The past four days have been lonely here. All of my brothers and sisters have been sold and are gone to live in nice warm houses. How nice it was when we were all together. We would get up early to see if our food dish had been filled and if it wasn’t we would bark and yowl until someone came down and filled it, After we ate, we would sneak into the chicken coop and chase the chick. I woke up hom my long sleep and opened my eyes to see two strangers staring at me! All of a sudden I got very excited and started barking and rolling over! The faces were friendly and hap. py. I was sure that they were going to take me to their home. Hi, I'm Sumo a German Shep- herd. I was born just ten and a half weeks ago on a farm. I had four sisters and three brothers. The people from the farm thought that one dog was enough, so after ten weeks with my family, all the dogs except my mother were brought to the Penal-e Pound. A home l Lenoox air conditioners are made in Canada for the Canadian market. 2 Lennox air conditioners already meet 1992 Energy Efficiency and Sound Standards. 3 Lennox uses scroll compressor technology ensuring long-term reliability. 4 Lennox products are professionally installed by quality Lennox dealers. 5 Lennox is a name families have trusted since Itl96, i is Now that you have more than 'ti'. _ ls. enough reasons to own a Lennox, f It: T what are you waiting for? Call today. Look at the following reasons and you'll understand why it makes sense to own a Lennox air conditioner. P"h CRONIN E EMERY St ' MECHANICAL LTD. 742 "An Authorized Lennox Dealer" m um I reason§ why you should Invest 1n a Lennox Short _W|NNERS CIRCLE “Em.†15/010! Chii"iiiick' The next thing I heard was the old lady who said, "Okay, but you’d better take good care of him." My ears perked up and my head lifted. I saw the lady and the little girl walk over to the owners of the pound and My, "We would like that German Shepherd please," and pointed right at me, Wow, I thought, I was r1ttally going to have a home. The owner opened up the cage door and I jumped out. I was free at last! The owner picked me up and gently stroked my back while the lady filled out a check. Then the owner set me down and went into the storage room and brought out a leash which was then hooked on ens until someone came in and yelled at us and gave us each a swat. Then we would run and play in the raeld until we got hungry and went in for supper. After that we would all snuggle up in the big brown chair and sleep until the next morning when we would start the routine all over again. 7 l a c% ", * WN than“ 742-2561 Call Us Today! K-W Area the girl, We stopped at a navy blue station wagon. The lady opened the door and I hopped in. The ride home was very interest. ing. I saw cows and horses roam. ing in the fields, I saw a squirrel scurry up a big red maple tree. All of a sudden we came to a halt in front ofa big farm with a huge fteld and I knew I would run in and a very big tree I knew I would 'sleep under. Then I saw a garden I knew I would trample on, The lady let me out of the station wagon. I decided I needed to know these peoples names so I listened very carefully to their conversa- tion. "hm't he adorable, N ana," com. mented the girl, Now I knew that the lady was a grandmother. I my collar. The owner handed the lady the leash and said, "Be good to Sumo." "Aaahh! So Samo's the name," said the lady and then added, “We will take good care of Same." The lady thanked the man and ,alktd.outthe door with me and Friday Saturday l..-,1(git'i Fine Intimate Apparel Ext-paint: the lowliness Ftw Fine lingerie for your cam reasons 56 Regina St. N., Waterloo 746-3711 er Open Monday: [ The Waterloo Chronicle presents the winning entries in our 2nd Annual Short Story Contest 1-0-5230 10-7 10-5 50th Anniversary Specials . Longstem Roses with Baby’s-breath in a Gift Box '24.95 . Fresh Cut Daisies with Baby’s-breath a bunch s7.50 . Fresh Mini Carnations with 8aby's-breath a bunch '6.00 Now to investigate the house. I ran to the front screen door and started to claw at it. Patty ran to the door and opened it for me and I slowly walked in, I entered the living room. It had white carpet- ing, a round coffee table in the centre of the room and a brown leather sofa. I felt like lying down on the carpet and having a nice long nap but I thought to myself, "You must investigate the whole house first." I walked until I entered the dining room. It had a long chestnut table, brown care peting, a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a school picture of Patty, hanging in the corner of the room, The kitchen was just like any other kitchen with a fridge, a stove and a sink, as well as a microwave oven and a table and chairs. I kept on going and found two bedrooms. I wandered back through the kitchen and went We're Your FTD Florist Top 500 Member in North America listened again, "Yes, he is Patty," 331d Nana Aryl now I knew their names, -YOUe EXTRA TOUCH FLORIST - . 42 Ontario Street N,, Kitchener. Dial 745-1128 . 135 Union Street L, Waterloo. Dial 745-8411 ' 619 King Street W. (Svmpathv). 744.9471 It's our... 50th Anniversary Celebration Summer's Pick-of-the-Crop WATERLOO CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY 0,211 in addition to writing, the 1ty-yearold Laurie Bison loves dancing, playing the piano and T-ball, As you can tell from her story, she really wants a dog Laurie Bisch Cash, Visa or Mastercard (liu,j,y,r),i,,l,yhy FLOWERS KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE [OLE ( I ASS mu {2'51 "Well, my hale granddaughter rmally got what she wanted†he answered I realized that this must be Patty's grandfather Then 1 land my head on my paws and went back to sleep I woke up the next morning and reahzed something; there were no other dogs around the farm I had no one to play mth All mornmgl sadly looked out the wutdos Patty had reluctantly gone to school Pop-pop was out farming "He's so grrreeous. mn't he Pop pop," sand Patty "Well of course I am: Ithough! I slept for two and a half hours and was awakened by the sound of the door opemng I opened my eyes and looked up to see an old man smihng at me "Who " this." I thought downstairs where I found a laun dry room, a big rec-room with a colour TN and a frun cellar Finally I went upstairs for my rewarding nap (Commueo on page A12 lm: JULY 3t, 1991 - PAGE A5 mum!) " rotor' Ik' "4 AU! t ot Haul: u-pm m: