The two women engage In deadly but entertaining brinks. manshnp Over the question of whether Jum, who everybody agrees as a reprehensible brute. should be murdered, Joyce IS frequently overheard sayan she d like to knock her husband off, and on one occaston she even Mls the sugar bow! mth rat oopson and tells Cynthia all about u - and Cynthsa has to run uostanrs to save Jum's life. She Is thanked hr her troubles by Jim's clumsy sexual advances and Joyce's fnend and business partner, Cynthia. IS played by Dem: Moore as a fascmatad mtness to the Increasang v10- ence In the Urbanskr marriage Her own marriage to the Oonng but dedvcated Arthur (John Pang. ow) seems to be Just the oppo- Alan Rudolph's Mortal Thoughts vs a meme lust like the true crime stones I enloy the most ts about two friends who work In the per8ectly named Clip n Dye beauty Parke m Bayon- ne, NU, The owner, Joyce Ur- banski (Glenna Heady). IS mar. ned to Jim (Bruce Willis), an abuswe but of a husband who beats her, hes to her and grabs money out of the cash register to go buy booze and drugs Likiii/jirjii:i"6"'i":"r"'"i:"j'ic'ime story? Check out Mortal Thoughts There is a pen of me that would M at home ali day reading m crime books and doing nothing etse. I'm patticularty attracted to stones set in the present, among ordinary txtople who would not think of themsetves " criminals, but whooneday commitavitgent crime and think they can get away with t PAGE pr . ENTERTAINMENT ZONE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1991 The way Moore and Headly squirm to justify and defend themselves IS tdeliciously fraudu. tent It's In my nature to be fascinated by criminals, perhaps txscausellack the stuff tobeone myself, Nor IS the screenplay" simply Ingemous; It IS also very funny, In a mordant and blood-soaked scheme and figure and lie to the cops, to each other and to them. selves There IS a banality to their language and images that sets the correct tone. Like many crimes, the one in this movie seem simple at first and only grow complicated the more you look at them. The screenplay, by William Reilly and Claude Kerven, is meticulously constructed so that the flash- backs during the testimony never reveal too much, and yet never seem to conceal anything, women conspire to hide the body and cover up the death. We learn all of this a few days later, during a police interrogation being car- ried out by two detectives (Harvey Keitei and Billie Neel). They have the Dernl Moore char. acter in a small mom and are videotaping her as they lead her through the details of the crime. There are a lot of unanswered questions, such as exactly how the husband was found dead. who found him, what happened then and why. There is even another death to Consider, although to discuss it would spoil a surprise for you, and indeed this whole movie is an unfolding series of surprises and revelations. It begins as a case history. turns into‘a whodunit. and ends by magic determine what was done, among other questions, I am so Intimidated by the Then one'nightJim and mm *PmmirotoacttrnNal, and Jim Affordable Qualify Julie's . .. You 52me do P' MllllMli1llMiitiiitl . .2c,-,t,cfriiijiiiiii-idi'iiiiiiin 'jlPglt 1569 Fairway Rd. s., kit YOUR SAFE CHOICE. -llBiiitlitt 893-7040 1ll.lldrll_Lrllprlot -"----------%=-a-=-"=--u"2."iitill "i s + ir7i-? "MS I,',),,' ROYAL PLUS' Aqqnmva all-ma tread deaqn to: excellent ttaction m unarmed)" conditions Low rollmg resistance saves fuel Wide block tread guts: out, standing handling Human lite should be sacred, but we live in a world where people are killed simply to make life easier for their murderers. Maybe that's why the killers' allots are often so pathetic, and their planning is so slipshod: It the murderers really took murder seriously, they‘d take the time and trouble to get away with it. Roger Ebert is an American h'lm critic. though I had a current emission amtmlstitAaronrttyteindatttutt. Manittssttyinnocxmt-somts. how convinced of my own guilt anddidnotprrmsteventvttiittte trooper We an unfounded a; policsthatlmmnttyautxx-d in MM tttyet? ticketed tor . PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE G.S.T. FEE: 11sAentrtort Rd. the Paokaglng Just on t,Sl'n"JyguJg on. or our: ,,lt'.llh, q Soap Flam . Borax ' of†. Washing Soda . In; In: q Dish a Laundry Dourgont q moaning Products . Shampoo . Pomoal Cara Product: . Cloth Diapara . Energy Saving Light Balk: = . Spring a manual mm . m., on. Environmental Products Without You Can Shop For All Of Your P235/75R15XL P22505R15 P21505R15 P205/75R15 P20505R14 P195/75R14 P185/75R14 P185/80R13 P175180R13 SIZE INSTALLA TION A T NO CHARGE Waterloo's Valy Own Environmental Stone At 5"CIW"‘_ f , Vi"i7"Cr1c'ii, -.' 7. an L. ' 7: J" ',' T3 ' “" 's' T ' 5 'iii,- "ii'vi.f),jr:',.', . M, 5 a . t ' C ' v ' 'st-T 3'29") “M77 Pt), Ir', ‘i l) "ti an .t'i'tiiri'ie 'tit' In, m 'tgr' q Mall Wilson Ave 725-2986 89S.68 s85.83 s871.25 377,75 872% :37st s67.75 3653 N2.95 PRICE Kean Fairwuy, Tue