Allrrtetnnrandeiprnentsnurt bspieudtart-osro.1.ir0 oaths 16ttt.h9ttnHrttonqy mmpmtbmm of the PM Sun": Gm). “unwillbonwho meillbepwddsd. Equipment an how of: Wednesday, Sept. 12th, " pan. Thursday. Supt. 18th, " pan. As an added convenience for making payment, the Revenue Division will remain open until 5:30 pan, on all due data, Sept. 11, 12, 18 and 14. If you are responsible for payment of taxes and have not received your bill,please advise us at 747-8718. PArtEiii'iiijiii?oRr GROUP ANNUAL EQUIPMENT SALE SATURDAY. SEPT. 15th 9:00 Em. 12:00 pm Albert Mchmick Community Map Area 1 Sept. II, 1990 Map Area 2 Sept. 12, 1990 Map Area 8 Sept. 18, 1990 Map Area 4 Sept. u, 1990 "W' hockey “as; ti} SEEING, will play their txhirition gum It In... PADDLIBOATB will remain operating Sand-ya only, from 1 pan. until dusk, till Thartkmitiutr weekend. PARK INN willunnin 'l',It for your eating ram 12 noon anti "Hulk, till Thanksgiving watt-ad. tygins i." mus-Mu Seinember 8, at Sunni Stadium, with In eittitittion game between Wilma hut-hr University And the Univwlity of Ottawa. Hope to use you there. ' Gnain a.“ "Mrs; 'al dwrtoth-truMiemo6it. LIihEéiiii 2itjic,2i we: W, t then be cloud it the scum. LIONS roan ttr Wan-loo Park will again 0pm 8 1990 FINAL TAX LEVY 2nd irttttalitmmr Final Dates for Payment Without Penalty Added $25!. Additional Hours for Payment Waterloo City Centre 100 W113 ' B. W.M.H.A.: Mtoming"CooltMgforOneorNu" Evening - 'Christmas Topiary Tree? - . ijtiiiilrt Novanborsth ""i""' , He‘wr _ --F_rt-e-m----ee "ioar-%iddriVaGrUAusde- any wt 1 -"r woman _ _ mam l _ 't wt iWb-"chtistrrtasrmsihrasmtiort-tr Ft 1 "tttmmttertttttt 1 Alltht'petxsmltrr'rk-" -- _ mmâ€"ummMrm-Mhu tunrh,Byndar8ieo,iiat,va0pan.atiisiaitdatiG 'mkehrmomintimnaiionuIMiaiisii." _ ?Hr.rte.e4mtrueinneraint-dusu-ama-t hlmmkofsmhu.Forinfwmtiadnï¬mnï¬we-flm Ptruktst88sat76,orleaetuid" 576-1077. mme"rttt_r-D-Ttmmdarasomisttmatttte4tuatact. '.rRu..temftltytye1t._yiraiturmuatoiitechrutznariGuire 'ArmfioemrrruPr'r--arintuPuneertooenmtrousiw 9rysr.1frmthrutoimeita-e-m.atiisurAitEiirt Wsdtt-t9:auan.%rturturirt_tutiotgN.aimj. 1itf81qrrretN-er-Mtresar.tuvumurstr.aienupnmr. aliAW3itoM.thmett,tto. 1lNeAt"NtMP-rt--BBttnndptrtrnttu4owaac. fyi#r.tuteturu.0pan.-1ost.A.t-iv,or-uto Chrutmaamntarerrtma Form information all ma“. OPEN BotlttB--40MtAC, loudly September w, 2 pan. - 8 pm Mon: about prtotrratns,tsetivitiupport services and 88tM866tbrrnoreinRmnatioet. 3990. ‘Shlkupuro co-ration-, Elly G mate cull Cost} taint-Ion. anmu-I from City Centre at 1:80 pan, You must vagina wrmntmmCifyoupl-nm-mmuewnlh;ull 1mm SILVER TONGUE - Toastmasters Club. Meets Ml from 7:80 - 9:30 paw, beginning September 13, W, for up information. Mon-maul: meeting on September 18 _ all ARC. mm CLUB Putnam tBroadway D61] Vu", November l, 1990. $86tsersca includu lunch. AUNF. 'Royal Winter W. Number 9. Swipe-non. Por further information Ind to book, tall 579-1642. ltr-artist-on-sri-au-tsb-tui-tSaad.. WING to "City of Waterloo". Por inhmnnti-rvntion. plun- 404/RAC nt888a3M. J21rrVo_FR, - tkrtiorAikinewlking Group. Monghy, furtetttet 10, TAKE A m - Enjoy the beauty ofAleonquin Park in in (Highly. M. 0m: 9th till Friday, Octobtr 12th. inelurie Cut Wm 6rseAut-nmodation, ,teau,_tttrsetetim and, all .taeiand WWUP PP" you We 6100 M! , and!“ WEIR-s nchmc. mum 610DrrttmDr.89a860 ?'?ttbarmt-rrsatmmavatm- "h"-A 1Hmremtmetoraimat m at Md,"'lri,t Why-“mum Maul! Call Wing 404athA,PAJRotary Adult Centre - 8886366. or the . Adult Beaution Cantu _ 579-1020. for more information A Waking with Law For the beginne! and W. Tuesdays for 6 weeks starting Odour "th. MM Beginner- Wednesdays 7.00- 10:00 p.m. Intermediate - Wednesdays 190 34:00 p.m. Beqirtstktotser8rd. N mgirtrtaxttirraaofttteaboeVtetttar,1kettur24ttt, tmittts0a.m.-t.o0p.m.,attttoAtutNt"atittnNnitts was" Watedoo. For more Information, WING. ' 299159†ADULT RECREATION CENTRE, OWLS NEST WORKSHOPS AND COURSES saunas 12MMt2tt Phoenms h seif'dl'll',1'rl'r/'g'lll'M'fgl'lr. Evinirtq"tintiei--rttoa" Homing - 'chiful Wallpaper Fans" Evening - 9tfrRttgpirntmoitsce" Gotcha-Ia ling - 'Docorator Padded Picture Frann' Evening "Wreath ofBows' Otttttttertattt ing-‘Dooomivo Fabric-Covet“ Boxoc‘ W Erm- "GiaraaE iaaik'lpr "Tr..i."'ic-,2, l" l; “.YW~-l m" E) L l “mom of WWW By-uw ,pmhilnu "the marsh; of any 1iiiiiiiii who or mile likely to diatorb the inhuman“ r "use or " _ the an. to be made." Ink-cunn- under this by-law carry a “no (£378.15 with tick.“ band at the time ofthe infraction. City tk Wat-ho 'tr-uw-Enforcement M and Wlmrloo Remand “in an prepared to mpond to complaints and Issue uekm to “on via-1 circumstances wuan 11qu its information about this By-Law, please contact the 'tt-Nrittg_t-daon,t-,itrutnor.nyothermrtdoor 'l"t.t.V.'rert"fttywttt.tPr.stueettfamneetodtothe _ ». -q-/iie4iltt-e"-:, Anmymtomundnoop'utoarrynphndcbqwimyou wtta-lkit-ra-du-ittiuaninrid-tmitc Pnilurxrtoeuanuroturyourdogeanrxtsultirt.txrtvictiem.rtd tiner'u-eo-t-dutpuerourCitreuan. cair cur" Otritm a 747-8767. 1teetlhvgg, have alway- daned up after than pets, but itil thehwinthoCityolewloo.Everypenonindnrgeof .fNrrtusteu-rtr-uattrtheird-rivateand Enid} iGriGU' Your coop-diam in with! in the Adherence 0mm by-taw '"remti-sttttr-ieiralnddr-uvirtgoddmtmtte" my mm7mmnd 11tdtt"artoml'.00p.m, mdllroo You are invited to attend and present any thought: or concern:- In in requested that you advise the Clly Clerk (747-8704; of your intention to address Council on the matter by 100 pm on Thursday, September 20, 1990 The City d WIN†Tame and Pulling By-uw prohibits ommigtttpar%utgoetdty-PArtTv-PAStWNGAND STOPPING WC?!“ aut.. that 'unleu otherwuse was!) in thu By-law, no $MeBetet mu at my tune, park a which on my Mutiny bismuth the houn of 2:36 mm id 600 “chunk-camâ€; u. wmdnutypwum ornamental shrub and MI.“ - in -tlttrd hm igtstalUtion and during the f1skrirtg26t-NrtHemrqNtueterfttseinatalustioer hail! after application. linicipuliv or Within. an immin- m autumn will be mm“ by the wand By-Luw. Copier of the Policy Ire available at the Planning and Development Department It City Hall and at the Waterloo Public Lbrary (Main). Lam being mud with my pm. herbicide spray or fertilizer _rtmrtmpmte-1siutmirtet-ndauirtetherouowirte24 Hm , - mu P'"eer being declared by the Regional The Growth Management Policy recommended by the Growth Strategy Committee will be discussed by Council If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the undemigned at 747-8753. Tom Slomke. MCIP, Commissioner of Planning NAM 1rtM1lff1ti1_E, WV. men 5.1m _ PKIE " cm OF 1PTERLOO LAWN WATERING RESTRICTIONS For more information, all 660-2010. GROWTH MANAGEMENT POUCY A PUBLIC MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL WATERLOO CITY CENTRE 100 REGINA STREET SOUTH 1Ti"etgl1t11MKTt.;lr, 00‘.- tom 1001 OVERNIGHT PARKING STOOPL SCOOP NOISE BY-LAW 888-1 550 RON KEELING. RON KEELING, CITY CLERK and Devolopmem Inmbanmy “In and 11.00