Gore says a teaching centre of this kind would betttfit not only Waterloo regional schools. but also those in Wellington. Oxford and Perth, counties, which have a similar history to Waterloo region. "I want to turn the log house into a geographical and historical education centre for use by the school boards, the city and the public as a teaching tool, much like the way the Laurel Creek Nature Centre is used." Money for the restoration of the house is partially available from government grants, but Gore says he will be responsible for the rest of the cost of the project, which he estimates will be at leapt $1.5 million. $1 ,,_ __--___..° rnvyvnq nu But so far, Gore's is the only acceptable local the city's, had on the property. Council asked the public for offers after a feasibility study on the log cabin showed the city would have to spend at least a million dollars to restore and develop the house and grounds. Gore, the administrator of St. Judas private high school in Waterloo, says his offer, which includes restoring the original log house, landscaping the surrounding water management stream and pond and constructing a new facility to house St. Judee, would cost the city nothing but the price of the land. “The city has been looking for someone to restore and use the house for the last five years without any luck, so I decided to make my offer and see what happens. It’s a plan that beneritts everyone in the end," says Gore. A Waterloo man has offered to buy the l52-yearold Snyder-Gingrich log house from the City of Waterloo with plans to restore it " a historical teaching centre and school. The only problem u, his offer is a bit low. Fred Gore has offered to buy the house and the surrounding property for , Saturday May 11, 9 a.m.-12 pm. Please call lk let us know you're coming! WE CARE That proper maintenance of your A.C. system is important because... . Leaking refrigerant causes damage to the earth's ozone. . Chlorofluorocarbon lifespan is up to 400 years in the atmosphere. . Moisture in your A.C. system will cause corrosion from the inside out, Waterloo man offers to turn ly)itp.ric cabin into a school about the envtronGleG DID YOU KNOW: llF1lFtjlliitllii, LEAK CLINIC on Air Conditioning Sales . Service - Collision 135 Lexington Court, #2, Waterloo 885-2800 t:i'ii'l!iiit on AUTOMOBILE . ,,___ ..-. -- ......... “5. mm. The city has "dermitely shown some positive interest" in Gore‘s proposal and city staff is currently looking into it. If all goes well, a report will be prepared and the decision will be left to council. . W3 ___ --......-., new. Gore says he already has some local interest and promises of finatteial backing from two well-known local developers, wk: he prefers lotto. npme right now. "Right now, I'm like any other person who wants to buy a home in a recession. I have enough to make the payments but not enough for a down payment. Owning the property would give me the equity I need to get the capital to build the new school. something we definitely need." gut- iris-1;": 'oipriiU'ii'i'y' ihat would berterst. Gore admits that he has somgthipg to grin from the deal as well But industrial land isn't a big seller right now and the city, with its strong commitment to the historically and environmentally 'sigtu'rmant, has already spent thousands on buying the property and the studies to determine what could be done with it. According to the evaluation process used by the feasibility study, a project like Gore's would score even higher points than those uses the city initally investigated, which included a restaurant with space for local artisans, a museum, tt day care centre, a visual arts centre and a furniture sales outlet. after a real school from that time period with the old desks and chalk boards and students will spend a day learning in that atmosphere, learning the way children of that time learned." So, the city gets a brand new teaching facility and tourism spot of historic tsigttifietutee at not cost, but for the cost of the _lyyir estimated at â€00.000. , Landscaping the property and creating 1e1t1rtlimdPreauGtfth0kiii/Gk the pond on the property would also create an outdoors teaching ma. 'To my knowledge, there is no other facility like this. This will be modelled 435 Combo. Rd., Wmorloo "Ttt"tnth"rtsmtimhm" YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULQBE ORDERED NOW SUPERIOR MEMORIAlS 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener (Beside Weston Bakeries) 745-6136 LARGE INDOOR SHOWROOMS MATS DrIpIree OR " drip OIL RUST PROTECTION LIFETIME RUST PROTECTION WARRANTIES COMPETITIVELY PRICED RUNNING BOARDS, HOOD GUARDS, BOX LINERS ' 886-3 881 For Spring Installation !s'l1llgil iiiti GAB I: Some places available in all grades SENIOR KINDERGARTEN - FULL DAY - HALF DAY 4V: years on September 1, 1991 JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN - FULL DAY - HALF DAY 3 years on September l, 1991 SENIOR KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE EIGHT High academic standards encourage mastery of all subjects in both French and English Emphasis is placed on develop- ing the full potential 0 each child: intellectually, socially and emotionally Curriculum includes drama, music and computer literacy. GBADES ONE TO GRADE EIGHT "The Alternative in Bilingual Education" The KW-Waledoo Bilingual School, at St W. ll Elusvllle Rand Complete Collision and mrfirtishlng Eel-vice 430 Albert Street, w-tanoo 884-0550 Northdale Auto Body WATERLOO CHRONCLE, WEDNESDAY, .MAY8,1991-PAGE A5