Union dues decision blow against freedom lil,,,":, LETTI Thus appalling decision, means that the big umon elm will contihgg to force dues paymg workers to associiiie with the NDP and political causes which man workers want nothing to do with, The facts Jpeak for themselves - only a small mmomy of umomzed workers vote thr the NDP at elections but the NDP is the On June 27, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that unions can use forced unmn dues to finance polmckmg which most workers oppose. Time for change A, blow has been struck agamst freedom 1n Canada PAGE 6 . WATERLOO CHRON’CLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 14, V991 “It's tune the system changed." says Waterloo Councillor Andrew Mew - Thi, system Telegdi's referring to is the way we in Waterloo region select ouvegional Tuneillots - and bets right. it need? torchange. Currently, regional councillors aren't directly elected by the voters, Instead, except in Waterloo, those who top the polls in their communities get to sit on conned, if they want to. in Waterloo this tune, those who want to sit on regional council are running as at-large candidates. The regional chairman is selected by regional council. The fatal flaw m this arrangement is simple - because they're elected by voters in their communities, too often these regional councillors are more concerned with the best interests of those eottum1rttttes than the regIon as a whole, It's panesan politics at its worst. The issues being debated and decided by the region are critical - social welfare programs. water supply, waste management. to name but a few - with implications for each of the communities in Waterloo Region, Resolving these issues requires a regional focus often mixing at time regional council table. The members of regional council should be directly elected by the people on a region-wide basis They should be forced to defend their decisions on regional xssues at election time - like every other polmcxan tn tlus country. Display Mm Maureen McNab Teresa Clemmer Gerry Mattias Don Steeves News Editor. Melodee Mamnuk Pke Cudhea (Sports editor) Kenn Adderley Debnnh Crandall Waterloo Chaomde is published every Wednesday by DITORIA C The Emmy Group Incorponled 215 mey M, s, Kmhener. (ht President: Paul Winkler 51:13 Waterloo Town Square 75 King St. South, Suite 201 Waterloo, Ontario N2) 1P2 Telephone News Line Fax. No. 886-2830 886-3021 886-9383 WWW BillKames Jerry Mr Ray Laban Greece“! Rick Campbell Lu.-.." Mia u...- Opposmg him were: the Canadian La. bour Congress: the National Union of Ptovincial Government Employees; the Ontario Federation of Labour: the Ontario Public Service Employees' Union; the Confederation of National Trade Unions and the Attorneys-general of Canada, Ontario and Quebec. Subscription rates $40 yearly in Canada, tfi) yearly oumde cm. + (IST Do you mlnways have a shot ii the pennant? 'Tm not particularly a base. ball fan, so I’m not particular ly a Blue 'Jays fan, I rmd baseball boring. Everybody just. stands around most of the time." Karsten Butzmuehlen Germany "Hum I ean't mm you.l don't really follow the Blue Jars." Tom Pundnud Kitchener The Chronicle is proud of its tradition of accuracy and fair play but does ac- knowledge the possibility of error. Con- structive criticism of news, opinions and advertising is welcome in hopes that all complaints can be resolved. Those who feel furtheractionisneededshouldaddress the Ontario Press Council, 4th Floor, 36 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario MM) 2L9. . A swat-"A SLIPPERYSLCPE, BUTAT tEASf IT’S A 5TART / " w Press Council "l think so. Yeahftamd off a little slow, b I think they're going to start now." "I guano. .Yonh. I think so. They’re doing good. Doing bad now, but they’ll come ua." 1.. Fi_trgera_ld Terry Home Kitchener Witerloo