While the Richardson said 1,600 jobs have been lost due,to plant closures this yur,'l‘umbull-idmonbu‘jobcwill ily give good results," Turnbull said. "For years, we‘ve bragged about the amount of new business. Under our former business development director mO'Ndl'ohd from most cityâ€"funded programs to "cut back on the other guy instead", and city council has to deal with all such requests. "He said it‘s true that the city has spent less money than other communites on economic development, but he is proud of the fact that the city has had to spend less than is theâ€"standard with successful reâ€" | there is @ "good argument funded programs to "cut doesn‘t necessarâ€" He said many new jobs will be created when construction of the city‘s new recreâ€" ation complex begins in 1991, as well as the construction of parking garage. The Chamber also said $440,000 in business tax revenue will be lost by the city because of plant closures, and said the city would either have to raise taxes or cut expenditures to replace that revenue. ~ Turnbull estimated the loss in revenue Mhm&m.m,ht&k;dnhb losses, phased in over years. $500,000 loss because of the taxes the city raises, 50 per cent goes to school boards and 25 per cent goes to the Region. tinued fom ‘pagé Atpx=* ~= ~~ Waterloo Mayor Brian Turnbull WATERLOO CHRONICLE Seagram (Continued from page A1) "For the moment it will be a waitâ€"andâ€"see process, but we‘ll take it in steps. We have expressâ€" ed an interest, we‘ve completed the study and we want to be open to Seagrams and have indicated that we want to participate in any While LACAC would like to get a designation for as many of the says a priority is the office build ings facing Erb Street, built arâ€" ound 1857. LACAC would prefer to have the company‘s cooperation during the designation process, but a designation may also be secured through city council without the approval of the owner. , DECEMBER 5, 1990 â€" PAGE A7 I