Meet the '90s first heavy-metal super group. On paper, guitarists Michael Schenker (Scorpions. Are', and Traci Lords ILA. Guns), drummer Bobby tzer (Rah). bassist Share Pedersen (Vixen) and vocalist Richard Black (Shark Island) seem like an oddball aggregation. Their experience shows. how. ever. as these seasoned rockers deliver stream- lined, ttte$ttltHg-ttttFmad heavy metal that avoids cliches without breaking any new ground. Their original numbers don't match up to the covers. the bestoiwhichisaspiritedrenditionotMottThe Hoople‘s anthemic All The Way From Memphis. Opposite Waterloo Square Open g to 9 Mon. - PH. My: till 6 pm. This enigmatic Bdtish duo has tended to be too sen-consciously arty for their own good. Dave Vital Statistics: bomlune 9, 1984 Milena-(Alli! 'dlikeone .'li'i"G'c,l'dC2,l"d,1'i1d 90hr .lttestbeatmger, Murmur RlttaatsttftNtner .41/Trres)95r0irtsaxk)plusaetess 12y_tdiikmtxxAs'mtm'nt .6JM)custnertetsretefveauritee Having tired of wearing his electro-pop hat. Men‘s main man Ivan Doroehuck turns in the synthesizers and turns up tttttguitars. With' the addition of Voivod drummer Michel Langevin and guitarists Felix Matte and John Kastner. the band has undergone a maior renovation. The perky synth-pop of the past has been replaced by guitardominated rock which. given titles like The Van Der Graaf Generation Blues and Diamond Head-thefomteramfemnartome 703 British art-rock band. the latter the name of a great early 703 record by Roxy Music's Phil Manzanera - is something of an ode to Dor. oshuck's musical infiutmtms, Sideways is forward thinking from a band not afraid to look backwards. Greatest Hits Eurythmics Sideways Men without Hats Contraband 100 King M. South Sideways is a move forward for those Men Without Hats 884-BOOK L2665) ' FAIRWAY RO & WILSON - TOYS R US PLAZA - KITCHENER. a ea “I ’ - 1 ‘ ‘ r - O) A ‘ Jr ' a L A a.- I O - a 2 . _ - , - Ll. I " tRe, (ll Ll fi t:tit. L». 'rr, A F: '-ru, rs‘ , L “Live Entertainment" , Authentic Hawaiian Music ' Floor Shows 9W RESTAURANT GRAND OPENING FEATURE “ALOHA-FIST" DIN! I: DANCE AllGIlS‘I’ " " I: " ‘lee Entertainment" tttit AuthertNe Hmnihn Mncir- A. :1... mm“. 893-8884 It anything warms the heart, it's Aaron Neville's angelic voice. Here he steps out of his role as protagonist with The Neville Brothers tor a solo venture that's nothing short of breathtaking, Even after twenty-live years of hitting those unforgettable high notes, his voice is no worse for the wear, Fact is, it's seldom sounded better. Warming Your Heart is his crowning achievement. Stewart's penchant for changing musical direction and the cham-eleonic Annie Lennox's vocal style have too often left the impression the pair lack direction. That said, Stewart and Lennox also have made some great music together. Most of it is included in this indispensable greatest hits collec- tion. Missionary Man, Sweet Dreams, Here Comes The Rain, they're all here. And one thing is perfectly clear after hearing these and the other 15 tracks. Annie Lennox is one fascinating singer, Who else can sound like Anne Murray one minute and Aretha Franklin the next. Warm Your Heart Aaron Neville Ross MacDonald is a Cambridge freelance writer. Flaming Volcano" “Monet! ourspeelatty JNilil'a, t,,f,d(,C,,,lir:ciit.i "Try lip-ink Oriental Cuisine Welcome to our NEW Restaurant! - -e """""""wsf%-r'V-HrTVcr" _l'rl 1v .---------------J - r---------------' A 3313 _ "an"! nu. 5 WILSON usual at†RESTAURANT ms It' us PLAZA - "mums if 'ii'/,i,iii"i' 19i" 'iii)) (i,iii',i,ii"i"i,'"i,iii'il " WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IA, 1991 I? BUFFET JiiWiia%iTa"iG 'lid Gee Butiun siittiiti, "The New Standard of Great Times" 955 K! BUY ONE ENTREE FROM OUR REGULAR MENU AND GF ' A SECOhD ENTREE (OF EQUAL VALUE OR LESS? "FREE" NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT OR WOMONON OFFER VALE) UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15TH 1991 Ty - I \5 a an: n 1 & tp _ Karoake Showtime nggrv l: . . a, " Video Sungalong 5 pub-1am A fri"Sot.ttlteapm.1am 04»fo Sunny nit. 8 pm . 1 am ' \ so King St. N., yam†886-3350 BEASTAR' r,'vr,, o 'u"'"., Plus, d mm of Ins/7 keceessness & DRINK I GREAT SPORTS ON GIANT SCREEN I GREATMUSIC WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU COMBINE: I GREAT FOOD Hamlet-WM "