W-urlooBmG-Kitdunuz W.teeletttN-U-Nul8tunqihmtt Ruttint,gtsiattugt,TsvurHinaehUr. g_r1,t_alhtat.Aasiata.5eiutui. 1,Adlqhari,Thitti,attPu.u 1,dmhr_Mattt-unteo1,gtit “33'... m L hum ~mm 1ui-r.eeAitii-ahuiueo" mmmwm. Eloeat.W.tortmrt-tty WattruoB--gu.tiakutas, Putjrtnon2,8tumtMeAustaiuve Balm l, M lib-churn! l, Paul 8tuntNi,Aasiat-tttorihttrmt,Biii Ptmira6.TUs&-tstteat,ttt- Bullock ANtartklti.mtt,TuvrtrHinse. [IbuprlJahPopkwLShnvuchmhn 1.Pu|.l&nnpfl. Conn-ab - Boa will)“ Elan 01-6. 8umiqathrettrr-rtmr. Wlurho 9 . H-ur 2 Watch» Count: [on]: - Turn Milne 2, Run Sum, I,“ Mdachhn. Troy Swab ing, Duh! Sullivan. Scot Cousin-u, lynx Taylor. Jam Mn. Ania . Martin 2, Elihu 2, Sullivan 2, Stu-blag. Mun. luko. W.terkNti-St.Ttttt-8 thtarit-l-qh'ut.RertesH_ tht-ttB-ttiw-tms-ttie. in tht paid marked an m tine Cambrian l . Wlurlno 6 Wlurloo Cougar- [on]: - The Studying 2, itrnn McLuhhn. Daniel Sullivnn. Mit. tlun. cum. Juan Martin. Amin- - Kym Stove: 8, Tiny; Kiln. 2, Brian McNicbol, Suntan“. Ryan Taylor. [impala 0 . erloo Caucu- 10 Waterloo Consul gull - Run Taylor 8, J-mthmuu2,c-rhurhew2,Turn Milne. Daniel Sullivan, Ryan Mover. M. an . Milne g, Keith George. Tuylor. Wm“, Ryan Win 2, Dupuis 2, Matthew Clarke, Tray Sanding 2. Stanton: . Mark Wilson. m A“ -W, m Jon NuH.ottogtdgiemrtr0st.r. Cambridge 0 - Wan-loo Wilde-u , Wildcat - Ed Penn. Matthew Black. Craig Haunt. Ali-u: Am Bouncer, Bron Punk, Jon Paul Wolfo. Jenny Onion ghtttetut: Judd Raid-l um] Hark Judd W and“ Juui pound a nhmtnthowmloo Wildcat-Mud a Non pm up nu mu. ml. was»: Black and Craig Hallu- duo my»: Vina-u Pig-Em. “El-inn Witch's-I'm!) was!“ an: Garrett Pun. Karin Ratta,MdetrWnlUr, MK.“ strvrR-t,Jtttsrsgtt-ar.t1hxttms' Elan 0 - Wanda: PM 4 Waterloo m John Shunt. Bun Cow. ell, Strutt Edwards, Mark Ittatet. John mutt. Stu _ Dav“ , Chris Prior ah Myths (2), Ken Cambria-riots-trag _ Wham-i goatr.Ntt Kclb. Simon “futon. A good an to m I maul Dilworth, M Kalb (2), Ryan Gian, Simon Wuhan, David Wain. Anita: M Kalb. Kevin Com, Colin Knpf. Ryan W. Chris Madman“ (2). Matthew White al, Nick mm M, David Wain. Mr Waterloo Winch-wk- I . Woolwich 2 Waterloo nods: Anon Blunt. Alli-u: Mike Anibal. In: Warden, " “a m Waterloo Whale" 5 - St. Thomas 1 Whalers (all: Nick mm (2) Kain Cane. Sim Wuhan, Pour liq-noun. Anni-u: Kai-Cato. David Wci-(Bllnn Cartier, Ryu ' Kirchner 2 - WWI“ Wild-I 7 kia. Shimnziutdm'v Bun dun-mm: HIP-Fa. Herman â€MA (ttoMttuettortPatteA44) Nov. ttMO Nov. ttmo HQ m WIFE ASSAULT IS AGAINST 1rllilllllii LAW. ttNfl years that the Edward R. Good Funeral Ho been in business we have become deeply involved in our community. As well as takin an active role in community endeavours we gave touched the lives of many area families in arrang- ing funds for their deceased loved-ones. This asso- ciation during stressful times has helped us to build a cert-in bond of trust and sincere support within our area. You can be assured that whether it's an old associa- tion or new we will continue to treat the matter of your family funeral with respect, dignity and per- sonal support. PART OF THE COMMUNITY FOR -.r OVER 40 YEARS WI KING STREET SOUTH WATEBIDO. ONTARIO N†In 4t “1m . .r" ' _ 747-9947 450 Mp Street . Compare Our Prices . Watethoo, N2L 5J2 116 KING ST. W. KITCHENER 742-0665 20% OFF Ontario Mavis Wilson, Minister David Peterson, Premier Ontario Women's Directorate Because wife assault usually happens at home, people tend to think of it as a family affair. But wife assault is not a private matter. It is a crime. As a community we should all be concerned. For emergency assistance or referral, call the Wife Assault Helpline. listed in the white pages of your telephone directory or call the police. SUPER HOIEOVINERS POLICIES "N-"httm.tmtxtoettqort homes uplo 25 y: old. Insured mm over age 35 Diacounu on older “wanted" homes fltiNg, tNattmtg 1'trat ascounts Bmatt may . mom budget puns Gunmntood replacement cost . InMtron protector» 'srmt>cLepe-spretpNo NSLHANCE was INC â€m.wmm "mama-nu“ 'Enwce A NEWBORN TO " 20505: OFF 1 'BOYS CASUALS _ 20% OFF l 'AuBOYSlGIRLS ~A DRESSYWINTBRCOATS 20% OFF " VINGS . All SWEATERS 20% OFF ' BOYS MESS PANTS WSSDWW