During breakfast and lunch hours, Fastbreaks offers a limited service concept, m which custom- ers are served across a counter. Service staff remove dishes from tables. serve coffee. and alcoholic beverages. Business Week martini lunches-Ire a: ira says. PAGED- Where food is fast, not fast food phy of basins - to take a prtoductthatitm'tuaaallrtmedar fastfoodandputthatinampt whereit's served that way]: - Fnstbreaks is the brainchild d five founding members, including long, in addition to approximate- ly 20 shareholders. The busine- ik based on share equity, rather than debt equity. Located in a high pedile buai. nees section of Waterloo, owners of Fastbrem are hoping to " ml b?“ and professional people, or whom the concept of the restaurant was geared. They'll do that by otfering TNT“ to P"?'.'"? with. My "It'e riot a fut food mm --we'reserrinqrtodf)todfhati, umd quiiktr. thisoneisatg/twiutx PaattiuonCotumtrinStmet Westopenednfewweehlcomnd owners are hoping it huh eon- eeptwilltakedr.AndtUe-t islrmltivnoe-tltotone, omserrretiaietganrtU "tstauranttgrersNthod,tmt tNetittstfood.Inotheesremds, Another mm: In. M igWaterhlo. waging New? Well il, has been 16 years since I graduated from law so ool. The year was 1973. The setting: the campus of Dalhousie Law School in Halifax, the oldest faculty of law in Canada. I had just received my diploma and was eager to enter into the world of real lawyering. All my hopes and dreams lay before me. ihadgrmrnippfnPtmston,whieh,rasattoutto beTPecambridirt,tusdiGdai_iseGiiG articling position for myself in a large Toronto law firm. Everything seemed so certain. Naturally enough. talk with classmates at our graduation ceremony revolved aroundourfuturea Littudidrknmrtttattmi, of those same people would later become Amine†GentraloftlteirprovinembrageattutGoiiG would enter the Ontario cabinet at 38 and yet another would be appointed to the Bench within " - Ourhopeeanddreamawerefocusaedonthehtm'e. weeachyanttdtoeaeizenerntasutedtaN money, others by position and title and still other: by fame. But we all wondered what it was going to be like to be a lawyer. Alawyer.Thewaditaelfmadeuashudder.Wehad finally done it. We were going to see real clients and rtaltetlemtrWtoyrtaettralltgqiryrtogivepeopu advice. Go to court. And get paid while we were doing it. It all appeared so simple. After all, lawyers drove BMWs, owned big hot)... at; at {any restaurants and generally had it made. But tsonedus,umrttre,_dshow muchofa burdenweweremnin‘Wedidmtknowthatthe lawcouldbeoomeedemnndingmilueqreedyto _TB‘.OO ryC5"llrt1tXllt £554.. II 0211" . cu, I I What this column is all about PM oo-oumors John Lawson (left) antttatumgh-toattmetiiilAiaTiGa WMrmmmmunm. mes-um consume your time and am has. Relentlessly. 1?I1ytttieththewaettuikrGGGiiriiiii'i"iiiiiiii7i'n' the next 20 yearn. . iitt,ttdi1erke..t.hatrithinaihortoerimiottime, the idea of the traditional lawyer would go down the drain. The old fashioned lawyer, practicing on his own and giving advice in my fields, would soon become mi?RraetiealandbermaeidisriarireiGUnTG7Giii'i that were run on strict busing principles. Computers. Docketad hours. Paralegals. lam Clerks. Thee would become the new bun words. AnA.itratrnotyet-xmtturrounededta, 'reeialiseittordert1tkuustupietrrtsrtuid.rad mute, insurance, litigation, matrimonial - these "ersal1thevariousarrstiiasmingintovrxrue. Sixteen yarn have gonobylince urination day at Dalhousie. During that time, I lived in Toronto and wor.udforyotmrbigltiinstk.r-airtreeamG parttterart4ako-ia1ist. Then, two'yean agtt,hitttrwsdtoWettarioo rogionto !iowit.atrhasredoirtrr-utrxrmrtuw."Grii has given me Gaia', '7 7" . Tom tGiirTi"iGiiiiCitii' AboutTheLaw mimic arm/CG £11635: iiGGiiiii'i iii meMWmmmmm.ï¬e 'er ones I)thought about 16 years ago. _ mqiorU.8.eitutstoundseitandit. _ M9ey.to.miatakeatettittTraterioonrrioetira wondexful place to live. You amid not do much better 1ttryher.ebutprehaveurotoltrtoteh-tomAkirt th,t.urtysttryirvrpritvitu.AmittmfiGGGiGii. PftPr,wu..ttt.tuuhmtnualiat;trti.iiriiriiing toarted.a.mt.inu.ingttisasn_cittii"iFGG; rett.rP1it?ta.lkahoutt.u1yr-ret)uittrdiiirkr' 1uafP1stt,t.uothenrtrrdar.itmtronatitijlaGirt'i and howittranefreet your life. Iwi1ltrrtoana1rt)isrrd-ssetstaintheu,rand 'iyt1stmttyyettul..tieroeth)nrto,oGiraGG. Amiirturil.rherlliboutth-thingiyidjiGis' 1ttPttn1etytu.ytet.ap--pGiGiiiGii'iii; 1ee"rnak.e,..hsrrtlterettttrttiii/iGiGoTGir1 â€he: a Ipocialist and, interestingly enough. what in 1m'ytgyrnmiththelegaljratemitnkuikiiGi. Apdpaybe, Jutynarlst, [will be ybletomhour this. BP'" "v -'--r-'"d "'"'" oe,',,'g.'s2,1'tirt,tt", 1orditrtrrntlrthanthqrdtsirt Toronto. We ' have aperlonal touch. We have not Tei.alirtd.ttttuekret,aisdtu-thor1amrtirmi, igonly beginning Battltttelhsr Waterloo Mania yco,tldof1awitttomitveitvrithtetrmmitrgueh" Mama-um y negmnmg. But. the mud for Waterloo Mon is ttydr.ou need only look at Toronto and other 'liragortmsramiasunsg withtbe wtimtofWlhito,ankinsmmGGri tit 1a'edtaog,pirgggygi, m . e diméeglmenmmcgfliï¬m u 'cken Mi . ' ops Gratinee,_ttrtdNtlWeallopiin atnutstarderrttsmsauee. "What we’re trying to 'do is and: Prrttr*ets tthet 1irrt)tMcrrviti_hmti Y. ted. fhltCfirr mics at 'ttSpan, ' “in! and wholasome are w has human y use: in deacn'bing "thitter,' and the Long as menu order pads are being l'lh'il,'l,'l'll to business and emcee in the am. and new 'Pewithytett sheav- will be Theettstotnereanhathigorher ordertothe rxsstaurtsntandtlten 1tastheoptitmofpithirtgitupor gum it delivered foradslivmy oe. Paxthiae,rrheeeeugto-etit oedtelunehviatuirfhxma. thhtkatroutgidngitttoamgu1ar "rtmmtnt,ymtrttartttmttormit thrrtttinuta_miertooorm, andtaurtmrtmur,"Lmge “Than the food has to Item. tremd,ttoaitarha.terhet'rttrit tormrtahle.Youlttmrtomittie “emulating shimmy! t'llS"d'fl,?l';lNGll' When ,rmgotmtthrhmdvitttmrtako 15 minute to eat lunch, but anotltar1lrtttimttmitstahmup "Whatthiiiottttutims “our. lunch! hem-o if w' Dusintryie dinnerhour Past: In keeping with thtiryuie.k nice for buqy nude-noun]: quvéz-‘Jf‘i. 22i M, 38; :1 may m, i, ff',