use 22 . WATERLOO Crtrt0ratuE, trEPt1EtAtP_y 0mm 4, mo Cottagers protest double tax for 100 yearn. lutartedhockin 1889whenThomaaHilliard secured the nece-ary capital to open the m offieeotDtminionLifeinr-co.Th- he wasaChristiangentlemnwhobelievedin life insurance as a humanitarian minim. Since Manufaeturer's Life [nuance th. pur- chased Dominion Life in 1986 and moved here from Toronto, you might say it mined into the Waterloo family. Both Thomas Hilliard and his son became mayor: of Waterloo. Now a cousin, Reach Hilliard, is president of the Waterloo Lions Club which serves the community in artotttereapaeitrBventhetormertnarorot Kitchener, Morley Rosenberg. is married to Mary-bu Hilliard and he now continues to serveoureornntunitrandtheprtwirteeatsa The Hilliard: of Waterloo have been an integglp‘nofthewthofthiaeommnnity Thanksgiving weekend is the muons] timehrtheelotsingoftutrttrnmertmttage. However,cxotugeomterrorhoaretueeonomie baekbotteotttierm-tandrtualareas,are faciirta_pqt-.rrtparti9e,turare f . a tum. In MAI!†are $35: double Wu my threh a.“ In? the 'i;iGssfr only , tx.rtpl.e. of iet.hs - summer. Cottagen don't object to the local trtunieipaltaxasaotnuch,atstherreaiixethe areas need police protection. road repairs etc. year round, School taxes are the main problem as rural boards bill them like local residents even though their children are educated in the city. Hence, the Federation of Ontario Cotta. gers' Animation is growing rapidly as a lobby group and they invite new members. Details phone: 41tr284.2306. Roundup...PatSehnarrrernindsalrthat theWaterlooKofCHallat l45DearhornPlaoe is an official Oktoberfest festival hall and they still have some seats available - phone 884- 2060 . . ' Hermann Rochau tonfirma that the Located It 370 Highland Rd. West AndthatunotaltrtrehaveIo-,Stiehers, mrtypavowsaat_CurdcGilt"stationery, andgrauowe'itwwtDeatrotiona*xx We've Gal All The Tricks 8. Traci: new, 579-8197 5,913“ "_-.- In The Em Matt d8qegqd" - Pay - 0.. Waterloo Senior Tennis Circuit has moved indoors at Northfield Itnexpret Club on his- arsat2:80pan.Thesmmnts-ttddmsedats therNtomsdttteirfinep1eNtrsn TFithemp,whtmrddmslrextlltqrqdtatddiedtm tuertuiNorm-rstirsdria1mtauagent andtheirtvtmtorott-1qoetirtgitertts.He ,rasatnemberoftheWatar1ooNtnisChsb... lfeellikes neerTtaerintltefi1rnNhee 1on'dhtlM'f"t','d"rg,h'itilllluCllll'; getrnarriedthi-r.Tunkhtl1r,duttothe ofthe wedding: ... Congratulations to uni»- tantgolfpeo,Mnrk_whoraadoingmrl1 in the Canadian Championship in Winnipeg 1gsrt untilhegot'%y? 'red 'ati't1tt't,' awintcr “I"... T .. Woumount Rota-inn Tod 33%|»! 10; PterTrmreoaaher12;NrUGttihMkteher 1ty,+t-oetotta.24iBr-ttapah. rick-October 26; Linnea Vim Currie-0c- tobet l3 ._. NU.D.E. People to Reduce Impaired Driving vaywhen warn us that onepenonin300willbeinjnredorkilledthis year byadmnken drive.“ takes one hour for abeer,glaatsofwine,orghotofliquortopasts throughourt-.guroatW1dmnnnehims the1oealhmdraiaing-igntomaUyoung peotruawareofthedaer.DetaihrBox212,At. Clements, Ontario ... Form mat hockey atarBohhytkhmtrrwatsgrxsetuirr200athis Waterloo home last week on his 65th birthday Ted Rooney is a Waterloo balance writer. Ted Rooney Around Town MOLIJSON, women, iiisr'iiirmha)ii 10% OFF - MONTH of OCTOBER, UW BOOKSTORE - STATIONERY _ 885-1211 ext. 2251 v, _ --vS-rittllr iTidiiddtiiiisjite - “EV"- Clepn' 'l.l,li,(,,l,l,l,llf.ti,3, Calculators that raise simplicity to a sc1ence. Hewlett-Packard Scientific Calculators HP's On There's one for you! User Mendy odour-coded keyboard Layout key makes typing tables a my 300 charmer mum-line txtrretttion memory Backtraoe runction. word We and relocate and much more! Telephone (519) 579-1040 FAX (519) 579-2537 HEWLETT PETER T. M. HANEY is now associated with the firm in the practice of law _ Barriatemandthlieitors f "'. arepieamsdtoannoumxsthat" _-..-" 71 Weber Street Em Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6L2 SALE PRICE and ON SALE tool $25995 Kit [3133113333 257d