PAGE A12 - WATER“) W. WY. m t& 1m "Bylaws are very qteeifie and don't always apply when them is I dispute between neighbon Mediation in a Iny for them to talk about the problem in I controlled and neutnl setting." Felhaber say- the program save- taxpa- ers dollars because feuding neighbors don't When rmidmta of Waterloo have a diqrute,tltera't'thortogrstoarurt. "rg, m. go to W2: 1 cm is a ity ater oo designed to help residents ',',,1'fd'dSlh1h' municipal bylaws and provincial laws that apply to them as neighbors. The program not only informs residents of their rights and responsibilities " neighbors. but also provides a free mediation service when coMieta can’t be reaolved. The program has been so awash] it recently won the 1990 Best Innovative Program Award from the Canadian Associ- ation of Municipal Administratus. Paul Felhaber. coordinator of the pet gram, says the service is popular because city bylaws don't always apply to all the EVERYTHING UNDER THE SON! Parents! Highlights magazine is your 1nhrAdy-Auguat'muorpnmntourTHlR0 ANNUAL CHILD'S PLAY CALENDARaagartut listing of moms. especial] for kid: M's something for every day from July 1 to StxAmiser3:trvtmtsittat%mpirttyi- mindsandrmngNdesacer.Th'tsrtar'stalanttitraltro 'eattsmsattmiticpqxrr4tMrtgtrdtyrtuRpttmoilleniortnalting. IBllltlts Chii"iifick -ie',ilii)spstityri,ti,i tlltfiglltitoi!!,t program wrnsr natronal award The Will) began in September and has received our 150 general bylaw inquiries, 180 requi- for bylaw enforce meat and than: 50 requests for mediation. Both universities ere involved in the pet8rmrn and Felhaber spend: one day a week at University of Waterloo and a half. day u Wilfrid Leurier. Mediation in pro vided by the Community Justice lititia. tives end the Univenity of Waterloo Mediation om. eliminate the bad feelings These people have to continue to live beside each other." A typical complaint. any! Felhnber, is fencing beuuee the bylaw doesn't specify ttht and doesn't regulate building mate. "We often get cells from people complain- ing about a neighbor’s fence lacunae it's too big (I they don't like it. Because the bylaw in't medic they go to mediation if they m’t work it out." 7 7 7 "attegt,'yeiggggg'gtg; tt'retryingtoatqrpeele 'ttout. in new. the fence at and: other and TheH0MhtstMfsnaycalattdarissponsomdbr. "'""""‘I 83000 l on l tmatt-rt',",--'--",'--")""-" Humor. right, of The Lung Mention Waterloo Mm. will. his tttttther, PM. Jo/At °!!:. Tty ,lttue1t11'deett , Ire Lyng GGiGiiiii'iiiiedtisrLitotu'urittCoit-imtion magmas; Attdtotmltstigaodihln-ttsattar, your child could win one a m sum Youth's u0utttain8lktts.tatsttto00ttt3muttirrattt ihitrmmpaperforbdeotsandiintttsJum,,uy-Augustiitsoe oiH'ghfglttrtsiillxst-mittrsd-itmmas thmutttout the raglan WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. J)mtitmaltxpitrsonhechmnaraatttartsitxravair at*rimeatanrareaasoirituMaLtnmausommer! WJ-wm V umqmm I . 80altetater,tgmNiMag “$0.11..“ mmonmn1.m '2Sh2g'eg'r'/',1,','Jtt,g 1'dlfgrfhlrl'Tll' We don 't like to name drop, however. @ID _ (8tttip MOVADO We thought you’d like to know we represent 6 of the top 'eeh makers in the industry. GUCCI (C) f,,is.,tiiy,.?J.pjlt,li.I,,gi,ijip) CONCORD. HIKE FOR 7 LIFE LASSALE SEIKO 'Cartier The Miami