Mammhbbél 1ht,'d'x,gtThttdt fridhnric “it'd.- looon6i.,NO CalledAleohilndividuhmd Sadatthom'inh- turethmea_tresathiesl, polierandgers&ri-Wd 2tlhtT; KenB Omit-Hind tourimnnndr-titmartdthe cabinet membernqnuihloh’ megovemmenfuntidmgm egy,willnlnoaddrulthoconh'- ewe. Recently, be unveiled " tails of the gtmenunent's 337- million plan to when mogul of philooophy at the Utah-wit! of Alcohol it'trttps,r_tttttikr' of WLtrttttrt,fetibtitd i Linn HAW. I INF-0! _lllllll. Fitzgerald Bros. .. Named 0fhltyhll Du Pont As an official Du Pom Decorating Centre. we are trained and eqznged to help you lan colour schemes and choose exaaly the right colour and style u Rmt Certibd tiluos1'hrns'ilel Carpet Come in today and celebrate with great savings. FreeDuPom (Deco . Ideas wideSekctimtorcdlougsand BookYour 1t,fag.e,eg'e"i1ie'ht,t Gammmgou "?dt'i'ht',1t,?' ehrgg'g',ht'tee,g,tymesand STAINMAS 'AiArprtUnytypassed valuab tipsondeaxating tpsalityanddurability.-Beautiuitow-and 'omara-otFtrrtrrteder6emmarsarucsenr MM.†'e "3N,tt'tr,,1',tt'/L,rid alcohol tr, by IP'""....", Min qtmtr'e*,potitieal on!!!“ m -tgtmtqusttrtaihemteh tEirrttoramesn. 1pwatttteUtimeait, "., 'JWMW T" mmn.m’ GGGG Mimic.“ tttgg'..'"""""- ?it,iihttsv,rtzat Ind-lucid Uttgh-i. ty in Ottawa. will gut in yangumnd Alcohol:_lwiu , FITZGERALD BROS. m. 490Webcr81. H., Vim _ ' tie years to come 911963120! *mmuhmh ',ritiii?i'?itiit/i1?it "'.'ehthe2tllthl “I Ian-to 1'l11uT,htltll'lft'Mt aatyttpttulbrun.1amerrgl 'rtauttar-rttathasburtt tt.1tt,to12t46ruts.artdtkk- “whimbw . II -I E r - mrrrer-tiret fg"grtlt"ttg',1t oMSTtehSDArHthuDEC2shNt+ p4Tt8r.tcltllll',rirtrap menu. mhm-nm" WM? - Wait bum Ptqt2e,t?yr-mtt-22rtsLNartetr. bu-tsr-ta-s CHRISTMAS LUNCH BUFFET mun-mum mnmodmmm ,MMM “Thoma†'fSttlr.2'l2ratt',, l $2 W... tt,ijiiiiitttiii; Form mm.“ oopydAWTnM dumbâ€. MWMMN. - WWrOllt. Will's-4M0 'rjiiit'