fhe Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. NEEDED: Craft Assistants. If you enjoy working with frail Volunteering . ' . A Great Way To Grow. Br ,ohpttaering, you can brighten the lives of many, helping youreeli' and your com- munity to grow. The Volunteer Action Centre of kitehener.Wa. terloo can help match your inter. est and skills with qteeitie jobs for volunteers in 200 community organizations and programs. For information on these and other yolunteer opportunities, contact Visit our factory outlet in Paris and discover why thousands of home- owners and builders browse and buy from us at wholesale prices. Our outlet sells seconds, cabinets, vanities, countertops, cabinet door fronts, comer cabinets and lots of other aAAAAAAMlhN kitchen components. Save on ‘seconds, overrUns and discontinued ilftlMriiriti'i f.b- DL- dd..- 44.1... - --.l --... Shop King Value Centre for your super “Back To School Savings†1Mle4t)gTtMrlgNIrggiN1a8 ATKING‘WATERSTREE'I‘S We are an all-lings Insurance Brokerage. Before you renew yoqr MO Phllllp Sum WW. N2L " WBEMTtrEi1AI2rtaMNtgtatt, HOME q AUTO . BUSINESS Insurance. Call us and compare. LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU. MALL HOURS: Mon., Tum., Wed., Sat. 10 tlan. . 8 pan. Than, Fri. 10 mm. - 9 pan, .127 . Replace q Rebuild . Convert . . Update 0 Redesign VOLUNTEERS Kitchener Downtown 578-2300 40 SPRUCE ST., PARIS Monday-Friday 9:00-9:00, Saturday 9:00-4:30 ER VICE 8 F'A VINGS PLAY items. Take the drive today - and save. , STRIWLER-SPE usuaA/vcs BROKERS we. 442-3118 FACTORY OUTLET 747-9947 'iii,' gram. The frail elderly craft program is held Wednesday hom 12:45 to 2 pan. and the head injury group is held Friday from 1 to 2 pm. You may choose which pyogralrL you wish to assist (115W volunteer position will interest you. You will be participating in senior outing day program. This prop-gm gives panic“ who would be otherwise home bound an opportunity to socialize and inter- act with other people. Cram form an impo_rtant port of their pro- 435 Camou- Rd., Waterloo "The It“! In Winn" Driptree OR less drip OIL RUST PROTECTION LIFETIME RUST PROTECTION WARRANTIES COMPETITIVELY PRICED RUNNING BOARDS, HOOD GUARDS, BOX LINERS & BOX MATS ae-ifttas 886-3881 PROJECT "s, I UR i,i,itl CAR wasp-um Bmttg.tttr%tNr you're my. IOSSLIN INSURANCE BROKERS,’ Taking Care t Your Family BM “The insurance ----... pron]? you'll hatt- ‘. l, a†New hamburg manna: 'avmoci b6t-itr44 8g3-lijir/ 65572317 ACROBATS thmltto ,lrmllli,lllii!, sl!.::!,,!,, m JUGGLERS OPENING FESTIVITIES KIDS BAY MIMES MUSICIANS MAGICIANS a CB A ‘n\\‘g Scan thlu Kitchener Saturday, August 24 Thursday, August " 7:00 pm. KING A HERBERT STREET WWW ' llpTown BAY Waywmun BIA r 7 Into {REFORM Hotl PART K,.,,, 322: LITERATURE AVAILABLE WATERLOO 091W. WAY. AUGUST IO, 1001 . PAGE t) OUbO o' Cedar 2n "1t'"r-doe,andthirasmpaex 'teeditmmt-ourrouth." MarkSdtumadter 0 anvassCaptain it (RyrtnantiSmbam) Itectrt Scum»: WWTNPWFM FIRE NIGHT Friday, August 23 Saturday (Dusk) Chit"iriicle 11NMm-50t)pm FquMwm WHENâ€: Sponsored by: r1ieeriiftra Complex Bianca-w Information Hotl ines: 885-1 907 886-7068