Kâ€"W club wins a dozen medals at judo tourney Members of the Kâ€"W Asahi mmm:mu«s gold, 4 silver, and 2 bronze) at the 10th Annual International Judo glhnmpwmhxpa held this weekend at Forest Heights Collegiate in Gold medals went to Andy Zettl â€"23kg Junior Boys 6 & 7 years old, Tommy Haffner â€"23kg Junior Boys 8 to 10 years old. Tom Griegs â€"B9kg Junior Boys, Amanda Shyhinskyj â€"44kg LJ.F. Junior Female, mivn mds wae‘s Msmmky,.rum;euh. ver were won MMMIMJWEEKHW%WM (white to green belt), and Smith +72kg Senior Women. Bronze medals went to Drew Young â€"30kg Junior Boys and Mark Burgess â€"86kg Senior Men. Geoffrey Chan, of the Toronto JCCC, a few words of encouragement from his coach, MTMW his bout on Saturday. WATERLOO .CHRONICLE,â€"VEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1990 â€" PAGE 33 Pete Cudhes photo Chronicle the scoop on new movies, re front row centre in next week‘s