onithith hA hh atrrliietediikibvdliertsaidh? Airibiinl intatntiint t Aubitaies ce s pesignet DESiGNnER S our DRESs 2. 90 JackErs wean SHIRTS k |sues to $295 Reg. !9, %ï¬n C Values to $165 fom * $1 99{ * ‘‘trom i 5q $29% 2 FOnÂ¥ss 7 S9¢ 2 FOR $100 V\/\/\/\ BaLl:dnce,of { from $29†N /° 0 QLASS Conestoga Mal C R' CE 2 A RAB JA gu warerLoo UNIO® ~~747â€"1290 Right after Labour Day, Class Reunion will be Moving Down The Mall to new and enlarged premises under the name of "Stars Class Reunion". We would rather sell the merchandise than move it, so we‘re offering some very special deals on our complete inventory of quality men‘s and some ladies‘ wear! We‘ve listed but a few below....So come early and see for yourself. You won‘t be disappointed!! & 644 e en( (GokS. u. use cce e y o2 se e y â€"â€"â€" _ eolAS§g _ _ _ REunyIO® Moving Down The Maill Sale 22. 9 2P t T ie mt s y Bs > un o fnf es 2 Mb s un oC 3+ flun &W'ï¬.,u,« "eufeeets en o fanctee : 3 en ons t SAE nc ocm is vom WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1991 â€" PAGE B13 \b 4, 1991 faes