PaaEEzat-ratte-ramE.t-et.Av,reBrtui".t camp-numb“. ttte-talt-ttWitt- l-h cups (325 mL) mp0“ flour 1tstx(5ntub"ingptmtttr Wtsp.(2rnusatt -. 1cup(2S0mL)butterormagtsrims 1cup(2SOmL)eoeoa 2cupe(500mLlsugnr Fm-truttrrrcotmramir 1% tsp. (7 mL) undue Fudgey CocasFrmtittgNaxatorFrmting dtsrartdsattAtttuttorinal- mmMin-m.mmd m Blond indly was. mmmmmxmx watcitt2Ujo6rroapan.Bauin wan-Fjvmmao Chocolate: . VALENTIE FEM? 'etqarqtttgrtY-ttt'rtett-ts Mum but: your lover's I I " 579-BIKE Ion, Tut... "Ill. “an pm; Fri. 9-9; (Cloud WWW); Sat. " pm. Braun,s I UUI ICCI'HUUIIU BIKE D1 Serviceto All Makes ofBicydos -'-'/itvgt'E'-t] , 27 Schtt St., Kitchener A popular Valentine's tradition Your Year-Round Bike Store Service to All Makes of Bicydos butter,hcup025rnL)ioiugttr and h up. (2 mL) VIM: until 'mttttttt.Beitnmdtoodtreorittg urttittrmtittghotapmtdittgcrm- sunny and a pale piretxgor. P%titt'tgirtomBpmtrytreg FudgorCotmFrmtingnhtt3 if,'td/2'etf,',,1,rglt'e,'het inaautapen.Rtrmtmtttrtttt Stirin1+i0rttL)coaxtandh tap. (2 mL) vanilla. may blondin2cups(500 mL) sifted Wang-land Vaoup(50 mL) makunt'dftmtirtgitrsmoothttrtdof spreading consistency. Makes atmut1cup(2S0mL). booths! 2ttmp.i30rtt0sottemrtt Uairtgah-tatt-dtxt+ut. mammal). hrorpqurpdnmmrun MATE ott0itteoetittettritmmt.eltettAttE -.Camttqtattarouetoahitrte mammal:- "ttOtt-tttresin-ttini-tteat e DoamitorFtmm9ort_tott0tqtia0muettoa-ttar "mattraetVltptcMaltmttmtmtn 'e. _ - __ _.,loPilt0!!t9ttttttar,r1trmd (across tram Kitchener Farmers' Market) “I...““im. 1m.(5mL)vamua hummus-n Ctrmttittettrlrcru-tdttut. ter.Ptt-mtxtumtmtttttomtttot 9-inch (23 cm) 'printhttrnt pan. Beett"arttctt-ht-ttttmr bow! until Ilght. Cum our and cocoa: unduly but Into 'mttttrtett-.Adti-,txteo tttne,ttoetittt+tt-ttaBt6 titm.Bmtetttttnlitaandett.Pour mMvmltttopmpamdpen.Nloin 'tmtte+tttr'FittttA8tmn46 1rf0m?teortmqthsm.thttst, mmmsm 21,trJWi,ll1itfl" -"--m---.---.- humm-umwmnu-nmzxmvmmummii WTERLOO 7m thttait 475 King Street N., Waterloo, Ont. - - (519) 884-0220 k†'ili swnpmpmr PACKAGE ' ' 120†(double occupancy) . 1 Night Accommodation " Lobster Dinner for Theo " Taxes & Gratuities Inc. f, Valentines Dinner (i s till 10 pm . February 14th & 15th LOBSTER DINNER ' 1 695 per person Theo Whole Lobsters with full course dinner including dessert & coffee Just A Reminder. this 1lahotirta's0aterithagiftihat I MmsarsyoortMry6esim. i Whtthat itlxssadutthtr,arthk lunatic. hot, sensuous momma l pthitm'otourfamatstt6ulttmc I ipimsatttitiautWyrttmdtlis,t- t hamei1atyoutmdt0fulfillyout a. mostsoctet fantasies. g. as. oa*txttotrtmttslelloeof , men's nowlty undies and t swim , Shamthemtyrmtitttahrttt0ttttmts aumm... rmt-mnu-m