premium pricetbet detlmtetarrt#tutoehametor homes on “wooded" late. Small neighborhood forests provide visual and physics] relief from sues ot,yxeands.ttarha.ltiq(erutguettuunaeaitd nrmtatrmvidesoeietalbatiu,too,inthetiAn of air-purifying proceeses and oxygen production; in soil stabilization and ground water retention. They are the only home possible for countleee specie of animals, birds, flowers, imam, fungi. Forests In very lunch more than _ The Kitchener-Waterloo Field Natumliata believe that the City of Waterloo Mid change its present policies so that NO development, and therefore no further destruction, may be allowed in city woodlote or wetlands, even thoee lands privately owned by The Kitett--Ratarhooruid Natttraliataarron aetivrrgmupdaoettr440eitturtaatt%tgwttom-, readout: of Witch) who who and tm-tu. the woods, - Ind wihltihdthis rqion. We react, then, with Mic di-tn- u the trtgttingdetrttetimxtfWataeuati-ndttte tomcat thatmummdlobmy legally}: tiutbettteeitreartgtopthisd-tutiG.0Yw RecordJm 16.1990). Theral 1"rtteodlotirorfarurmdthews wbotiofzaulogddmnndbeyondm _ttststqthrstrtseti" itfettriadiets, Minimum to tBg8ttNq hte, and chlorine, and dam tutu-M iaext-triaCanndinnomtsdand -eaudanddt-rtotumamultinatioesal- company, ltitrditBeulttor- WM“ a2,'l'dl;T,'i't1't'l'lTdlldlat,Tfttlh','eld'tl', 'rmnotsthistnted-imrr., [m Chu- S-i.tiat. 162 OTTAWA sr. AT WEEK ST. mum in m AirariiriiirGiirilT. City at. ism-idly Wand ia-hte, dria9rt.dtuettet-sot-tinean urteltirltrtultinati-le-tioet.Aiinattaha. _timr,irmmetdttteBiiumtmn.Itiaan 'rxrmti"9etltftti1ttttrPoititedta- may-mam mmwmnt‘lnd dreielagtntriiiirrtmi-tthrtttt.Chmti. eudidmA-rderthe_rieialittqtieatitmcho Peeetid"rBT%oAditttiiinthotrem Food Cog M. Madratti. ttttS mum-ammun- by m '.rm.iar was... Gulch fbeitt. and fhtelfbry1tBtdttth-emri-uiu- It.tetu..Netltie-ih9rttt-at third. ,-u.e.hiure.t/ruFiitiiik, Tim! iiui 'yttiteht_-rtattotho-. mo-mmmmv.mum (Rum 1i1lS,?,,5,, ) BRING IT TO US 'cause we don't make housecalls AND WEâ€. PAY YOUR GAS! _ ($10.00 worth) WE PAY YOUR y',50, DEDUCTIBLE awe“ 70W? When-m --lmFtsat - *wâ€" ---w m ."'-""" euh1rtdaethedgyitrithediuGiGrdGi ,Il!ltlt,.turtexio1yaieyrtirtiriiTiisGi tmtte.c.anadiansorpoisthet1trr.Mo-kit'ii, Wham! . trtteatuntryandatxms MUM Mr. aelU,'uttlld1egf,'ll2g,1t ialtotliatening. 2hti'p'"n'tdia't"souidaeiartui-e e . kindcNowtutgaeit tmto itlTrtit"i'a'l'r',',,'llT,ul mmmm oet9rtMiamrlrrah-tot6tn'iiiiE tl'2rp"attT,,,ehrJct1tt,,di,u,i,iili,e . tu,l . ll ilt1i,'tttT,y,h,2r't,idgt “Rom fttsadieattmreteniisuveGodiiiroiar- 'ntmtrtopVfortheirprorrtuas.ararmttettt spending. simply ut, is auto! control and Cana- i'(i';ra'l5'j'l','lfl'tlhill'. Understandably.CInndiana-regrowingwuryof thi"ituatiop.WrettNhtpoirittiG'dGit'tii. Pf gentle! tianthyy hollow glue mat itlg.u"" eleaion if the rate should be 'ey.rrmttti1amuttuteeraearndumpoiir, mtttidrtaieitt.atthetmditairtttParamGta6 m. Parliament would still remain sover- titrr.t,lte-,h-tsiteidumto-tittii. Iiry3andaiut-quentmtarmtdunmoertttidirr. 1utimeltavkti)tiuiremmrtogimdiGiiG beer:9tuinlr,jfktttopoiitiei-etdrt'iGG ?yteoetireyittirtetoii-.haiiiria% Stl-therb-yt-mt-ttGia-tFifi Midst» M tiuiiaai -_____ ttlt',',',',',',',',',',',', on T needed Into-d of trying to input: the human-sly PtPrtuhtr9todedhrriaTuoncartadiani, 1'h'rsoirtie1trunMutmmtritouidtrrdiiG &tnoeratieqtion. ireatrtyldirirto1untdiayth-oetmtitrto dtooes,thrmtghanatioetalmt-huiGrttatsirir" nottoacoeptthepmpondmpaeenttu. Ttttthifi-trin-it-retreat-midst-, trthtoirrtple1nttnttheGtrr,ttittouidauouvis th1rtrtoedtttyetj.r.irehuvtttrtydi all Tt1'tttttligge'fer, m' .40 -thathoth MIMI-m azimuthal-nails. A mm! in in that dimetitnt would to tho Haw-WWW wmdmhiwmr '1h'lt1',rg',piz,,tt,e,.?g.',,tt tueitrie%ri.attttn tteltrtttort4hrttritrAmrr d-h-trebel-tttattest-start-ess. ty".t.eee-tri1thatis.tysttt.rmhyteed 7 sets. Jrhiir' iaiaiaid iiiGFiiiiiG',' ',aiiidr1,s,,, 2. Caltittet-thtnt rum Wk? “MM David Soul-ville National Citi-' Coalition 262 in Street, Km GIG-â€Cull!†578-5500 Replao ttamit iiiGiGiiia it}; “EH“ ll Canadian Tire Associate Store at 270 Weber St. H. Waterloo ls pleased to announce that Mr. John Freund has Joined our Auto Service Department Management Team. Ect', IIIIIIIIIIIIII i_jlfi'Ti' SUNDAY MORNING SPECIAL ALL YOU gm BOWL FOR $4.50 " “an: noon WATERLOO BOWLING LAMBS esia-Haun- (was anagram up... Call For Avilabla Tunas , Saturday Noon-10 pan. Sunday Noon-o pm. spawn BREAK Elihu“ " PRINCESS ST. WEST, WATERLOO 900 Fully Uoomod Under LLBO BOO-2370 OPEN BOWLING DAILY tsp-tttmt-tttUra-tao-tttts manna†AD0LTJtt1.69PERaa- John henna C--TiTiE!lliffE Cam in nightâ€. You'l hi Petet1teute1.?y WW m '39.â€!!‘300 'atr1cmi,.iii)ri,