Saturday Morninsg Kids® Program PAGE 4 . WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDOAY, OCTOREM 17, 1980 Reond Case We Repoetvatiom Niuniur 3340 Pniniatuc every Wiedinessdiy: 1y The Faurway Group Inoorponatec 3O Ruureay Bxk. %,, Citaitener;, Ont. Qutotes +7; B w wb Nwhhm.ï¬ho'm. programas acrosa southern Ontaric have jained tegether to track down a criminal wanted by aumerous police forces. â€" Waowel Fameite a30. bon waon Kanoaih D. Buubtacter, co~s â€"Nopuiiey Foub Spwustint Ortapeni® Covimes® Specsaist \ais pornel ant poberatc) Bomectencali exaiuatom Cums, calbuses ware Orneiit & Footweer Prescapitons Gat Araiyue Sports: Wedice Fovimea: Remember, crime doeen‘t pay but Crime Stoppore does. Foot Care Crimestoppers P you raxe ary of a wite uarmety of tut yobens. ths & a partaect oopertimnty t Yaue hhair acsescsed ane attamitiet it Jy momnanrcedt pofessonalt SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1380 iCR II :X AM. Sataner as se wils us the story of Emiit‘s House Niko grew up in Waterton Jmthnq to locai! sctools This is ter Joir us in welconing Wike WAUDC BROR OUHR: COATS YValkes: to $200. OO SINCLE & DOUBLE Nakes to $425. 00 x _ 10 King Street North «: 50% 1 70% LIQUIDATES THE OVERSTOCK OF/A MAJOR THE CLOTHING WEARHOUSE NOTHING HELD BACK EVERYTHING MUST GO (besdie Waterin» Thkeastre) JACKETS FALL & WINTER YValues to $250. 00 Values to $250.00 $39.99 Your chance to Win ©20,000 in cash & prize SHIRTS Values to $125.00 Values to $55.00 wot