Knob Hill farms opens doors to world's largest food store Area media were given a pre- opening tour of the facility last week. The tour was an exercise in itself, with the grocery depart- ment spanning more than two acres, the meat counter almost 500 feet long, and over a mile of refrigeration and coolers. There Knob Hill Farms has opened the doors to the Cambridge Wa. terloo Food Termihal, the world’s largest food stqre. The terminal, an eye-popping 340,000 square feet with parking for over 1,000 cars, is located at the corner of Pine Bush and Hespeler (Highway 24) Roads in Cambridge, just south of the 401. Ontario Lieutenant Governor Lincoln Alexander presided over the opening festivities. The store opening is the culmi- nation of the dream of Knob Hill owner Steve Stavro, and is the eighth in the chain, purposely designed as a giant "marketir lace" under one climatemn- trolled roof. :1“ Caring Hi-"'" Professionals at Edward Good Funeral Home . . . tl "l The people at Edward Good Funeral Home are experts at dealing with details, when there is a death in the family. Each families' loss is handled in a caring and sensitve manner. Dealing with grief AFTER the funeral is over is also an important part of their service, as much as the funeral service itself. Call us for professional, caring service. PAUL GOOD ED GOOD Tiii STEPHEN MARK ERB PADGETI' MICHALCHUK FUNEQAL HOME LIMITED 171 KING STREET SOUTH WATERLOO 745-8445 Edward Q. Good are 49 checkout corners and shoppers will be introduced to the unique plastic KHF baskets which they not only load grocer- ies in, but carry them home in as an environmentally friendly ini. tiative. The eight-acre building is the first that Stavro has built from the ground up and incorporates all the ideas he has formulated over the years, Said Stavro: "lt's my Canadian dream come true. I doubt if I would have been able to go this far with Knob Hill Farms and realize this ultimate goal in any other country in the world." Other shops and services in the facility include a Continental Cafe, European Bakery, Fresh Fish Market, Unisex [lair Salon, Shoe Repair, Bank Machine, Lot. tery/Newstand, Jewelry Shop, and Mennonite Furniture Outlet, essentially adding to the local flavor of the store, Over 350 people will be employ JIM ERB ed at the store, including full and part time. Some are transfers from other KHF stores but most are new employees from the area, The facility is called the Cam. bridge/Waterloo terminal as an indication of how Knob Hill is marketed regionally, not just locally. Shoppers are expected to come regularly from as far as Milton to the east and north of Waterloo, while tourists will cer- tainly want to see the store for its unique architecture, landscaping and international food selections. Store manager of the Cam. bridge/Waterloo Food Terminal is long-time KHF employee John D'Urzo. It will be open until 10 pm six days per week, from 9 a.m. Monday-Wednesday, 8 am. Thursday-Friday, and 7 am. Sat. urdar Of note, KHF did not open during the recent food store mow ment to wide-open Sunday shop- ping, preferring to keep Sunday as family day for Its employees, Shop King Value Centre for your super “Back Ill) School Savings†WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 199! . PAGE A15 WHERE THE SALE NEVER ENDS OVER A) STORES AND SERVICES AT KING & WATER WIS Kitchener Downtown Morr,Tues,Wed,Sat 10am -6pm Thurs.Fn 103m 79pm MALL HOURS'. 578-2300 PLAY THE FINEST AUSTRIAN FASHIONS & GIFTS 28 King St. Q wuodoo - 7255050 j SUMMERTIME _.-.. Jim . While min ttt cool 1'dl'l', Giannini", 1W Stingers will make you sizzle! 2 FOR I SUMMER DINNER BUFFET SPECIGI. 6:30 - 6 p.m. Buy 1 buffet dinner at regular price - receive 20d dinner buffet FREE! EllIl[] Every purchase over '25' ehglble to wm LUNCH BUFFET With any entree or dinner tyuttet 7 days. qwgek - 5.10 p tTI Glue Ihsnuhe Romantic Treasures Draw Jan, 2nd, 1992 SHOPPING CERTIFICA TE a try . . . " y Jun?! awe (Irwin's "5'06 Cr' F'Crc"'s OW DJDOO’ pat, l 'nr'ssip . "01001510 ant: FREE UNLIMITED Wk ““30 84 King St. N. FREE MRLK CHEESE BRMD 747-0164 wan any sandwuch Monday Frtday 1-30,an 2,00 p m Thanks to you " WV ' _ $557715? Give our ‘nibed Wag