_ l . _ It wasn't so very long ago that Gregory Hoskins and the Stick People was _ ', just-another-Toronto-based band, looking for a deal and a little exposure T t "Gregory Who and the What People?", any mainstream-manipulated new; journalist might well have asked a few months ago, "Do they have a video?" 2';yr " _' But that's changing quickly since the release of the band's debut album if, a: l Moon Come Up - a thoughtful, inspired collection which at once grabs the ttii, , listener with both its uniqueness and familiarity. li8tf!f)t Now, some journalists have been so bold as to predict superstardom for .359; Hoskins and his seven-piece band, And though the predictions likely aren't , Il!. far off the mark, they leave Hoskins feeling a little uneasy. "That really makes me quite uncomfortable, because I really don't want to be ta superstar)," says Hoskins, yet congenial, sure-footed and unaffected by show biz hype. “I don't have a problem if we play somewhere and a lot of peple want to come and hear us play - I think that's great. But I don't think that's being a superstar. The whole superstar thing depends on By Deborah Crandall Gregory Hoskinsand the Stick 1530.35 Inspired, tender, music that smacks of success First of all, with so many people in the band, there's room to experiment with different sounds and Instruments. and Hoskins does Bouncmg effortlessly from folk to jazz to rock, he incorporates traditional rock instruments (guitars, drums, keyboards) with horns, sax and VIOlln Hoskins is not afraid to take a chance. The same is true of his lyrics, which he approaches with socal con. Hoskins wears the response well - n s obvously genume His creatwe talent is proof of that. The music Is not the stuff of superstars only In the sense that it is uncontnved, honest and from the soul But :0 all other respects, it smacks of success Moon Come Up, If we can palm It With a very Wlde brush for just a moment, is delightfully refreshing It 5 like cold beer on a hot day or cusp autumn air, if someone set out to be that I never out a poster up on my wall and sand i want to be like this person' If the music has to be categorized, roots rock IS as close a descnphon as any. But there's so much more So, so much more. 'i'ci'iii'ii"iu"iii on EZ3f1 ',ry i“;