Experience :he "ltts, mums and sttteils of an old fashioned threshtng bee and the work 1f bruupng In the fruits and vegan ables at Summer Harvest. August 18 from IO am Lu 430 pm at Donn Heritage Summer Harvest at Doon Crossroads F R E E D a ctmtuentuu iuppon group Cor Mendez tnd relatawes of mdmduals mm nun: 41:0th guth AS more“: Vienna‘s " auhmm. mll meg! August S m :he and mom of " Hospttal auditormm, Park ,treet mum. at , p m For mfur F.R.E.E.D. meeting 'u6trNtttte 30.10.: - Root M. “A“ - 99" tttr W new 3mm "artrqs. Mid-w. Annm~ who: Germ Cam. 70,5717 PAGE A22 . WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7. 1991 vacuum A "tttve, sum "9nt cam about you For _ ?"lo and we. {>er We, can PKWY mum Fan-Iv ' Omicron a Sqrereos, 57m Dubai In. 742-035" HMO 'NDoqttt - Samoa: at not». or bum at your 3m by calmed Wu Mom. ante once: Call 9361027 LOW COUPLE can: to Adopt Wm You! Mt ml 5. m .0. "was Cul when, won-rugs, “m or ivan, um " so .6615: 'rGuiia;ii?f 1MMt$0tuM mm Annual Cull Show and sun Sal “guanine Sen A0903! 50* ott good and wrung Boer may Thrft Shoo TO? King Slyâ€! East, new (was: him Ea- ton.) 1000““ -5‘oopm any Wed At your W.M JG Contact pom-st Phone 70-5897 M? 5717 150mm stwtrrtq Soot-moo: at The Book." School Ages a and up Tumor Dana 5mm." B Mus COM 575340 or 7259665 ANNUAL SUMMER SALE! 143tmtuLlttmttgtt0tt 113m 1s3MMilltttmrtrtt ST. JACOBS ARENA CRAFT SHOW GUITAR LESSONS al Nita-yr! 1.5m TM Mutiny of Twat! has warmed a planning study for Highway 86 bum St, Jacobs and Elma Th-lofty-triot-tmeme-ttttttet-ttow-tte Public Ittf6mtatirm Centre held at St. Jacobs on July I9. 1989 A Dan Envirmmenul Assessment Report is hem; ctmuhled lu 5mm "can: for tTeWW ma comment Followm; canpkuon or the Draft Revew we. the report wtll be manned to the Mrmstry of the Envrmnmcm. for the femur rtvtew and approval prom: of the Envirrmmqntal Amt Act. A copy of the Dan Ertrirxmmental Amt Report ts nimble for pubhc revrcw. during norm] harness hours. a the following locum“: Reports] Mumcipnhty of Waterloo Township of Woolwrch Cierk's Omce Clark} Omce 20 Ettt Street West 69 Arthur Street South Wanton. Omaha Elmira. Ontario Elma-I Pubhc Ltunry St, “can Public Lrbnly 65 Arthur Street South 29 Queen Street South Shun. 0mm St, Jacobs, Omar-to The NVIN paiod for the Dun Enetttrttmetttal Assessment Report will end on October 18. 1991. If you have any quantum. comm or comments ahoutthepmtetorttteteport.peasecottoetusattheatstttrss-, itemtx October 18th Mr A,M. Sew-LI. P, Eng Pt'opct Mm Minmy MTmmtmrtatirm 659 Exeter Road P th Box 5338 Lawton. Omano N6A SH2 Tekphone: 5t9AU9-300g.Ext 1234 orle Free: 1-80iF265.6072, Ext, 3234 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE COMPLETION OF HIGHWAY STUDY The ("Amman Hanna Society 15 offertng ugh language classes m September at the Society omee, 222 Frederick St , Klmhencr Cult w $86 for the course, $55 for student mammals Call 74.46811 for more mformt Hearing association sign language classes hon Albert McCorka Community Centre 13 theplaeeurbeAuguat l4at230pm fora luke rodeo featuring A cycling safety pre wnmwn by Wuerluu regwnal police. followed by a barbecue muck a burgers sth p m Burger barbecue and bike rodeo 135m Adults. thmkmg about I change? ihaeov. er your education Ind career Wm» use " free mformuon sen-Ions held by Conestoga College and the Waterloo Coun. ty Baud a! Bducmon to August g Call Mount Zion Lulherln Church mll hold I vmzwn bible school for boys and girls tau 5-12,Auguatt2 to August 16 from $1115 a m Can I3 $10 per Child I36 for each addiuottal eluld from the sum funny, For more mformwon. call Mount Lon It 88tr 3820 or Anne Woolner at 6994362 Investigate your career options 742 1751. en. 150. tor more InimauonV Mount Zlon vacation bible school NEEDED 10 FIELD MANAGERS to Waste"! Ontario who um to "trt mg my Tim wowed Huh EXPERIENCED PARAMEDICAL EXAMNERS “(and pan-hm. tor molt ate-0mm “In“, Mum-cur: Hula annual. car nae-um Cal Tammy ll mun I500-665<TEST NEED EXTRA tttt CLM Cum mas Domomvamrs to sttil Ian and ipits at Home Pam" No Inmtmem or eloquence locum Eilabllshed many Call today (5t9)2M-7905 AREA DISTRIBUTOR Fol Ballworms and Environmental onducls Early and Ecology RR“ 5mm“, Omaha LOR 2AO, Phone (4165434252 TRAIN TO MANAGE an attattrnttrtitCgttdomtmuttt buulqu Many mos avauable Wnre tor no momma RM?! 1901 I wage St Toronto Onlano MSE vw7 IS TRUCKING FOR YOU Lars discus: ll (ruroducog “landed pmqrnms and cum Courses Call WWI-am at 1 800265 7173 Matte! Tratong Systems FREE career gum Io hammuudy Btrrtttsporttittrtptt Ooplomn causes Accounllng, Aucondmomng, Botahktttrprtt9, Business. Cosmetology, Electron-cs LoqavMerttcal Secretary. Psyettoloqy, Travel Stanton (SA) 263 Adelina) Won Torrmtw l BOO 950 1972 CARPE'HNG A FULL HOUSE OF CARPET 4 rooms up ID " srryds St,899 No Payment ml '92 DAG Includu Unwvad 5 Installation Con-am Cam! omen t, 8tXN56b7336 FOR SALE AMAZING NEW PRODUCT' Your dog Ml May on your Wm Without Dang Mtt At FREE an“ CAN U K HRH Mammal». KOL ICO, Faxi613)332-r375 WATER PURIFICATION CUSTOM RURAL TREATMENT Rusty, molly. ham WI.†Sum"? Nun-.7 emu"? Fttt gunman "mus call "I. wow mm was The Pure Swot Wald Co. m ImmPURE. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Can?“ or any lnatvldual province. Space Is lened. so Call This Newspaper Today! PERSONALS MENIEFIE’S mom - _ Mum. tinmtut) mm but mm mm!“ mm *1qs, My Last 1979 Oct-Ila PA, Lolobm. 1H7 LIDHI'd. W. Ont, KN ma. CHINA NORITAKE SALE' Tamil: thtatttttts on qtgttqttt ml Dolnvuod won-mod. mm Fa Mu " on your Nomah-ttmrtmAhrattrtart"T'ttottrttaloiutteri, Tomato. Tm vmzuuu. Ocoumonl Condos. Hounkupm Ittetutud. Indoor Pools, Whom; Saunas. Tm. WI' Cum. Go! â€6(an Ronni: Malabar PM W. " 900445653 C0MtNGEVENTS C0ESSAANT1OuESt4OWSun.A-ttthram-4 mursmmuwvo‘zmuo. 10 mt: and mum (613)200-1161 [spawn-a Occulvom Condos. Rowan" Mnhmdw. VACATIONS SOUTH CAROLINA-MYRTLE such Rum CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE CAREER TRAINING HELP WANTED ms FAST . ms EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG . CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. Hue you experienced a bereavement? The Waterloo Reipon Bereavement Coum a) need- volunteers to ma! others who have experienced the death of a spouse, ehild, parent or loved one. If you In interested in helping others, write. g1vmg irtfarmausm About yourself, Irene OToole, 185 King St. S., Waterloo. N2L 237 Bereavement council seeks volunteers Want to name your Communication kills? the Waterloo Silver Tongues Toast mum Club meets August 8 and Augusu 22 from 7:30 pm in 930 pm " Wing 404 RC,A.F.A. Rotary Adult Centre. 510 Dub ton Brave, Waterloo, Sllvor Tongues Toastmaster Club MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE tot. Homeownoul Pay oh anus, Cred-t Cards! Enamel. Borrow $10000. Repay $165 monthly' No Ouahlymg Hun"! Call Innnmn (416) 6509455, (Tallinn 1-800-263~u29 mm. mm. cum-Mg For We value, £6553 mums . Wily (416) 626479 an: 6pm, who“. Fm mun Chosen "STEEL BUILDINGS OUONSETS s Models A Straqhtwalls' Many sues Io choose trom, Var Value. Quality and Intognry. one phone call I 600665-8653 Futulo SttNy swung: A-t PRE.ENG BQILQING? INC New [100: BEST BUILDING PRICES Steel SHINE“ Type . not quorum Jame $5920 dh64 38556 50196 $t5a3t, 601120 $2l 270 "0norpttndaNe enthsl, other was avavlnbk‘ Mum-d MCNtl Vinegar. . 24 Hours HE“) 263 8499 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Duran Nam laclary Frog ovmhnaa doc: Io hrs: [on Io purehaso our 25:30 steel buudmg lor $2.71! Other was avallahla at wtular savmgs onmm/Econosnan I 600666 5422 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE 20X30 $2632. 25X36 $3762; 33X40 $5058. IOXEO $707t Prrco mcluda Steel Emma": and All Taxes Paced In dear Cal 11800668 4338 o! "ui)tN2-2100 EXTRA INCOME! Cum bum: In your bum! at omen Odorleu opovauonl Low Invulnmu. Mam: gulunlud' Free mlttrrtutittrt. Early Bird Ecnlcqy, R R ll. Smmwle, 00m. LOR 2AO, (4t6)6l4262. LIMITED OFFER Dew and “marshy: mil-able now Would you ' to buy , 4' “tall!" duh-s, ctmtplttNt mm " electronic: " low " 5567 (403) Mo. Stay home um '450s any Vanavy a! you: madam Cal " how we"; (418)501-a803 mi annual imam-d I'n Inning ntoddtsdut%"s uniqu- onlorpnso" Sue A Ian-l cow-pooh at your fer' w Slot G, PO. Bot Mt. 05km, Oman. uv MUSICAL INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO Now homo study course Fast. any memos Gulflntood' FREE mlocm-uon Wm. Popular Must Slade 102. 3284 Bouqttett. Road, Km. BC. VIZ 2M2. EARN up Ttysstr,txxtoymsroGtpirtu/GiGG- an mpws. goal-ct: Bantu M1, 1142:). M An. Wu}. Mwiiéif. -iikm INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY to amount. I "I" may lo: a program: tt$rt.-r cinnamon. s-lu, potion must on a "I! “In" mm an .tttret.unat TIm Show W m mung satroom.osairartoranmmrGGr SALES HELP WANTED 'o-FIGURE INCOME ' “Imam Music and Via-o Company alpandlng "tttt Canada, Naad highly mom“ mmumd was pawl. and :1an Pan-m or Mame 1-519-9u-2800 " ht lint. mm. mom-Mom 2741mm '11.r%"ttt,U9W2'u we) 741-175; aqsmess OPPORTUNITIES Jmn the September campaign mum the number one chrome health problem, mhn. us. If you have arthritis and need Inform- uon. or I! you In able to volunteer " a coordinator or in my other â€puny, please telephone The Arthritis Sociay at 743. Wing 404 R.CAr.A, Row-y Adult Ceu, tre needs help preparing for Its annual Christmas boutique and bake sale held in ttntrNovember You don't have to be "eraf, ty" to help out every Thursday from 9 arm. to 8 pm, ibrmg your own lunch.) For more mformation, call Chris Barker It 8886356. Arthritis Society gears up for fall Campaign Christmas cmft bees MORTGAGES