he was smitten with a sudden fear. Gone was the feeling of pride He felt very small and exposed before the hopeful and hungry eyes. Eyes hungry to see his blood spilled on the ground. Lovermos had seen and participated in numerous sacrifices, both animal and human. How foolish he had deemed their fear at the time! Did they not know that all Numbly Lovernins allowed himself to be led to the grove on the hill. There in a clearing he knelt before the three priests who would gwe him threefold death. One held an axe to satisfy the god Taranis. Another held the garotte made of fox gut -- strangulation for the god Esus. The third sacrificial victims were reborn to a better life? He tried to comfort himself with this thought but found that he was not yet ready to forego this life. Looking out toward the pools of murky water, even this landscape seemed lovely under the setting sun. Noticing white bog myrtle growing amidst the yellow’ing gags,“ it legal; as-Fil had neQer betori, truly noticed the beauties of the world about him, , 478 Albert gf.-, 1lihtt-eiTo7t . 50 Westmount a; N., 1lrlatsrioo--- The Roman troops remained in Britain until 410 AD. The British people learned to accept them and adopted many of their ways. But Ireland was untouched by the boots of Roman soldiers. Druidism and the worship of Celtic deities continued unahm. ed for several centuries. As Lovernios lifted his eyes for a ham sight of the reddened setting sun. it seemed as if all his youthful hopes ashed through his mind at once. Then came a searing pain as the axe struck his head like one of Taranie' thunderbolt! from heaven. A second stroke of the axe brought merciful unconsciousness. was holding a white horse to carry his body to one of the black pools. Only drowning woyll appeage Tgw. ...