Watson recently suggested CBC TV's enormously popular Hockey Night In Ca. nada might have no future In a truly public CBC He thmks Canadians should be watching grlpplng documentaries on the sex life of the moose mstead of epxc contests like the Battle of Alberta between the Flames and the Ollers ln Watson's vmon, the CBC would CBC Chairman Patrick Watson thmks he has a Halon Most Canadians would think he 15 hallu. cxnatmg Send Watson to the dressing room! In order to thrive, Uptown Waterloo needs to be a people place. Waterloo's councillors should consider that {hurt-3 are worse things than having 5000 students in Uptown Waterloo on Saturday night - say, for example, havmg no one in Uptown Waterloo on a Saturday night. the past two weekends with the chicienlrnUii'rireiir. f)tT and the Huskers Carnival, the benefits outweigh the problems, the Now, he's trying again. He's going back to city council With a revised proposal. this time with stricter security and a shuttle service to take students home after the i‘estiVities - a proposal that has the backing of the Uptown Waterloo Business Improvement Area. Everyone knows there are problems involved with holding special events like this. But, as was evident over Bill Seigfried really wants to hold a street dance. He's gone to city council asking to have King Street closed for a dance to welcome students back to the commumty _ and been rejected. He's gone to regional council asking for their suppdrt - and been rejected, largely because of the Waterloo veto, PAGE 6 - WATERLOO CBRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28, Waterloo ("hrumcle Is pulls Display Advertising: Maureen McNab Twrem Hummer "err. MANN? Dun Steews Reporters: Pete Cudhea {Sports editor) Keren Adderley Deborah Crandall News Editor: Melodce Manmuk Chiiiiiicle The Fairway Group Incorporated 315 fairway Rd 5, kitchen†thy. President: Paul kaler Telephone News tine Fax. No. Waterloo Town Square 3 krny, St, South, Suite 2( Waterloo, Ontario N2) lPl s..7, " , =aaa' had every Wednesday by 886-2830 886-3021 886-9 383 Major Accounts: Bill Karges Mary Baycroft Jerry Fischer Ray lakhan Anita Auernigg Publisher. Rick Campbell Circulation: Circulation Manager: Greg C assuly - - - s==cUT...I., ....... 201 National traditions aside, there is also the economics of the move. Hockey Night In Canada, after all, is one of the CBC's biggest revenue earners. Despite Watson's elitist "vision", more Canadians prefer to watch The Great One or superstar-m-wait- Of course, most Canadians would consid- er cancelling "Hockey Night in Canada" close to treason. After all, it has become a natwnal tradition. Subscnplxon rates $40 yearly 1n Canada. 570 yearly outade Canada ' G S T lnstéad. he thinks' TQKAHSJIZWJJM culturally uplifting operas or socially reeyant avant garde theatre. dedicate Itself to airing documentaries, dramas and arts programmes You know, high brow stuff. The sweat and grunts of professional hockey are a none to Patrick the Precious. 1991 YOU documentaries, ingfric Lindros lllnllr"l! The revenue generated from this tax would then be used to fund CBC programs which few aside from Watson and his fellow glitterati want to watch. Only a bureaucrat with no bottom line, with no real need to serve consumers - viewers - could dream up this ridiculous "viiu'on". Without having to worry about advertisers, Watson doesn't have to worry Watson's "vision" won't play - or pay, The visionary has a solution for that, however. He wants the federal government to slap a special tax on all Canadians who own a television set, This television-tax would allow the CBC to "escape from its crippling dependence on the advertising marketplace." ----"="---"-'-""'4irltitr"r, _ #314 h" . ; I / a 1 i _s., _ , "Yes, I do, If they have a contract, they should be able to renew it. I understand the postal workers have been without a contract for two years." Boirda1abdii "No, I don't support the strike. With the economic situation the way it is, they should feel lucky to have jobs" Richard Rogers Waterloo Do you support the postal strike? {f Kitchene; _ One last thGir hit-Mulroney could do is send Watson to the dressing room for a chat - with Don Cherry, 7 7 - A privatized CBC would be motivated to air programs that Canadians want to watch. It would also cease to be a tavgubsr dized playground for Canada's sefap. pointed cultural elite. Thatls why Prime Minister Brian Mulro. ney should publicly deep-six the TV tax idea, He should go further and pnvauze the CBC by selling it to its employees, managers and the general public and guarantee control over the network to Canadians abo‘ut pleasing the pyyic, "No, I don’t because the poetal service is an essential service." David Somerville National Citizens' Coalition 'Tm in favor of the idea - that they should right for what they believe in. But it puts us all into a bind. tt Paula Ferreira i Waterloo Dave Ryan Kitchener,