"Aaeo-tuttteMgttmtxa,thttt-.-ma-tt Want a Scare? Watch iiightbredijtii) stramiedtniliurieat-i2.No-ts No when. No rule. Stands like midi-o. The boys struggle to survive on a hoping] island by finding foo0rtditelter,but rink-y tutuaesamlitedtm!gttrtgrarsfimr?tkTht nva] gartgex-idersthemaeltres mug when'nu-nors of a mower on theiisUnd abound, more boys defect for the safety “the wamors. who more aptly resemble _ r't'd,,o'd'NlttAvtritig,ft= forrnanyhighadt_TuW11iam aovelioostmtr_artdhi-euaa" hiadeatrmtisr-..W1mtratteatdodhigh sehool,to-tidt_t-tainbooVt wouldpumhuaCohuNotumthobookot h',yiPc'e"1Sitd",1t,,Tgi,'t1'l'fta't avoid the m , a?†m 'iii;%"i,iririFh'4rtf,, " will!» abletotell. 'r '-‘."â€â€œ"' """'- bordOl’lHHlum . manual nub. t'tr,t,it,,Cateiit,flu'eifi2 Je ey-stare-ei-tere-yt,):'-)?', 2ltcttgeNttttdttltrl'h'lttrd,t,itt mu. tirdi-ertheatmreartsfthrNi1eintltei860i, Idine. TurheemtmrperiuinuittarmsdAtritat,artd apical " they journey, the bond have": them min -engthemhutturmsirtt-ttrmlbetmral. LThe supertoctirtgtmdbe.tttihtlkteatitm-U land 1hiaytNietoirituuandettigr.Dimeudhr sland BobRafelson. ofthe InapueeealudMidianlimsttteNfgM. gen. lined (Media). Here they hide from the a f M i TTC