no: a A Mince W. WY. MY ".1000 , i E i i i 3 i i 3 i i i s a + ° I i i i . "T“‘T'ï¬f , WOMEN OF THE 90’s WANT CLASSIC, QUALITY FASHIONS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES j " SELECTED ' i h; SPRING a: ’ i fl \ v; I SUMMER If V K A“ 3 ‘ MERCHANDISE g 4:â€" Xvi '63†4 . "ti W)‘ M x» ; mgï¬gggu OR LESS (an. SHORTS. SKIRTS, BLOUSES, 7W fl 4’ I . , " PANTS, Tâ€"SHIRTS, BLAZERS, CLEARANCE CENTRES “omciiiis 1:13 “Sign '5‘; £6’ SWEATERS, DRESSES wan noon NEAR momentum: “15* o." a» 142-0222 .3. I I a to F R E E â€humanity... to the Wyndham Lane SAMPLES' SUMMERW 0 We will be serving FREE nibble toads on Saturday. ‘9“ July 14 between 10 io 12 pm. and 210 4 pm. Join us to sample the ioilowing: ‘ m. Up to - Quiche - Fabouli - Cous Cous - Falafal . and more ‘ 10-60% OFF MOST ITEMS . Off STOCK REDUCTION SALE f and . To make room [or curtail merchandise and our mow ‘ more! in ï¬ve months to Victoria Paco. ______B°_"£5_°_°E"PN _____- .. IFeanut Butteriâ€" Honey T Sultana 1 . \IHWWM : : Raisins : = ~' ’99 » 99¢ . 99¢ . 2 / H , lb, I lb. I lb. | R 43;? 2mm" L 2|b.|imit l 2|b.|imit _| Wyndham Lane _â€"-â€"â€" â€"-_-â€"â€" _â€"_â€"_- Sh F hi 4: , MARKET LANE PANTRY no. ’ NATURAL PM "lul m 10 King Street, Kitchener ‘ a 159 King St. East. Kitchener 743-0411 M T $993113; 104; i, Inn-Wad.o-ngfgfï¬sérflnï¬grigo;msmm oanglifgtiFï¬-umgp-m- pm. STYLE'SElECTIUNOSERVICE‘SAIISFQCIIQN ‘ "a ._ "" " "WW†"f." f, . ..g;.i,.'_ ;u;§:f;.;l.;;;;li..h...;v;§,:.....-q