need to keep t1,'giit.t'tttdf water. And you sure don't need Lakes water as a whatitute because, believe me, it will be chlorinated by the time it comes out of your tap. - LIThe melon] murky water coming out your tap. That happened in the sum- meoralreuona Bout'trtauttmt, "ht, a time: . ha wn wanna; we " restriction So what? N cove ony- boh the right to grow Kentucky Bluegrass - it’s a water pig. Try tsomething conic on mrtfr-andrrurpoeutttook.Dorou really want to no your water ram sky. rIeketiusttorsuaineorragrsen Iowa? There are alternatives CIA bacterial more last wring. Remem- ber it? gnaw the regional engineering andpu ie eaith&partments ooding us with more chlorine than a YMCA mrim. ',tttthii,,'h'do,te,'1tltd,,tlogtt Rell, tho m_’l mpr mufolh, you don'; quitrms"rwhin ing 'Waterlotxthefhotis Ttttlt-tlt-ti-tttemit/pipeline 1tlt,ih'ti,NrglrSfitttt,- t’ln â€summing your bottled 'TAk1ongemottghlt, thinkthil tat""'"""",'-'-"""""'" n ",',tat,'e/'j','ett'ttg,e,','t, hamldm manor; rrtruhaii-ruih"ttrmiurtf,niuti "ft't,lrid'tihtt,1,i,tht,t,tl. Um otrkrtthetstxmidtttirtg-do 'rrentlmetrtitnohtthiitight,aithough '1titstuehitdwithinufthatisdoiitg them, men MM why In do mikthinomdoandnhom taumrt-ethetetion. "it-that-it-ttttaaa within in the an. In that our mat-Mn; mmmu Comment Athmehtheotlmrdayabuain- e!roeutt'yfriardittttus_tuingme aboutatsookuhadrmdwhieh-iusto 'dmmatetutmtghouidailheemneour m puma: Evidently he had been, Howentonto 1aiesthatrellhaet, /Jllil'llit'l'ln1'l3lll2't'JMlt'J' tYtsmehildrenttrtttttiatae-uiroie, Police help me get Over this nerve-wracking phobia / vc, Tr, , 2,iiatsiis, PrttP1eirtgakoutnottiimrtowtatt- iorithiniamhot, Magnum tmtmtitrtttyatrfyton,VioiintwhiG,- 'oytetpthinkofit,uwutitloouhhi mined-swell.) , beat, or the min 7" -- _ Tia In? il'i'll',h'l'l',t'lh'luln'hltfdh't; FEE-WI.“ MI many um Miam- . "iHiGGiiiFiriT ' "ar,, Rick Campbell gum? . '-t T I' iltrof it new. Wynn bee-nu In tttttdit/tgit tttr tfi'iu,'i'i1t,.!rf sS1lteNith'itfltltit,t"gig,'d Aaetughaarhtetondmitit, e2ug,'t2ritd,,rh',ggtggu),Et.?. trtft'f,gmtoeg,tt,,t/t,eg,h; but " actively mod their Ihpthgme mama-tama- PLAY.“ MM“ 1tShitfpePhir.i--tGkGG; iiliifiiriti1'kl'l3ll5l.'J.hir. I've mmlookingant. m.hydeiboystitusiostitehdiiitGi Iuatntr indium/f" "tt?,triogriFifi.' agtrirms "a" for . TL' *ek,fieryt'rttroutioiid,taiiiiilU New yam): justI minus of 'tta',?),',',,",",?,:", p... . polite yg.et1r1tefsiFtitaTi,' w tiiiriFyiti'iuii7r,u"i%hl'i"t'i1' 2:3,... " .911 ',ie1tf), . fll.pp.lrr1trj1ip't the best solution to our water woes TOW 'ttrthtur'stuirror under- 1tttee,rhtttetsrrt-tteaittr 'ag1t2i,ait.ii" I What that AiiFineam is that the P7 light!!! pqiieatshersman intimi- \. Take good care of that child within “13-3.; "C7Cf.7GC': GTC.'?, m - and that gtirred up (harmleau) dirtfrmtstU bottmhdp'tptss. lt'a happen. ingagain,no_miottunine%rth, shutdownuamltoftheDMNAthat flormd intothethandRivermantthnim't, Uniroyal Chemical Ltd. It, too, will pan. DDMNA. Well, maybe that is a good rr-mt-ttttpipeline-tttaide/this -ttmr800kmmitoxinahavetterntound in ththeat Lakes. Even uu Huron. You can'tmnaway from chemical; Our Inuit have boon told not to breast feed their childm because of chemical mamma- tionofthenorth. Andthatirtheeruototrttrarounent. You ,mnttodrinkelean ,rtttar.TheneUan qtlhtg'gtig,','rdgtugg,1,tttpgtrie,iit; 2,1,trd, Itiverat "lt,e.T,ilt,tt,e,',t tudoanuyou get. t'a cleanaa the Great Lakaa. And after “Janeen fed 'dt/det',."?,,:',',,',',',,',?.',,,",',',:):, so. mtinyoulhmld 1','li'dl,'llt that', what thStltt t?1hmtrrt'srtotrivinorinto iidiah Whnwwlydlookmg' Ityour tryttetretwirtturarursirutg ',tpieti2t',t,'tgtggttt,ti, " ' cutting vi .q,1?ii,x)i!:lirt',ttsit,'i!iii!l1':i', 'e-tttN-restart In yedaert'tittrereu'-" 1yttkatthytrshtttapeir1fgheTtt- 1t,rPjei.tyrrrreti.qta.tehs., artdmtutdtiidryi2hirsuuiommt," M‘Mrmdbptdmwllm ',h1)p,tItttxgafjt,rr: V - qtmdingon at him! just outside of tbr-.hairttryiGiiGuiriT,"iUi taahttdtrmtoihteur,iiaiuriT 1yrami-udtrGtuGTtGaiiii tyrtyeti_onuniuiGil,TG limatrritdt-rttrtieiii'ATr. c_Pte.Pttrhey.terarn.mriy tEg.ttet,hti, '"iiGGiTh"iist .Ml out his wife is from Oshawa. And by. In ma itrpiteh Geoffrey Fellows â€That’s life’ Rick Campbell "e'"'"""""'"'"""""""""..-" to9entartthurtd-tandirtehisirth. Mrtrundtoldmetutwhenudom t,ttttt.,iztttgNtf2tctiit dom't' !ttltttr,CPatuttti,kid inrntoetiagup".Thisitsnoootrtuelon mm“ 1','/ttetttftlt,i2t m“ are Imrghingatttteirteidmtt. Astdrtmoh.itrtqinnirteto-thie www.3theybuh-mmpth "dt-ttteil-tre-ttNuts, 'tsttrertutofthd-t. Tut'sth-tirtireftmigouronm 1htts,ifawornan-isurhur 1et4inthisrmrtuideandiatinrtiah 1rhieh-i-tittgitaetfataiiven timp,aumightgtoua-tourd mtd-tandinghirnbetterUnerttemore mrtxmdulintxqtingwithhiotoodond'tom.ieeoyrttt,tt-tem1ie children will. muse the (water) resources we have mil can Ihow it is environmentally responsible to (build tt pipeline)." time.witlsoutproblomaofonelonor 'utMtteraa,that-ehiid,andtuntu Managed f&drrleoting and they and“ their way into river and lake water.) And it means provincial environment minister James Bradley do ing more than picking on one company. Uniroyal is not a devil among angels. Better still call our‘local MPP Herb Epp (8860780) and unmet. want a clamp down on all water( . , for that matter) polluters in Waterloo region. Internationally acclaimed hydrogeolo gist John Cherry told Waterloo'e water conservation committee this week that there has never been an extensive map ping of the groundwater under Waterloo region. There may be room for more wells. Waterloo region needs a comprehensive and rational groundwater management plan,hcsaid.And,headded,wehaveno rightmtakewaterfromtheGreatLakes thrxmghtheMannheirngmundti1teriora betutfim. plti'2,g't'", gtill mm" “if? td .. to on aeaye1hsentheoturdir.andhe smiled Induid hello. This, ofcoune. wttqrtxedttstrmttpagertewtrtotuttt attttedinmrtnhU. -1-rmeetanutioer,mrtimt" "et'eis,wutdidrdo?Pimt,hsthe at, Beththought it was many. But now Ithhtkgu'sti%tsrarnrperutni "0hnoooo..." Te,',ht; 1323‘: b','.'."?', f" " mIt " . Inc. all-ac hi1t.LivitrmttrviewrniimrAehrrtte?" '/9ll,amrsueding?" "No.1'm onlrdoingahout96kliea." 'mrayrutirmrFttum,rm'reon thtAifi-irteitytttad." player. Waited to ace the get home i7Lrp,r-d,whenrgothome tt',t'/li1,tedTtey2,teg; . 3'31). a tho-mm 'eliagtttoriqrthrbeirteirntii. met.tketeeuegottto1fuerryid" "tdrttadottttrvieahoutit. Butforth-nomenta...uahorut Tdunno, mm his". broken an mum an. WAN m. WV. JANUARY 24,1†- PM! 1 W! " may.» . -- a van-Anna pm 2t'rg,"gthntat.,r,itt.til,te, ,runtomlitt,sotlieihihiwithin Pottmaldbeiuulgedoneeinswhile, M’Iwhy.uadulh.wemnaillenjoy _d.tiididtgyrinduvetuactingiike kidst-ther.rtu Mealynltunlnd 'toeutsfmngetirtetoortompmusnd may. But the parent in us any! alttmidfseidenruiritmmidbe-srii. 't-tdto-tutthinrdon'teiiotitd had. 8o,bettgoodtmtturortitttertottte childhyou.Underurdultuchin¢ml Jm9sstemttmt,tutkidextuldrxrCuno 1'1'trlagetggu'.R1r, More: 'llgu'ggt'"st1,2, P t . , .0. '.hof39mieiiir, Nlltchprorid. mm. y" :m-mu ram- -u.ituthepartofuswhictohouU thTPbe/utatrstrxrlandrnnkingthe mpg-3mm with your uu Hum pipelihe at least "tirritiifiid And your want rate. will go up [later than the water procure. And it's Also not coincidence that the local Liberal MPPI want a pipeline. Our provincial government is amour-3mg growth in this am, despite the Bttrt0ug quouiom local residents have, and despite tter,'.', on the environment. Pi y. think about out The Mannheim scheme will out $300 million over the next 60yrmtobui1dandoperate, A Luke Ene page“! will can $439 to mum-act and a "imagine that," laid Beth, shaking hair [tofu-ad smiling. use this»: 'sigrrintaet,I 1ll'ffntle't2'uurlde','SdLt'td Wally Watchout in I parade, if I don't just and right up there and link: In. umiaqin.JytimtehmeImean,ttey, you eet go ducking into the crowd ll] ion: life consider about I pipeline. London. Ontario built one in the early 1970.. To pay for it, they had to PM more urbnn growth. Ntmttmrnadamtttero,se.mtirr.iL 'riilrtup,andtheywiilagainuveto encourage I you of growth. It in not coincidence that the largest _ldhrfhrtupipeiinehaabeentheGw hating- community. That community wont: growth - witness the Waterloo chamber of Commerce response to the city's growth committee report They know a pipeline will need growth to pay for Itself Give them a pipeline md write otf any rational control of growth. That is not Mable development! tary Ree. 'MemtirTwiriai Lili bytuetytettteiet-eei,rtgurimrodr' plana tor the night were coin: to be “Rick. you don't even drink." "Yeh,tntthedidn'tknowtutuntuI toldhim.Beantlduveb-uo.b, 'rithym,brrth-xturuoustoo,toid me I ""Ptfrrr.tsotdtinkine and "Yeh, Both, than I was Uniting up ttttrating/et/ttreg::,:',;,;,?,' nodded e_idhrlu.Setriendir" r1utut'ttTut'irthekmr?" "Btrtheaeid'ttdimttt ,torrsehiead 1y 1iuroumtuidrt'tbeiiAeAsamaturG? M he In jut as My " the tehiertset “Lu". “93 petrol New