"Bu-ut, but -" he spluttered a confused look on has face "We were tnplets TF Turnaby nodded. trymg to cum- prehend. as he watched the figure diepper through the doors The eyes, he thought, there was wmethxng 1n the eyes, though It was only there for a fraction of a second. a glazed sort of look, He had seen that look before - on the Short story PA. AN . mumoo was. WY. AUGUST r. m1 the cnmc He Just Couldn‘t take " dnymore Fr l got up and [all ‘l'm glad they'll put hlm In the lsylum , How dui you know all "rtts?, furnaby asked suspxcmm NEEDED: Day Program Assir tant/Piano Player Your help is needed m a day program for 12 developmentally handicapped se- mors. Dunes would Include as. stating wrth activities, such as crahs and games. preparing and helping serve mormng coffee, nefrieruhng and somalizmg with 384-7470 Volunteering . _ A Great Way To Grow By volunteering, you can bnghten the lives of many, helping yourself and your com munity to grow. The Volunteer Action Centre of Kitchener-Wa. taloo can help match your Inter as: and skills with speei& jobs for volunteers in 200 commumty trons and programs. For $310!: on these and other volunteer opportunities, contact the Volunteer Action Centre at 742.8610 MO WEBER Fl., WATERLOO . Pam Dr. s. at Notthml0 Dr.) , eyes narrowing I. tyned. obligong, "I am his "tti) AUTO-HAUS WATERLOO LTD. Pay 44% loss per “omens With a Galt or Jute Diesel compared to equivalent gasoline mod ears.' ""-"-otxsmtmrmeotot--at-t-,-,,-a, may“ “5mm." 1992 Jean (it Dktaet 'l3,715" OLUNT Don't pay through the hose. For Immediate Delivery -iiMil" ' -lttqtr (ir) “a ' 1392 , , 3,1151! Ct',9 blow Tam. 09000:. P Chl. A new“ Extra I sanded for I really duin't care what the verdict was. Nothing mattered anymore I had done what had to be done It was all over now! Lookmg up I met the cold hostile eyes of the audience. To them, I should hang. But was I so wrong to lull my brother than to have him an mvalid for the rest of his life? "An act of kmdness bei an act of love." cited the counsel for the defense, at _the, Inquest, E faces of desperate would~be mur, derers Turnaby felt a sudden chill No, Julius would've wanted it that way! 0h, did I mention that my name IS . T V BRUTUS. seniors Also needed is a piano player who enjoys playing songs from the '30s, '40s, and '50s This program operates Mondays from 9:30 to 2:30 (except statutory holidays). The piano player is needed once a month. Please consider volunteering with this friendly, fun-loving group. <073DD/EE) NEEDED: Hospitality volun- teer. August 2225, the annual Bunkers Carnival will be held in uptown Waterloo. Your help is needed to be a hospitality volun- teer, meeting and greeting pee ple, and generally providing good old Waterloo hospitality. A two. hour time commitment is all that is required. Volunteer orientation will be held August 14. 1991 from T Ftrt. to 9 pm, See you at the Buskers Carmval, XConunwd from page A5)