uol dlb e e tghtt ioi oi in hi e cupe o S 4 Fixed Assets and Work in Progress To Be Applied to the Following Year‘s Taxation Net Under (Over) Requisition Note 1(d) TOTAL LOCAL TAXATION Previous Year‘s Over (Under) Requisition < $ > Local Taxation Raised in Current Year 60,834,373 Decrease (Increase) in Reserves Other Than Reserve for Refund of Taxes Note 1(c) ~ 1266514 TOTAL RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE "overnment of Canada 368,034 Individuals â€" Tuition Fees 112,507 Other Revenue, Excluding Transfers from Reserves + 1,106,905 Other School Boards < Tuition Fees & Misc Government of Ontario, Misc. Government of Canada TOTAL EXPENDITURE RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE Capital Expenditure (Nonâ€"Allocable) j Debt Charges & Capital Loan Interest Note 1(a) (i), 1(b), 4 Plant Operation & Maintenance Overâ€"Requisitions â€" (Elementary) Note 1(d) Overâ€"Requisitions â€" (Secondary) Note 1(d) Other s Other Current Liabilities Net Longâ€"Term Linbilities Note 1(b), 3 Reserve For Working Funds Note 1(c) Equity In Reserve Funds Note 1(c) SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Brenda K. Chamberlain TD. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS ‘QNMhM‘YunN& 1(b) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 and Accrued Linbilities > G OF NET EXPENDITURE CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS + (Elementary) Note 1(d) â€" (Secondary) Note L(d) Excluding Transfers to Reserve LIABILITIES T.D. Lynch Director of Education $7,912,656 $118,883,022 $ 1617,017 113,927, 62,100,887 $13,200,377 88,161,254 $ 5,086,879 4,955,760 3,212,438 2,636,.693 $ 51,569,611 " fests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. . _ 7 + _ In our opinion, these financial statements present feirly the financial position of the _ 1988 Board as at December 31, 1989 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in 7 wwhmmw,hmlmmewmmn $3,210,935 _ applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. $102,544,749 $ 1,394,740 46 859 544 98,422,055 $12,133,268 (966,170) 4 199 604 10,689,514 5,022,150 1,122,107 1,710,336 2,765,013 154,717 315,202 1,445,130 646 599 1,799,778 4,116,964 2,870,474 789,213 1,186,251 17,603 17,698 12 tests and other procedures as we w.mwmmuamwmmmmam- at December 31, 1989, and the Revenue Fund Statement of Operationé and the Capital MMdOp-flhuï¬rthmhudd.Onr-MW-d.h To The Wellington County Board of Education 6. ONTARIO SCHOOL BOARD INSURANCE EXCHANGE 5. PENSION PLAN COSTS 4. DEBT CHARGES AND CAPITAL LOAN INTEREST The School Board joined effective January 14, 1987 for a fiveâ€"year period, the Ontario MMMIM(OSBIEL-ncimmmyM mï¬rthlmmminmmwblicï¬abflity,mmymmd certain other rigks. P â€â€œth,fl_i__’;;.___.._...._.,_. betveciedh d antvn auts Wmï¬u&md‘hflmmmudmu 3. NET LONGâ€"TERM LIABILITY REPAYMENTS &. TUITIES PLANS â€" SICK LEAVE BENEFITS PP pwe o e t i t e e Eies m SR TA l(unidp-]hployeskcï¬mt&ym-hï¬hlnulï¬qhy'&nlnwm mm.wmmmmmamuwmmhm amounted to $540,591 (1988 $478,769). Nummfl\eï¬nunddmudthlud-nduamphy«-mï¬hmm duW‘Supennnuï¬mhmiMfmdhgforuu:hhwid-ddiwybytbe Provincial Government. All nonâ€"teaching employees of the School Board are eligible to be members of the Ontario n n s i L J uo un : Principal Payments $127,332 Interest Payments 42,695 The revenue fund expenditures for Debt Charges and Capital Loan Interest includes principal and interest payments as follows: Of the Net Longâ€"Term Limbilities outstanding of $730,343 debenture principal amounting «ommmunminmmun«,mnpmwmmï¬n years as : L2 ERERUEAEE POFREE ne Net expenditures of any year and the amounts received to mu-â€"&-ï¬â€œmbhwnb““w reduce the net revenue requirement from ratenavers. (d) UNDER/OVER REQUISITION OF TAXES except as follows: that are prescribed by the Ministry anid are considered appropriate for Ontaric School FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECI NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS hwq“flmhhmtmrmlm.m.- YAM YA7a WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1990 â€" PAGE 29 AUDITOR‘S REPORT $170,027 Licence No. 1232 $197,598 129,367 97,621 $581,711 $115,535 $ 52.691 $148,632 $89,615 21516 81 $216,947 68,615 106,736 166,211