"AaEp-tt_AigtttStMtMi" iuaGiiier' Gaiikii 'rtiiiiaiktier 7 KM MIN G'i'l'Ge'Tirro"i%' ..... put iiri"iii F iiii 7GTia 886-0050 II 'PT" i my, JULY tt, no: mark? Work -t--t-tB_ti--tt-ttr-ttt-ttt- Weorhowc Waterloo Town Square And the winners are Rmawjobhtb Hammad-5mm immthilwocklhewinm mammal. TumtariooChrmsiel-d tritdtenarMirkatarutxstitttrt tst-tyas-Chr-ts kindfotthehirwqy Group pubiieatiorta,rmeimstlauet irhehrsin-ottststtmnhtyr ti'tno.ratathtkthexmgitoutthe iSsmrtimtirtti-ttNT ies, trt1 In“!!! entered the - clam (open to all ab.t22iutht-retitht aitxmaerrehoo1eatagory,altd 246rmttirttutt-rentamdthe 'ruettqrsehooleePrr.. lie,Strp1",gUttt waaammudthatpriaein oreneat-rttruratoerOe Antonin; Cum n- ceind I homo comm Brb tem, com-nay d'Orion Rue. SithharsMeMemrrtrtfWw who: And a Quint atBlutr. nlo 6.011ng was swirled nt in the secondary-$00 01wa her stay A Tin Baked am. new received a " Outpost mania bike. courtely a! Brian’s Bicycle. Andrem hackley, 14 of Eiteh. ener was awarded first priujn the eutrtmtary mom for her story The Electric Blue Sun. Iamklety received a com- plete student desk unit, cour- tesyofTopShelf. In second place were Sham non Marie Dunn ofWuerloo intl-neat-tKlart'?' M. Pin) of 2,fge', in it: Glenda “humane: intheelementarycntegory. In third place were Michele Gardner of Waterloo in the open category, Mark Schoen- tiauotW.ter1tttsintheiteeop- u opulhyay steroo it,ylteerd2gS2,tg. Fourth placawinnen were: DanielFeeuydKiechenerin t',ggttttc,2llti,tt Watarlooin mondaryeat- em, and ClaireM.Kerr of Kitchen! in the elementary category. Mark Fox of Kitch- arnetr-mrdtsdfifthttriseirt elementary um. fifth prize winner! received $60 gift tartitieatae, courtesy of Words Worth Books in Wa. Urloo. _ 2eh'tf2'gtt and " chener . -al manager tttttls said he was extremely pleated with the number of entries received in dunes of the story contest. "Aa a fimbtime contest, we wasn‘tme ous'," Campbell a "the overall design of the tiontyt vehement and {think we've magnum M1 at t. Cmpbellsaidtheoponmd Manamaâ€:- tPmyiyhiAtq.eiitsteyig theiudrr'dp_quiotyrditBmt1t omrtomauHuaddsd,itmta heartwarming to no how tnanrroungehiIdmrtpartici. med. and hope-Wham beenemouragtsdtok-rit- ing." nmssehatkindor ,etryuldgrst.Bu_t