PAGE 10 _ WATERLOO CHROMCLE, WEDPESOAE JANUARY 3, "eo We want to wish everyone Happy New Year WHAT'S NEW iii), LICENSE TO KILL t'ii), WEEK-END AT BERNIES (ii') LOCK uni (iii WHEN HARRY MET SALLY What’s Coming il) TURNER AND HOOCH dis EDDIE AND THE CRUISERs II: EDDIE LIVES tib PINK CADILLAC (l) KARATE KID PART III Previously viewed BATMAN AND ROGER RABBIT $14.95 'z,,lzri',_"iiiicij3jl,,lll,l,llil, JANUARY 4" JANUARY 1 1 JANUARY 18 JANUARY 25 Please Note: Recital Hall is not yet wheelchair accessible. KITCHENER '" "ttttttttt A". W, - - ' lulu-I) 76b866t SEE vgg HERE! “VS The Edward R. Good Funeral Home has always stressed the ingortance of treating each family's l s in a personal and sensitive way, in. addition to handling the technical aspects of conducting a funeral. We see our community responsibility as assisting and supporting those making funeral arrangements for . their deceased loved-ones during this difficult and stressful time. '89-'90 CONCERT SEASON MONTH OF JANUARY iEEEEitEq JANUARY SALE ENSEMBLE CONCERTS Recital Hall - Aird Centre 8:00 p.m. Aifmission - Adult $5. Student/Senior $3. High School Students free with I.D. JANUARY 17 CONTEMPORARY PLAYERS Wednesday Electronic Music Ensemble Glenn Bohr, Director STANDING BESIDE YOU IN TIME OF NEED Edward RGood FUNEQAL HOME LIMITED Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty of Music 171 KING STREET SOUTH WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2J 1P7 fled†Sat. 0:30 . 0 p.m.: MTâ€. tâ€- I pm. we Music at Noon 'Ketter Memorial Chapel Recital Hail - Alrd Centre Admission Fm 12 Noon 4' Jan Overduin, organ 11 David Falk, baritone Boyd McDonald, piano 18 LAURIER SINGERS Victor Martens, Director Beth Ann deSousa, piano 25 WLU Faculty Composers PATTERNS CLIP AND SAVE 745-8445 5. ~95“va " .___ri_ .--..-t---. CAMBRIDGE 7GT..aT. = all';,, I“! “I WALL T0 WALL SAVINGS my; â€my: A DvuAul'rE AND YOU'RE THE WINNER'. .tEAee9rry, [We