Chiii'iriiicle Keren Adderley Chronicle Staff The membership of the Kitchener and Waterloo Chambers of Commerce are being mod to decide this week whether the two organizations should amalgamate, a move that could begin as early as September if it is approved by both chant. Chamber members vote on merger The boards of directors from both cham- bers have already approved the idea, which came as a recommendation from a joint committee made up of representatives from both chambers, but the idea must also be accepted by the general membership, says Waterloo Chamber President Eugene "The board has accepted the recommen- dation, so now it's up to the membership," says Maser. "There will some against it and some for it but the final decision is theiri" The committee that proposed amalgama. tion of the two chambers was struck after the issue was raised again this year. It isn't a new question for the two organiza. tions, says Maser, but it was one they took very seriously. _ - - “The idea has been around for years but nothing was ever really done," explained Maser. "It came up again and this time, there was enough interest in it to warrant some serious consideration. The committee looked at all the issues and recommended policing the two chambers with one Bill Gladwish. president 091m Kitchener Chamber, says his membership is also being polled on the recommendation and, while there "may be some negative reac- tion," Gladwiah says most of the member- ship seems positive about the move. - Telegdi any! regional fami- citing Mild!» My 9 caged Waterloo' Councillor Andrew Telecdi we rsioel 90W: by the people they serve, in. 'ludirtgturegionalehairman, artdheheUaoatrmtgir about ithawuuthoqmstionputto Cook tht offers four days of food and fun Telegdi. calls for referendum on system of electing regional reps (thmtittu.donpetts3) Pages a referendum in Waterloo. "I think it’s about time the Telegdi put forward a notice people of this region had a any of motion at Monday'e council in regional government. Reg. meeting which will be voted on ional council has been parochi- at the next meeting on Sept. 9. al and it ian't politieally BC. If passed. two questions will _ countable and I think that appear on the municipal ballot needs to change." asking residents to voice their Currently, regional council- opinions. lore are elected but only in a Garden project produces veggies and builds pride Dun-devil “about†tom won agar: of the tun at Saturday's Tin Can Jam hold at k1'fl,'lllbtrd Arena. ovum. created to help support gtrent'eottlrtg local bands. Mum! fhm bands Includlng t%tetttttt'it WW and The Prolec. m m M H4 Naterloo. Ont Page 10 EnttHtttlrttmmt 'I...'......... Communlty B................... Short story 5 B . usmess W...................... secondary way. The top munie. " ipal councillors, those who re- , g ceived the most votes in their Ida-, individual communities, along F. '. _ with the mayor, art gent in f" proportional numbers. The reg- p?“ N ional chairman, however, is l . t i., J not elected but appointed by , (Continued on - 2) Andrew Telegdi 10 15 22 23 MEMO MU) LWY 5 Advertising mlexnenu delivered with i totught's Waterloo Chronicle: Zebra' Seigfried's proposal also included plans. to donate an admlaswn fee to the Waterloo Recreation Complex but, despite hls good intentions, ctty staff had some problems with the proposal. In a report to council. recreation and culture comrmssaoner Kathy Durst said one problem was endors ing an event for students Involving alcohol "In some umversny faculues as many as 65 per cent of {rash are under age As. a result of this and past experiences, both universities have worked hard In change the focus of orientation week events from those involving alcohol to those wlnch do not, Those activities which involve alcohol art preferred on campus," said the report City rejects street dance for students Durst also questioned Seigfhed's em mates for an attendance of 1,000-2,000 people, putting the figure closure to 3.000 4.00_0 new and returning studenw "The potential for neighborhood thstur, bance 18 equally as great for an event of this nature. There are a number of maiden tial unns above uptown businesses and holding this event on Thursday evemng should generate concern." "lt's a great way to "use student's awareness of Uptown and what It has to offer, The merchants I've spoken with are behind the idea and some m†be Involved in the event, handing out thmgs and contributing door prizes ', Karen Adderley Chronicle Staff Stingers Dine and Dance Restaurant m Uptown Waterloo Will have to find another way to welcome back the universuy stu dents after city council retected a requesi tgtr a portion of King Street for a sum Bill Selgfried, manager of Stingers appeared before city councd m request closure of a portion of ng Street between Erb and Dupont Streets to hold a heenseo atreet dance and barbeque for local unlver- sity students The dance, said Seigfrsed, would help tame the student population's 8wyenee of the Uptown area. Tlttirstiar's weather Mostly sunny, High, 30 C. 'Seleuod "an only (Wanna-33) J lw was