~& antasy Flowers A favorite sgummm&'x.? gf,mno.,' kegivi o e cacy s ve by Barb Holland and. Rosanne Mcquillin * S oup peean haives 62’1’1{(’15â€"-&3% * 2 eggs & * 4 cup cream 02:?;.1»111:« * % cup dry sherry * % tep. salt * M tep. pepper This ‘delicious alternative to Hours: Tues., Wed., 10â€"5; Thurs. Fri. 10â€"8; Sat. 10â€"3 IGOQ:VICTOR]A ST.â€"N., KITCHENER, ONT. N2B 3E6 _ 741â€"1662 Talking turkey POUR into baked crust and microwave at medium (50%) for 16 to 20 min. or until chmkeiadpostsetintheegntre.ltotate as necessary during cooking. _LET stand on countertop until cool, then SOFTEN cream cheese in a large microwavâ€" able bowl at medium (50%) for 1 min. Beat cream cheese with sugar until light. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add pumpkin, cinnamon, F . EPE piraip Sanr rox db mmindiatiia ies intdebranis? 4 dish glass pie plate (a dish large enough to hold 6 cups). Microwave at high (100%) for 1 to 1% min. or until ];mr:::ed Stw u’umbsdunti} evenly coated. onto m and sides of dish, Microwave at high (100%) for 2 to 3 min. oruntilï¬m.Rotate,ifnocennryduring on e o enc ie * % cup butter~ ;::Wflï¬nwmpmokiemb.(am. * 250 g. package cream cheese * 4 cup sugar * 3 eggs a 'lmmpmpkinpieï¬lling '%tlp.cinumoq * 4 tap. ground ginger * % tep. vanilla * %4 cup â€"light cream * whipped cream, optional garnish PLACE butter in a 9 inch microwavable quiche dish, round baking dish or 9% inch deep M mas win whaisge dia c o0 Fas Loud. Microwaves Te until 455 King North, Waterloo 884â€"5110 RENTâ€"Aâ€"CAR One Day FREE (ADD FOR waom (A00 FoR wagom WAMMWVML 1989 â€" PAGE 17 HHHNvrrrrmererrmrmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmemmemmmmmnmemmense s 2leeen t . Addeody _ | ppatanierigear.) +s 20 100 DAY WEEXEN LonGwenp werk . worty . excess UMT NEHO® Lonowenp welk . wortw 400 200 13600 600 12000 300 1000 800 15 0 ThE sansFacTiOn RESEPVE TODaY! â€"