He started out flying stnug-youcontrol airplanes and thought of gettmg Into gas- powered airplanes, but the Idea of them crashmg and the soaring pnce of the hobby dodrft appeal to him, However boiia and ships seemed like the next log1cal step for the hoblneat, “We bull! models 51¢;er a Ve‘x-ght years old and still have some of them 1n my basement," sand the 34-yearold hob- btest Setting sail with Captain Dave Take Captam Dave Gillesple of the Golden Triangle Marne Modelers as an example Ths Waterloo hobblest has more odds and ends m his basement than Ottawa has loomes wake 1t any way you want And when a club member needs a "hare part, Dave's the guy to see Tht/club, wluch holds meetlniiTvery 1ecend Wednesday at The Rmk m the Pete Cudhea Chronlcie Staff Somewhere between an obsesswe and ere-311w person hes the heart of a hob. bwst It goes without saymg that some kids never grow up and only thee toys become more sophxstxcated. such I! the case mth (jlilesple and members of the GTMM. Park, can also tfe found at knchene% Vctorus Park putting their cram through nus paces on. Wedn.es.day ttightss as well. PAGE Ali? A WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1991 (ttttt EARN MONEY tt you are Interested In delivering mare on Wednesday: after school. phase til I: application form and and it to our office immediately. The Fmrmile Is his pride and joy. Scratch built from ministry of defense blueprints. Gillespie admits there's more to building a boat than readittginatruc. tions and a tube of glue. He's in the process of constructing Lord Nelson's flag ship the Victory, but before he glues together the r1rat part of the ship, he's reading up on it learning the habits of the crew and the history of the ship, Just as the call of the ocean lures it's sailors, researching the a ship's history is all part of the remote<ontrol ship building be. witelunent. "A lot of oldtimers who served on boats like this during the war come up and tell me some of their experiences on this type of boat or point out the differences of my model compared to the boat they served on. Today he has scores of remote control boats as well as a couple of 1/16th scale tanks in his possession. But it's his Famnile B Type Second World War ship which gets most of the attention during Competitions The boat, sumlar to the American PT. Boat, was built In Collingwood, Ont. and used by British Commonwealth countries for coastal patrols, search and rescue and laying trunes. 'h',',"?,',,',' lrithe While the gas-powered boats go for speed with scaled down offshore racers. and sail tackles the wind, scale model boats allows a person to be captain of ocean tankers or even battleships. The GTMM, which formed in 1969 by three people in the basement of a house, has expanded to close to 25 members, with membership exceeding 50 when the op- portunity for gas-powered boats to run. Other areas of the club include scale, which Gillespie is the captain of, and sail, captained by Bruce King. Jim Hallman is the captain of the gas-powered remote- controlled boat: which at times exceed speed_s of 96 miles per hour. Although a captain, Gillespie has no naval experience. Ag a captain, he is in charge of organizing reganaa for his section, which happens to be scalemodel According to Gillespie the hobby cost range from the size and complexity of the ship adding that one could get into the hobby for just under $200, or could gm way over board and spend up to $1,000 for 5K ---= He also recalled the first ternote<ontrol sailboat he ever built. It was a learning experience especially after he put the rudder on backwards and left was right and right was left. -a i;Ua"i'C7 riuiiiiT, EEC-HE 6iiii5rE Postal Code trtrrruiaoG ouiGtiGit" - -- 201-75 Klng St. s., wnortoo. Ont NAI 1P2 or call us at: 886-2830 Age In the scale division points are deter. mined by accuracy over speed. There's also Predicited Log competition where,the operator is given a route through a cours and has to predict the time it would take him to complete it: Precision Steering - the skill of driving a boat without hitting markers: Dog Leg Channels - a canal simulated situation where points are taken off if the boat hits the side of the canal: Floating Dock - where a boat comes into the dock without hitting it and has to be a tspecifies: distance away for securing the boat to the dock. 'These competitions can be a real challenge especially if there's a wind." Anyone wishing for more information on the the orgainzation can contact Gillespie at 74741854. Members of the club, which is also affiliated with the Great Lake Model Boat Association, accumulate points over the season at various regattas throughout the province. The next big regatta to be held in Kitchener in September, will attract clubs from Toronto, Stratford, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Townsend. Plastic. wood and pGtie or a completely wooded materials also can determine the costs of the craft. tiff myie in Germany - Telephone mare-“mm