I Electing two extra city councillors in in cost from $5,000, which pays for a faces of delegations onto the screen for 4 the upcoming election may improve the simple extension of the horseshoe by all to see, wireless microphones for " electoral system for the voters in two places, to $196,150, which would those same delegations, three devices Waterloo, but it's also going to cost the buy a complete high-tooh for the hearing impaired and, last but taxpayers some extra money - communications and video system, a not least, an electronic voting tally anywhere from $6,000 to $120,000. total redesign of council chambers to system where councillors merely push Yousse,theadditionoftwomcre impmveaightlinesandspaceaswell artornoruttmtonakeypadhisrtead councillors is causing some practical as the two extra places to sit. of raising their hands to a vote, difficulties, at city hall. Simply put, The communications and video But riaeally responsible councillors there's no where for them to sit and system. at a cost of $112,050, includes: decided-to forgo the Cadillac, the current design of the golden a ceiling mounted projector, an (luxurious but too pricey) proposal, horseshoe in the council chambers electronic screen behind the mayor's opting instead for the basic service doesnt allow for simply shoving in two chair, individual viewing monitors at Chevy (well, maybe a Kw). extra chairs. each councillor’s seat, a video 'Tm going to support this (option AI Enter the architects and four options presentation system to not only display for two reasons." said Mayor Brian for resolving the problem. They range relevant data but also to beam the Turnbull, "and the rtrgt reason is cost; JS Rollerblade, l Chamber overhaul needed to seat new fg,t,,ig,r,i,tgoI,tg,,1tgr,t,g,ilt,t',,1t £1333 ?eeoefi.e.rltihtyeiorc, H,ttotdelmpt,iotu 0?†y mesa for THE IN-LINE SKA¥E EXCHANGE Monuonhundomwonmmdbrmmmon 'te: 1t,1'.1,1te, In 'ttidle:',',',',' "l'JPt.ttpl century, mm , 9..un - W). mm by can“ We buy and sell New & Used ln-Line Skates & Accessories - We take trade-ins, too! PRECISION IN~LINE SKATES BBUEI.‘ "The committee believes there is considerable evidence leading to the conclusion that the needs, of business in Kitchener and Water, loo can be better served by a new entity than the two existing orga- nizations. A new entity would, in the ammittee'a opinion, provide a more focused structure and resources to help propel the K.W business 0°“th into the 21st century," em e report. A final decision will be made in early September once all the votes have been counted. If the recommendation is swepted by the members. a committee will begin the yj,trttteeiiitiiot,tiis. {luggintely witty a target of July The new organization would “incorporate the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses†of both current chambers, says the committee‘s report, while creat. ing a stronger lobbying power and a more fUeally responsible ortptnization. (Continued from page 1) Chamber Salaried says he still wants to hold an event for students and will now look at alternative plans. One option, he said, is to hold a smaller street dance in the parking lot of Stingers. "I tried to stress the fact that this isn't an orientation event just for new students,†said Seig. fried, “It’s an event for all Au. dente, to welcome them back, and tuP" people in the area as we ." (Corinna! from page 1) 'Tve already had calls from people in the area who have concerns about such an event," said Coun. Susan Forwell, "and I would like to see Uptown take a more creative and safe approach to gmactipg students." Coun. Joan McKinnon, who seconded Forwell's motion to deny the request, said she appre- ciated Stingers attempts’ to prom- ote the Uptown area but said she had to respect the student court. cils of the universities and their attempts to limit alcohol-related events. Street But riaeally responsible councillors decided.to forgo the Cadillac, (luxurious but too pricey) proposal, opting instead for the basic service Cheyy (well, maybe a Kw). Basic dun: Erwimetment a4A5agaearu, These volunteers will be col. lecting donations for the $21. million complex. which will include a 350th arena, ar Volunteers from the Waterloo Recreation Complex fund-rais- ing campaign will be joining in the festivities of the "Ontario Chicken & Rib Cook Off, to be held at Regina and Herbert Streets beginning on Thursday and continuing through the weekend, from 11 tin. until 1 The Complex Situation WATERLOO CHRONDCLE. WEQNESDAV. AUGUST 14 We're in a tough budget year and we'll be lucky to get by without cutting services. The second thing is. we have to ask ourselves can we do without tt and I think the answer is yes It's not perfect, however, under the old way of doing things our current system 18 pretty good." Council asked the architects to come back with price tag on only a portion of the video system such as the screen. the wireless microphones and 51: devices for the hearing impaired instead of just three. The two $6,00iy seats will be added sometime before the November election, councillors Enjoy some chicken and ribs at this exciting event and sup port the Waterloo Recreation Complex with your donation! The "Chicken & Rib Cook Off" is a competition between local and American restaurants who will bejudged by a panel of experts on several aspects of preparing chicken and nbe for the public. People attending the Cook ORV/ill be able to vote on their favorite restaurant, Err tertainment will be provided by the Paul James Band on Thurs day, Andrew Cash on Fnday. and Strange Days on Saturday metre pool With amenmes 550-seat banquet hall and four person meetmg rooms Orgamz era of the "Clucken & Rib Cook Off" have selected the Waterloo Recreation Complex campmgn " the only charity on have fundraising volunteers " the event. Itr91. PAGE 3