and is therefore a "wilent killer of jobs." E the FST is a silent killer of jobs, however, it is largely because the Muireney government made it that way. When Muironey came to power in 1984 the FST stood st 9%; it now stands st 135%. in xher words. the FST rate has soared 50% under High mterest rates heve beem imposed on the C-hcâ€"yby&eiï¬d"â€"- coul down the overhected ccomoumy in couthern form she tas sn Â¥ s decegtion | 00 0 'f'mmsdnb@?.amï¬md The governmenst says we need the GST to replace the oid Faderal Sales Tax on menufecturimng. The FST. the government says, made Canadian memeâ€" factured goods uncompetitive in the world market At loast 4.DB0 new buresucrats will be required to adnmuter and collnct the GST. At a how average of SHLRN sact for salury and benefits, this amounts w a movum $300 unlive per yvear to start. in aocditumn. the groornment wil undrattediy use the revenue crested by the GST uw fimence even togter spernimg indsed alDowing Mokrones t Impmae thos tax is like gromg the greediest kid on the hinck the beys to the candy sture. Unfnrtrmstely . the natiurmal dehate about the GST has incuasd on rchmcal. nst fundamental; ques hene Hill‘s _ === 7420222 um as us | AXFE) > 7Wcm7ï¬Â¢ grvermmeat. Unirrtumstely, & hasn‘t stagped there cather Inquan; the GST on Commioms woll moke this uns wuree nx better Thares m uay Mr. Nulues wil c uertriol quming axce be has the GST "cash ome " F Molrme ges bos pogoud GST, be would Pm Mustr Rrun Mokwey‘s decisime to mpase the Gouds and Service Tax on Conadions i a sommmus our counfry smagur proubiem we in i a fulâ€"bisee ecomsenic crusts. i}:la:u-caï¬‚ï¬ That Commatn 2 grermmeat coreus. Bï¬vmhï¬miï¬e@[& GST is a D Fex e 5"’.?3-130“\“ Moy not be exacty as Shustrated "" ocX <pect lass effiient it is only natural when there are several levels of governmment that services overiap. Who nands a boss to ruie the bass to rule the boss ad mmfunatenm" M May I aiso remind many of our comnciliers that meny of them were top young to rememmber how lfl-g:d’&“hmd get on wi job without going throngh unieen levels of government for permismone to breathe. Go to i. Ball Butler‘ the provncial government. Welfare « by the city â€" and it was camer to trac baceuse the aroa sarved was smaller. responmble for <f their streets T laeess highnege o hing ) ware saod h hy m.ll. s s . â€" ' II Tagapers m in Ateell Eâ€"O:. 2 great doal of : Illguia’tli&:,ï¬du caiting the fodural deficit in haif to $15 billion. hl#‘*q-!ï¬& Letters welcome Netional C&izmes Coolition wet increesee in tox DELTA AIR SYSTEMS and Save Event. Just purchase a Lennox ho or airâ€" condifioning system between August 14 17 1989 and you‘l get a game card (on selected products only and whie supples last to make you eligible. And you can also scrakch and win up to $1,000 off the price of the healing or airâ€" conditioning system, instenty So see your participaling Lennox desier for details. K 4 lihtthaus h Auuclact CAMBRIDGE 653â€"1200 WATERLOO 885â€"2740 For a hfetime of comjfort