f SENIORS DIVISION PROGRAMS? rid mu ttt. a. no Dam Dr. 570-1030 886-8858 0x11003115 . SENIOR mamma GROUP. Monday, August 2601 . "Waterloo Park" Waterloo . No Cost - W191†mm. - ifyou plan to land please tall CONES'IOGAMALL WALK . 'Walk for the Health of it†- Fall Registration - Wedneedny, September 11/91 . Time: 8:80 am. _ Where: Conestoga Mall " Food Court (Zehrs entrance) - an opportunity for registration of new walker: “a recognition of the mileage achievers - walk year-round where the climate is controlled . for more information all Chris Barker " 888-6356. PROGRAM REGISTRATION . The following courses are being ottered: Line Dancing (beginners), Square Dancing (beginners accepted). hi Chi, RM.R. Exercise (movements to music) - Date: Monday, September 9/91 - Time. 9:00 am. to 9:00 pm. . mention: Wing MCAFA Adult Rotary Centre . for registration cost and 'peeitie program days and time call 888-6356. OLD SALTS SENIOR CANOE CLUB . Meets the timt Thursday of the month at the Adult Recreation Centre _ Time: 1:30 pan. . call Erik Espensen at 744-9478 for more information. FWDAY FLICKS . Time; 2:00 pan, Date: August 23 - 'Australia and The Thi Mahal" Cost: " - at the ARC, HORSESEOES . BORSESEOE PM ARE NOW OPEN FOR YOUR ENJOYM'ENT . tNo pits available) - join us tor an evening of fun, sociability and exercise - ladies and men welcome. . Where: Win: 404 RCAFA Rotary Adult Centre - When: every Tuesday - Cost: no charge - Time: 6:30 until dusk - for more information call 88845356. NOTE: "Swing Bowl" is in full operation. l CHRISTMAS CRAFT BEES . Where: Wing 40MrCAFAyRotary Adult Centre. When: Thursdays. “me: 9:30 am. to 3:00 pan. (bring your own lunch). Preparations are underway for our annual Christmas Boutique & Bake Sale held in mid.November, You dont have to be "crafty," we just need the people power to assist with the necessary inventory for a sumssful sale. For more information, call 8866366. ARC TRAVEL . Woodbine Races: It is Seniors' Day " the races. You will he treated to free admission, free program. reserved seating and a hee refreshment. You can come to bet or just enjoy We will arrive at the racetrack in time to have lunch before racing begins. There is a restaurant and concession booths on premises for your convenience. Date: Thursday, September Mn - Departs: 11:00 am. from Wing 4tWR.C.A.FAJRotary Adult Centre and 11:15 am. from ARC, Returns: Approximately 6:00 pan. Cost: $16.00 . for more information. please call 579-1020: WATERLOO SILVER NNGUES . Ityagtmttater Club - meets every other Thursday for the summer months - Time: 7:30 pm. - Where: Wing 404 R.C.A.RAyRotary Adult Centre - for more information call Tim 1hrnao " 884-4663 or Chris Barker at 588-6856. Call Wing 4tWR.CAFAAtotary Adult Centre . 888-6356 or Adult Recreation Centre - 579-1020 for more information. d mm rn FeoEndosodS --- Q won rum summon cm. mm Wednesdaymd'ay 9:00-7:00 Saturday 10:00-4:00 Sunday Closed These hours are effective until August 31 to \aecommodate our visitors. m TWOiCHlLDREN Edna FAMILY PAY FULL FEE, ALL OTHER CHILDREN PAY one HALF THE FEE PER SESSDON. SCHOOL "AY" AND LOCATIONS SUMMER SCHOOL RINK IN THE PARK, WATERLOO AUGUST 25 TO AUGUST 30 - FEE $55 - 6:00 to 9:30 pm Rams-minim ion": PLEASE our our ' MAIL To: WAYNE FRANCIS POWER SKATING SCHOOL IM Candhmoot' Cms, Wat N2L 514 Monday-Tuesday Wednesday-Friday yttupiay FALL SCHOOL ALBERT McCOFIMICK ARENA, WATERLOO SEPTEMBER 22 To SEPTEMBER 29 - FEE $60 SUNDAY - 3:00 to 3:50 pm, MONDAY TO FRIDAY . 7:30 to 8:20 pm. SATURDAY - 11:00io 11:50 am (zz,. ..sC-' SUMMER HOURS THE CITYOF l.lird Waterloo Win. 404 KCMNILAC. 510 button Dr. WAYNE mucus " HOCKEY SKATING SCHOOL Tuk , f W.M.H.A. PARENT SUPPORT GROUP ANNUAL EQUIPMENT SALE Albert McCormick Arena Community Room Saturday. September 14, 1991 - 9:00 min-11:00 em. Drop OE used Equipment Friday, September 13, 1991 - 6:30-10:30 pan. Tags will be provided for equipment. Money and unsold equipment may be picked up Saturday, September 14, 1991 between 11:30 Ill-12:30 Pans Any unsold item: not picked up will become the ppperty of the WM.HA. PARENT SUPPORT GROUP 25% Commission will be charged on told items. WM.H.A. PARENT SUPPORT GROUP m NOT DIVISION MINOR ATOM Idhlplt ME MAJOR NOVICE MAJOR ATOM MINOR PEEWEE MAJOR BANTAM MINOR NOVICE MINOR BANTAM MAJOR PREVIEE MAJOR NOVICE MINOR BANTAM MINOR PEEWEE MINOR ATOM MINOR NOVICE JUVENILE MAJOR ATOM MAJOR BANTAM MINOR NOVICE MAJOR ATOM MAJOR NOVICE MAJOR PEEWI-ZE MAJOR BANTAM For further information on the Fail Minor Spam "rgietratism, please all Rome Tbronchuk, Sports & Athletic Co.ordinator, City of Waterloo, " 886-1550. gnu-ion 214. 500 Parkside Drive Waterloo, thstario 885-1700 LAKESHORE VILLAGE - Nether! Community Reroume Committee Meeting . Date: Wednesday, August 28/91 . Where: Meeting Room " Albert McCormick Community Centre . 500 Plrklide Drive . meeting to help can}! that pmgnmmu are available for children. youth Ind adults - oi; more information all W356. 4 MINOR MOM MINOR PEEWEE MINOR MAM MINOR MAM Mm Baht ' mus-so 'p.m MW (an) mnom hllNrers MutBe norm V mmou lee Sumo: due to 'lttth't mmous. Sports include: . Waterloo Minor Hockey Association . Waterloo Minor Ringette Association - K-W Synchro Club . K-W Youth Basketball . Waterloo Region Nordic Ski Club - Youth Bowling - Waterloo Region Associated Track & Field Clubs - KW.S.C. (information only) - KW Gymnastics Club (information only) - Thein City Hockey School (information only) . Anhi Judo Club . KW Serum Speed Skating Dim: Saturday, September 7 and 14, 1991 ONLY Tune: 9:30 tcrrt..1:00 pan. location: CONES'IOGA MALL, KING STREET NORTH WATERLOO, ONTARIO iiidefiitjitjii 711mm Eio' iaiiriitirItms TAKEN puma mom m was mmnou PLEASE CALL mm mm mm LYNDA mum ensues iiiiii TtV [iiRiikgiiia for item: sold. cFor Further Information Call Donna Norris &W3304. ' DATE: September 7 And 14 LOCATION: Conestoga Mall TIME: 9:30 nan-1:00 pan. Anyone wishing to volunteer for Caching. Convening, Parent Support Group or anything are welcome. L Information available at Registration. I WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY RECREATION LEAGUE REGISTRATION WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY 1ST TEAM TRYOUTS (ALL STAR) AA FALL & WINTER MINOR SPORTS REGISTRATION IN WATERLOO LAKESHORE VILLAGE Mount.†WedAugu ttttl has.“ Wed, " 353%: . 4 Wed.Sept.4 Th . 5 11.32%.» ThunSept!) N, (i 11tt/l, Sam,“ ?1t'tl L SaLSepU (tttl SlLSlpL7 51132917 DATE Sun. Seyt 8 Sun, Sem. 8 sh Sept! 51:15:91.8 Man Segs 9 Mon, Sept 9 Mon Sept9 1991 " 992 SEASON MytMrli) us. 91010:!) um 10:40-11:50 am 4.00590 pm. 5106110 pm 6:207:20 In, 71M230 pm. MONO pm “JO-$00 am. 91010:!) Im 10.311130 m. 11.441250 an, 800%!) pm. 9:30-10:50 pm ENNIS) [an $010250 pm 590-600 pm 5:292:92 m T.3b8:li0 in 5mm pm 6:107:10 Far. 7:203:11 pm 51409.50 pm. 500-690 pm. trl???? m- 7:308:50 urs, 71:07:50 pm 3mm pm. 50045.00 pm , 192229 w COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 11m" = (an) NW (Fan) um (Em) 1idkmiek (Ehat) MW (En) McCormick (but) um (MD MW‘ (Ell) MW (in) NW ' Mchmck (Em) um (Ell) meme: (Ehet) MW (Entrx Mm (Em MW (Em) Mm (Eu!) McCormick (MD MW (Em MW (and) McCormick (Ell!) McCormick (Elm McCormick (Em) McCormct (Em) Mm (Em MW (East) Minnie! (Mat) MW (Em MeComck (Em) MW (Emu WATERLOO CHRON’CLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21, ttArt . PAGE A23 The watering of lawns. gardens, trees. shrubs or any other outdoor plant by means of a hose or other attachment connected to the municipal water system is prohibited except as follows: a) premises with municipal addresses having even numbers may water between 7:00 am. and 10:00 a.m. and 700 pm and 11:00 Parr on even numbered calendar days. a) premises with municipal addresses having odd numbers may water between 7:00 am and 1000 am. and 7:00 pm. and 1100 pm, on odd ( numbered calendar days, The watering of newly planted sod, trees, ornamental shrubs and flower gardens ls permitted during installation and during the following 24 hours after the completion of the installation. Lawns being treated with any pesticide. herbmde spray or fertilizer may be watered while being treated and during the following '24 hours after application, Upon a water supply emergency being declared by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. the provisions set out above will be superceded by the Regional By-law. This By-law applies to all recreational and parkland premises under the control and management of the City of Waterloo, together with the avenue. boulevards. drives and approaches The following activities are not permitted . Vehicles of any kind unless posted - Play or practicing of golf or archery - Distribution of any kind of advertising _ Sale of any goods without authorization and all proper licensing. . la'ttering. - Wilful damage to trees, shrubs, flowers, animals, benches and any other structures - To dig, tear up or encroach park property without written consent of the City. Every person who contravenes any of the provmons of the by-law, shall upon amvietion, pay penalties not exceeding $1000.00 (exclusive of oostsi for each soffense. The City of Waterloo Ttattic and Parking By-Law does not allow overnight parking on City streets PART V . PARKING AND STOPPING RESTRICTIONS states that “unless otherwise permitted in this by-law, no person shall ttt any time, park a vehicle on any highway between the hours of2:30 am and 6:00 aanf The City appreciates your co-operauon In the adherence of this by-law. For more information call 886-6132 THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED DURING THIS WEEK SO THAT STAFF CAN CONCENTRATE ON APPLYING BARCODE LABELS TO APPROXIMATELY 133,000 BOOKS THIS STEP IS REQUIRED TO MAKE AUTOMATED CIRCULATION POSSIBLE DURING PHASE 2 OF THE LIBRARY AUTOMATION PROJECT NO FINES WILL BE APPLIED ON MATERIALS DUE THIS WEEK. BOOKS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE BOOK DROPS AT EITHER LOCATION k7ifiiiikR 'r1NRiliiif? - C L O S E D ---- August 26-Septembgr 2, 1991. OVERNIGHT PARKING PARK BY-LAW 78-42 LAWN WATERING RESTRICTIONS WATERLOO , Jllt?f, , MAIN LIBRARY & MCCORMICK BRANCH CITY OF WATERLOO WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE TO OUR USERS THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT A CITY CLERK RONALD C, KEELING