Sports 1t8EEVAihggt1Atrttgtgtagg a . Flha, I be, ' t w . "s", s.-," 'li,'"' . C , V r , Q. v . ' A ') l, _ I I i _ T I, _ a" fi i / A _ wumcmm'rmnonmmmmmmnmmutymemym-mmmmmn,m.wool is urmmrlfhe'itttemttm*tgtttttteCttrm'ttrtettr-t. . h W Itittl MI-Ill-l Bring ("It tt or S. tl8ett'terNrtYatttzitttaetttret. “can; What’s your Sign? J2 ,1,',',t,l"tl','A,'gt an}: the Watch» hym'rl we “I m tci2"l',uots'l',,u1tfdiL?et2deel, betitlteduathas-ttledttthomep1ate they’re already thinking about going to the world dttuttpioetaltips next you. Optimistic, yea, but thath, the way Waterloo eoaeh%nNieol1ikmtopiarthegame. . lit as roy9dp'tVotr, the OWN“ I. tsestu.tivisIrLtinauso'totuthmssnutd f,i"ttfgh1',tgeet1'p?,gi,12fae. intheeoldhittar tfntethermOntar. io. lit the final gm Owen Sound’s Brad Undawoodpitchednpetfectgnmoinncontest 'ttoetmsdtoammninningsduertotuhigid 'TJ',',',,',',',",,", ttltIt-inthe-li1.Tbtrte,herrttirtlte “Woven new "oodhallehth,"Nieol "il.'hl'1'l'lf,'fd'J,','ro'fifl1"ll"t'fJl,'l'd't1fl'l h’lhoon'u mart-ho ’matam 2'i'lr,':htgfrtilttetl2tMtt titrtttatdttt-t,trtttNieolttFthat tkqitrtlteotttaartoofthi-t-n,th. St"ty'tilP,2ttltltTsgNgt 'tt,ttg,gghg' hhfd1fvf2i' . . to _ ia,rU_ttkbtarrthir. Cttrm'rrqtmlfBedkrtl-hkttrttaiats. irt-todtotHa-ThsintNms Ina-mm btrtrCarttdiart, we tyi-tu-et-ptr-io-tstreet tuCamdians.ror N_itprkthitnqtrehh' rgr,22.ttec'gh'2',i2lt,2t,',tt had .tu,rattttt_tarttotndoeith thmstbtndwltqthohttr-btttth-dds ii, iiiGG -- F,iiitiirGrrGr. 1'ieetlterytatt'toujtelthttrtm,hew" Brighter days ahead for Chym'rs . (* tttwrttraudturthintltoirinmtoumqtent, -"_' ,ttetee1flttttt1terpato'Ptt,hrel -. In the unic- dum- - third-nut Thinn‘unonwu one ofmixedm .Nthouihturutedtlt.CatttartrntiAH_rt., 'oianaathutunerortirrstplaeintutrh, #tqrtfedhytth_intltoiroTttostre!.ttmt., "We were up against a E'ood ball club. Brad nderwood is one of the best three pitchers in the world: To me, he was the difference": Nicol. an conung' next season," Nicola}; Aafhrhiamturu,Niaylwatra1ittU evasive. Tttef2ertrhhxsachhaMseertttpltrrsranda 'irtt,tlttst2,t,2g,tt,.,egtp,2et, 'tpmrtdeheitititdtttmudtuhsr 1tirkdgioetttrmtxmoh'ttleettiur. MIN! 13.0 rytyrym hef- hovins to have tttrt,irnyp1otttuhiir'ituGiaiGa; m piuhann Yum and new comet Ptulihithemir. "Wutsyantd-ithttterinrriteh-he ,rtudyttheatehrBthr)etingand- seudtet.t.i.trytrihimLiPand dam - " isnetrser.thGiiiiarTii 'il!ltfih,tii!t,l.! M. can th',7I'l1u'l'l1%'ll'ull,t'll'hl'll'd'l; get ftttghi,Q'in't't,ti', 'll 1,td,r 'lgu1ar:tt,,ht'ggtg,t.ett trtomr,he'dstmNtott-mmthem. "l have to my apt gping to_therworlds it,rttttt,itd: ','til't'iiiiiiN' " u i y.4 a Bt