Kitchener-Waterloo Track and Field Association sprint sensa- tion Chris Robinson won an un- precedented four gold medals at the Royal Canadian Legion Championships held at York Uni- versity over the yqekeud. The 15-year-old midget-age class athlete won the loo-metre (11.1 see,); 200an (22.4), 4x100 relay and ran the 20Gm leg of the 400. 200, 200 and 800 gold medal relay team. _ A _ _ Robinson, one of 42 athletes representing Ontario, won the events as a first-year midget. He still has another year to go as a midget, but he's looking to quali. fy for the National junior team next year. -, .. Ontario Secondary Athletic Asso- ciation) high school champion over 200an and set two provincial records this summer on his way to “Chis was the OFSAA (All He’ll miss these Games PRESTON MANNING SPEAKS Loader, Reform Party ot Canada Tickets: House otCedar. 210 Regina St. N., Waterloo Information Homnes: 885-1907, 886-7068 Shoulder injury sidelines Tyrrell Pete Godhe- Chronicle Staff . Blind athlete Mike Tyrrell has found himself sidelined from this year's Cana. diam Foresters Games in Brantford. The 54-year-old Waterloo native, who was scheduled to run in the 100, 200, 300 and 400 metre events, has come down with “frozen shoulders", an injury that affects shoulder motion, seizing the ghoul. der leginneni in its socket; Regina Street at Columbia Street Waterloo (Next to McDonald's) 8867001 Mall, who captured four gold and a silver at the prmrineia1ts in Hamilton last month, has also complained about stiff. ness in his legs which he believes could be somewhat connected to his shoulder im jury as well. , .. ' REFORM†Octobelr 2, 1991 PARTY or CANADA os,,,m,'r'lwat,,,a "VIG worked all year and now that it's here I ean't compete," said a disappointed HOURS: MonI-Wed. 7:30-6;Thurs. and Fri. 7:30-9: Sat. 7:30-t Baking Supplies Nuts Sploes Vial! our Now Hamburg Store! Iq don't know if the injury is from low or Robinson wins 4 gold Compare Our Bulk Price; Watanoo Constituency Association Nut & Baking Supply “He's a very talented young man with a keen desire to com. pete. He didn't run the 300m hurdles, an event he won last year at the nationals, because his legs were tight. These accom- plishments are amazing,"McFar- lane added. his National titles," said coach Brent McFarlane. YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener (Beside Weston Bakeries) 74S.6136 LARGE INDOOR SHOWROOMS For Summer Installation high activity, but there’s a lot of pain right now. It's vpry ftugtrtat'mg." - Currently undergoing treatment, Tyr- rell admitted he thought about competing with the injury, but decided against it adding that gold medals are nice. but his health it more important. With last year’s Forester's Games in Regina, Alta. cancelled due to lack of funding and government support, nation. al athletes were invited to compete in the Ontario Provincial Games in Etobicoke. There, Tyrrell captured four gold and a silver medal. The Canadian Foresters Games are a national, biennial competition held in various locations throughout Canada. Close to 500 of Canada’s top disabled athletes representing blind, wheelchair, cerebral palsy and amputee athletes competing in nine events this week, G Waterloo moms o,,,,,,,,,,,,!,!,,,?,,?,,?, JUGGLERS 'ttasterisks; MIMES MUSICIANS MAGICIANS a d " ',itiiiiisiii,)ss, hill!h'i(f Bllnd athlete like Tymll will mm Natlomi Games due to a shouldot Inlury. Ira-mm Saturday, August 24 Thursday, August 22 7:00 p m KING ' HERBERT STREET Sunset-d By Union Gas UpTown BAY Disney dancers Sponsored By UpTown BIA Outdoor entertainment on King Street in Uptown Waterloo WATEKDO ME. MY. AUGUST 21. "., - PAGE Att? AUGUST 22-25 _litliiii'i') ii'ili'ii"i'i?iss" Chii"ifficle mm]? De - ijiiiiiii-t i, Kco " Saturday (Dusk) Specw hrs acts Sponsored By The Paper Factory FIRE NIGHT Friday. August 23 It © a fr HX o F Page Pairing Clowns are we Sponsorvd By Equitable we Taking Care Of Your Family '" atuttuite at today's Mal mm We'll do I FREE autumn! - yountokup! PI [OSSLIN INSURANCE QROKEng _ â€WWW!" (WI Tm “2-16“ 'erm' â€2377 KIDS BAY "The immune: Sponsored by: ,a qt' hate