UW's McCrae receives top recognition "In the long run that was an easy jump, but after that the Jump _wouldrtt be so easy." __ Under a blazing sun in 120 degree temperatures at the 1983 World Cup in Malaysia, the Ca. nadian team became the upstart team and rmiaUd second. The next year at the 1984 [as Angeles Olympics they finished Mh fol. lowed by a third at the 86 World Cup and another Mh at the 88 Olympics. Hockey of another spud "There are 30,000 people im volved in field hockey, but there's only about 100 athletes who we can draw from. In this area alone there has been a high success rate with Forest Heights going to OFS_SA_ last year. _ The climb to the top actually began at the 1979 World champ- ionships in Vancouver, BC, Ca. nada entered the 22.team even ranked 16th. they finished eighth under coach Vandermerwe. Thus a new page in field hockey history was turned at the meet- ing. It also saw the dismantling of the C.W.F.H.A. and the forma. tion of Field Hockey Canada Association. Representing Canada at the international level, her job takes her to various countries, she hires and, subsequently rireg as well. She also works close with the federal sport body when it comes to funding for th women's team and she also does scouting ... a lot of scouting. "I believe that this area is the second or third best in the prov- 1an when it comes to talent." Although the profile of women's field hockey in Canada is very low key, Mche is especially proud of the success rate of the program. Earlier this season McCrae, an instructor with the University of Waterloo, was presented with an honary life award at the Cana, dian Women’s Field Hockey Asso- ciation annual meeting. It was the third time that the award was presented since the 1920s The award was also presented to three other women at the annual meet. ing, including Canadian coach Mariana Vandennerwe. The meeting itself was to set up the first stage of an amalgama. tion between the women‘s and men's field hockey associations in which McCrse is now the presi- dent. "The menu association was suffering a bit, especially with ice hockey always being in the fore. front," McCrae said. McCrae, who had limited exper- ience in rteld hockey but always saw its tttet became the viee-presi ent of the association in 1978 and has served that post until three years ago when she became its presidgnt. Pete Cttdttea Chm Staff Canadian women's world team? Many would answer basketball, but since 1984 the Canadain Women's field hockey team has beenwithinthetopsixinthe world including Olympic and World Cyp play, - _ And,théshoéeuofthemmhaa a dermate Waterloo connection in J ugly McCray. - - -- , HAVE you'sim mun BOWLLNG IS A FAMILY AFFAIR. EVERY BOOK* IN THE STORE Calendars and Cassettes too '(SPECIAL ORDERS EXCEPTED) 0NCE-A-YEAR SALE " you miss it you’ll have to wait till 1991 for savings like these. Words Worth Books SALE Elllls SA TUBE/l r, JAN. tt TH M HURRY! .; m f, _ top SHELF; 50% OFF Judy mom ANY INSTALLATKt't, IN JANUARY WITH m CAD 2084, OFF Now at 100 KING ST. SOUTH UPTOWN WATERLOO 'es'a-aoox (2665) OPEN 9 TO 9 DAILY a To a SAT, Now, with all the other duties on her agenda, McCrae is now looking at better ways of promot. ing the sport. - Itwesalsoduringth'c 1984and 1988 Olympics that 11ch van hired by the CBC to be cola mylisist. since she had a better understanding of the sport than those at the sporting end of the national television network. "Lip service was the way we promoted the sport, but now we have a new association, we have to spend money and increase out visibility. Right now the team is prepar» ing for the World Cup in Austm lie in May. They're going there ranked fifth and will be compeb ing in a tournament with 12 other teams. The following year will be a qualifying tournament for the 1992 Olympics in Spain, a sum-y Park Inn, was on“. St. - Knew IUD-1902. firTtlt0ri1TiCEfil l Join us in celebrating the newest ladnca fashnon outlet m KI? I (And just. in tine for the holiday season, La“) Thu :5 you: i, inviLaLion to 50m: swat aavmgp r ODFNINC ODECML Dean MacDonald , , 16 Position: Weight: ITO htrs FREE CONSULTATION . AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION Height: 5'tt" Hometown: Waterloo, Sponsored by: WATERU20 WM. WEDNESOAV .1 f ET? ',. ci ' I , A9n tA: a Ff-' 5" " i., b,9's,rc-f ,7 A? 745-2141 815 mm St, Eu /e, 54 h t 'fe' ‘7 ,3 x " “m a“ P. 'dFirt, 'ip' _" an Lt, silt', - ttii Right Wing 7 yr. @3752 Follow the Sinkine to the l?e.l_lll_ty Byx (lifting lounge (or aiifiriGGi, and (iiiâ€"mar 5500mm bOhlNC WEEK (SAVINGS: 59 King lit. N., Waterloo 130 56mm Pkwy Noah Sun: 2t 886-3350 JANUARY 3 763-6311 mo . PAGE a) '