R ade defends m“ Inc., "M“ tered at Chapel Hill, e r use North thml. The article I am refemng f bli . I to 19 called a Short Clinical Perspective on o su trmrttt tape Sound. Music and the Human Bram and _ , ' ed for the North Carolina ie uh e we soed an we mou- 19 was New ' ' " Ll ' , He Manon ol Rehtslnlitattun Nurses Ut Hum No Hume“ Message. 1987 Th v (e T natal um: med moumma) tapea 'or vents _ 5r , â€9‘1â€â€ T, qu1 in“: 'd; " A, lave Many [mar oroiessaunuis, ce. Ile, . 'fel:: â€his Was a Tff". ion. e I -. naunumgnsLs. lemma _iuroprw .emnonamps "We" so mus“: y _ . . ' -. and the" ortytuoiotpcal effects on the x u ', mp Wetter multauun n he ' , _ . _ V. numuu bum. F'urther to this. I direct you \Huntulu.‘ rdllapul’l u ne unauou: t _ , t m†Co the Nurcs at Nurmtutlouains, Bernie (eaJALuilp, Tommi 14errkses dud} I! New,“ 'he “WWW.†and any other . . _ _ _ , F people n the field at ptsychuunmunoloey t, 1mm. apt-:3, mu nc‘upebdonul _ t , _ bl , t I d 'cstsil A“) (“bended \ummnnm ‘neh' Ile ot 1'2"ll,"e, su wuntu apes "f' c,"" mm mm) ,unumamy ,mluence new 41mg panama. I. ‘.| , m mmeumic "ttiei2tttitC While cummon usage does not validate “mm: mu. \unrumg u my WucKr the autheauctty ofwhether or not there Is . u. A undying ununwuu» ptrrcepuon t message embedded an the tape to alter " 'aat. ll rulfe; mu annulus Furny inhavxor. it Alcoa "ity something (bout. - ~. “Wm mm; "mctrugrapmc (mmy- when" and the subconscious -- an area of lay-7x “magma noevi0ertuteolany human nuance Professor Menkles re- .t'.ri, l ‘uunlhu’hn ’ncmgea mmm Inc wen mm: lu be lacking. I wouid also . u» u '11) Iuuy was“ that the decry of tapes bung wid u m -surt' ~neincr mu Duper nus for the price of $10 to $30 to help others “Nun. 'nm Alum ML arms Hufesaor" alter thor behavior has nothing to do wuh _ r u menu“, nun we Weeds '0 stay has studyamithtsretbre shouldbeplaoedas mnmmm 'apes Jung one type of matu- uem. t 'ms we :he can, I refer vou 4nd tilt 0 a "tritttt' rf 'Ml'epsh utd ongonug “Jule: tone Dy ute Acouauc Bram " was a mtmoocma may“. 0cm t 'iii u ancwvl’lt uh mt up: ~nelncr .uur paper has r-sHuoreu'rmfymetit, ML um ftuieusor" l rue menus!" men Att needs '0 stay 'vHtll ne wuuus at us rematch and not. um: s,trueratlMNI summons: trom a ham- Opinion te LTicue unnamed on September 19 .meu No Hidden Message, . hive wed ,uminumsl 'uqhs 101' years n v lure many ymer proieatuumsis, le. I '. Jennmognsca. lemmas. ciuruprac. N, u w,» \c-p 'necter "animation oithe tUuMJUu.» 'mnapun to the “mucus "s, w mulwd An 1 provmwnde campmgn to unpmve those figures through edu. EDITORIAL cttttott and Steed (lit (aw enforcement. base t a my 2; complain about. the campugn, which runs untougn me month of October. “Police should be out there aumng Ute REAL annuals." "I'm old enough to dectde meme: "pp be , veal. belt _ the law 'd) m xnfnngemenl. of my _sbvs meme». The at. helm are we ught; Lhey wrinkle 40mm It a dangerous. ln an accident I'll be trapped m my a Mere are no new unused for not belung up; and that."st anal "new US. an“ n 'capvune. Ine police otfer thus fact: :mpmve sou belt usage I, nun; Jet .enL uni ugh: Elves are saved, there are 132 fewer- “,uane. ued wine “$5.000 are saved. Mm. nun: an Von say? Just use Your seal. belt. lhe \LdLlSth rarll the story, For must) 10.000 duvets and New Involved m a mumou warm; seat belts. an m hlled and 84 seriously muted. Without the sou belts, than €1me D120 killed; id9 ,enously mat Drown: AU, ‘0 I.“ only 71per cent of Waterloo m ltocortatti and puny: belted up when In that which}. For * mm» reg-on police and who: form across Ont-arm. that's Au» good awn. lhes " waived Ut 1 Drovmwxde MI! to [manna Belt up my mulysmg Ag for oth1envang higher level daemon pr0Cetitb, there As much to know and learn about the subwmoua. To the people who d personal opinion ot M'eauor Menkle and not a genemhud. authurttauve amen- tttic statement based an adequate re. watch. On the other hand. If Mr. Rae breaks hm election promases and adopts a moderate course he will be Mung like the the expedient polincmns which the NDP has so roundly condommsd. In other words, the NDP mil lose tta Image of being the honest ‘lmeano's new NDP government Impkr mums Its agenda of higher taxes, bxgger government and more regulation a will almost certainly cripple the province's already irtstple economy. Such an economic fatlure m Canada's richest. province would make voters wary. to say the but. of eiecung New Democrats lit the future. The Nnew Democratic Party 3 meant stunning victory m Ontario could be the worst Hung that's ever happened to the federal NDP, In fad, both national NDP leader Audrey MeLaughlin and J'rermer-elecv Bob Rue face aimust certain mrWIt1 utunuuns. NDP faces catch-22 Invest In subliminal tapes. many chum that they work. It 19mm that the summits have not the advanced technology to find out the "Why" or "how" 1t works, to my mad. at least. Personal belief and opinion invariably rules us all, even Professor Merikle. John N. Nam For McLaughlin and the NDP, then, it amounts to a Catch-22 dilemma. Their Omar“: wunwrparts will be damned 1f they keep their election promises and damnud f they don't. The real loser. however. will be Ontarr mm; Over the next four or Cive years. they will likely continue to suihr under big spending, bng government policies Unfortunately, this scenario did not 'tCCUr The NDP is too closely linked to this countrv's big union movement which stub- bornly realms any attempt to dilute the pmys socialist, highly interventionist principles, mmnstxeam parties. With a little foresight the NDP could have avoided this trap. Instead of clinging to yesterday's political made. the party couid have followed the lead of "goeialiat" partiesrnotlteremmtriesandemh-la market.oriettted platform, Keven Commu- nist countries can embrace the market concepts like privatization and deregula- non why can't the NIP", .HadtlteNBPtaurstftiaboldstapit would have brought the party into the mainstream and given it a coherent. workable economic agenda. Canada and the NDP would both be winners. and straightforward alternative to the two David Sena-ville National Chianti Coalition