"One of the things the city wants to do is concentrate on the universities and the business that is generated from them. If our recommendations are followed by the government, there is no doubt there will be an impact on Water. loo." '86 Subaru an. 065 And many of the task force recommendations, if carried out by the federal government, will have a direct impact on Waterloo, especially those dealing with in. creasing research and _develop. ment program. says Kellam. (Continued trom page A3) est rates; oecirie measures to encourage research, technological development and innovation; the removal of trade barriers within Canada; external trade initia. tives to help Canadian business, compete globally; a federally led process to unite government, bus iness, labor, education and rr. nance; a buy-Canadian program. 5 spd, SIR. PAY, cassette 339 . Cart. . Warranty . Plum City Call Herb Epp for all your real estate needs: . RESIDENTIAL . COMMERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL 0 RURAL ' CONSULTING SERVICES BUYING OR SELLING? Recently, I was driving on a highway when a car passed and pulled in front of me. In the back window was a sign saying "Baby On Board." While there was Mdfieietit space to fit the car between myself and the car ahead of me, there was not tsufficient "safe" space. This common action annoyed me, as it usually does; however, I was further annoyed because of that sign "Baby On Board." We were travelling at 80,000 metres per hour (22 metres per second). My safe distance was roughly 30 metres, allowing me approximately a second to avoid hitting the car ahead of me if it were to come to an abrupt stop. Mr. or Mrs. Baby On Board reduce my expectations of avoiding injury by more than one half. Why does a loving parent package their family into a box of glass and steel and hurtle themselves at 80,000 or 100,000 metres per hour amidst a flurry of other such families? The child, fairly new to this human way of thinking and no control over what his Herb lipp Associate Broker Co-operation unlikely between motorists and cyclists ogik 570-1600 res. 746-4363 '3988 " -____ .-_....° 'uy mutual]. So what does this have to do with bicycles, you ask? Simply this; with the poor judgements of all the Mr. and Mrs. Baby On Boards frequenting the roads and with all the other inane decisions that the population of car drivers enact on the roads, it would seem impossible to have any long lasting cooperation between bicyclists and automobilists. Why would a bicyclist on two thin wheels, 15 pounds of metal, and a slow moving vehicle want to foray into the arena of Mr. and Mrs. Baby On Board? The poor judgement of the designers and maintainers of all the apparatus belonging to the commuter group compounds the inability for cy- clists and automobilists to coexist safely. Each summer people debate the car/bicycle issue, yet I believe it will be impossible to resolve until the basis of cooperation (human behavior) can become sensible and cooperative. loving parents have decided; do to her or him, has all the good sense to demand that the trip be put to an and shortly after leaving the driveway. Q. w..Lasa a-, All, I A * -- - _ Neil Patterson Waterloo (cii] SuperStore [,,(,(F)(jjii)2r, tiii0rtill' WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 f Cedar Sale I The Area's Cedar SuperStore] 210 Regina St N, Watedoo 885-1711 - waft)? . 6 Grades, Everything in Cedar! . Clear, Near-Clair, Knotty Cedar . 1/2 Price Boards, End Cuts, Etc . Whirlpools UP TO 60% OFF ' THATS (i') HOW MANY _ CANADIANS WATER SKIERS 1991 . PAGE A7 IE