"AVttirATERutoCMMttKtE.ti-.attPT-te0 irii,gr,,' KITCHENEB F,e,,,,,,d'c",'"i",'"i',",".'"'""""'T'r'e'.'" 1 a Sleep ai FREDERICK 81.578-1831 ') NIAGARA I Sleep In luxurious comfort. This exceptionally well-priced unit comes equipped with our ORTHOPRACTIC mattress, with 20 yr. warranty. The spools spring design allows you to bend this 'rtattrmstormattrveottaptottltttyttuttest. Thtrtsttartyt-eststm4ballattmmfor easy rolling. Separate motors mounted on head and foot allows you to operate hand-held controls for separate or simultaneous adjustment. 89999 ADJUST- A-BED