54 >497 . "rii/','.iiilri?i)r,o),.,c'iijs,,rj' . :'ijli'.'i':i"4' ','S _ -d'irjii;fl'pr,' (tt 1-62% ’PaM/IIP53‘0 “an: myself watcnmg the him And then. of course, theres the r an no, SDIMS The ooemng obligatory scene at the end where stares L" the seam were ehec- It turns out a dead man Isn't dead ' .e :1: 1 held my attention Then after all After a, and Hal w- "re "fre e passages of the mowe een. where this iii?,iiiii,ii!i, worn Bergln discovers the de- and after the countless eary @9200 and comes ioomng tor times smce then when tt has Pane-rte began to dusulusmn me reappeared With clockwork mo- '“9 we thmg an audience notony, usn‘ttttlrnetora new twat sword, never do, dunng scenes on the gummrck†Maths. :5 questnon the ptotlogac M79 With the Enemy a a And yet I kept havvng questions, movne that brietty seems to have Such as (1) If the weddmg ring is greatness In its grasp, and goes srl r" the bottom of the toner, straight for the mundane 3595 'eat mean the ttylet hadn t Roger Ebert Is an American film teen sec! for weeks†and (2) crmc A "rr'vs,' ":eur assets tr was an eifujl'a'Dn him "qu to tran. yew 's genre Tmsnme mtha 'r:lre're cast and a larger 2 4'1le Ruben seems to be mov- "u' C' We ODDOSITe direction mpg myself watching the him Pr smx‘ng sows The opening scenes 2n the seam were effec- ' " av: weld my attention Then He made passages of the move, were Bergm discovers the de- tec'xon and comes looking tor Romans began to dnsnlumon me ttt [I o F' ' an eg:)i'v' 65 Univom Ave. Lo m the ValdI/Tlm Honor! Mam ENE“ 421 Greenbrook Drive, Kitchener '.ssc/,"rk'iie 1m me Forest PM PM) 742-7221 uD Jtorrreriy Jerry wanton Flow." I cm.) t_-e-r--"--"--------.--)"'-"- PAGE EZVO f ENTERTAINMENT ZONE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1991 Movie expkytaton formula where me wcnm can run, but she cant moe Roberts fakes her own death by drowning and tries to disappear unto a new lifestyle far away In Iowa But, of course, Bergln 'racks her down, wtth no Small thanks to several ham- handed plot developments so caucus that she might lust as wan wave mauled hum a change- Y-a0dress cart "nerr? are some wen-handled ATTENTION . Whammmm Gary Miller Jfrrt1"1""tr_r.tmrxtr-oUrs A ttuf CARNATIONS Tan homo a mum-colour“ bunch ot Carnal-one. Cash and any. Puma It only J; [hopont St, L. Wan-rho 747-4644 "N" I Fouls ' Pets (Window Poul: I Pals (“than") w, '09“ 000-600 Mon. Tues, Vito†Sat. Own mum may - " coo-9:00 Thom. Fri My lNoogh Snuvdoy‘A‘ "e---.-...--'"--'"' clay glass sculpture fibre & jewellery HARBINGER GALLERY a 'Yr' W“ "e Step/a- va.d my praise m some ‘or as warm†v“ a soft- ear‘ayea 7w who spe- ., "Xi-"WW: Mme" With PC then my“; mm and :eur assets l? was an are some welt-handled " Iowa mcludmg the steps Oy WHICH She L' Inst 'ser “ext-door r a drama teacher play. “y amt effec’wely Dy JWSCV‘ Bu? tho mrec'or 3.0V J"", "9 writer, 'cc-, saw :--';~~wnedto L‘tJ‘P"“r!' ', -tecial ma. Te 'Pt h: .f Worror Penile 6t'-rPots Inc. (Conunued trom E28) But hold on Put yourself m her shoes You re alone In a house and terrified that you may have been tracked by your husband. a pathological madman What do you do? Check out the kitchen shelves? (M3421 9 That last one as a real good question From the Pont of VIEW of Roberts and the audience, Bergm IS a monster whose domesnc neatness Is his trade- mark But would Bergln mmsen, concerned wrth trying to track and mu, take the time to rearrange the krtchen shelves? There rs onty one reason for rum to do that So Roberts can disc0ver that the sheIVES are rearranged. and the move can prowde us with a cheap lime shock , "BEAM BEDDING MATTRESSESFOH dam-nu was oww Room . " 8tagtt1Bgqt Shoo AM was OurFauory showroom "m.mt.ttt.e-rttthtt:ott to William St. W. How did the woman in the YWCA class get Bergin's number at work'? and (3) How did Roberts pay her mother's nursmg home bull In the SIX months after she told her husband the mother was dead†and (4) How did Bergin know where Roberts lived before she Wd mm there? and (5) How IS It possible, In a small house, tor a man to avoad discovery while slinkmg around raarrangnng all of the towels and canned goods. with perfect timing†and (6) Why would he bother anyway"