swamp and springs - within yards I houses. “The only reason we got this is because the people who lived around it screamed,†said Bauer. It provides an important role in maintaining the health of the creek. Yet, Bauer emphasises. it is not Went. A healthy creek requires a natural environment 'tn i_teaouroeareas,aswellas CIA beautiful stormwater pond on the gouth branch of Colonial Creek you of Me Avenue has In cease, council has been prelim by landowners to re- move existing wetland arena and ponds tie walled aesthetic ree- eons. They are aometlmee re. placed by mowed an. areas or even mete holding arena - with hm: maintenance cost: 9nd Iri t the environmental in!iarttrrotlseirtgntirtedbysiIty water horn the creek. The city is one of the culprits here. As well as allowing develop. ment that causes silting prob lems, the city itself did a ' half. aseed ith" of planting a hill beside the large concrete channel next to Malabar Drive. The result was soil emeion and silt pollution. UWhile there are exceptions, the 0:3 has not often enough foil through on opportunities to build wetlands or retention ponds. As well " slowly releasing water throughout the rear, and cutting down on peak runoff, the natural plants inwetlands filter pollutants from water. They also prpvide wildlife habitat. T 17 '." TaT? ".1 “mm oiits,iliLiL' ""1ttf ci'iii'ir"i'iii'i'ii'i wh- [31(0th "Chat. 1 In.“ quality!“ 1Ptt,rlmri.ttJr.atrjio irqetdan. AM that,†s'h',tthgtfri'rg,ihjiiiij.ii of t'h1rthfedl1't,t, WMBnmhn it."1f trltlpting. the tttttl/egg/g,., eon- “Wm up. do may time-Allen crookugmngtp lure. We're looking atthe Irehxrt.rtmTHtetootat.tiiiGi/ii part and all the while befomaruneillortrwtae uptotU 'teingtqrtusmms." 'tiut.l',itet't,t, ." 1 3““ had another tt ile Been an my with? llkanou _l,r1t8_ot.t)ehutt-heuiirifr", m am"; man a GRta,eftorta to establish a sports fishing habitat at Kauf- Pena) the GramHtiverare prepamd to take pleasure hm landowners with property Mr. irtgtuerrsekifiiisiotGaved, DNew development along Woolwich Street needs to be given more consideration. ‘There'a 600 to 800 acres here with no conservation 1U'fg. management p am." uni net. Begonia] Creek l', in the pro- oeu being ruined y upstream development that has atreeud water quality, " well as causing annual spring flooding and repu- teti...trytiin Problems. (spousal Grrir" .. itttti'NiikioGi. -- 'T '8'llT2rt'th?l'itl"t,tfa"i, IMF‘ICKiV I. irtrrrrvrus.ee.iirt" fefnliun. Bud pl 'uFiiG FEE; people who know what they want, but they can’t break down the system fast enough." cnu lune thing - channeling and dry detention ponds - is happening in the Northland Buai. ness Park along the north branch of Colonial creek. The work here in recent, too. "The ponds should be planted in bushes and bullruthetr," said Bauer, to be effective filters. L3Agrieulture pollutea streams with more and chemicals and CneatiueCBasbetg by Linda min M. A main“ channel waa may bunt, based on old “Him plan. . 'Trcthis and! waa environ- mentally committed. they could have stopped that and said there. 'a moth way to do this other tlttr1dtenntslifttr. “We got the comm guys baeuritr in Kitchener finally. Butjsens, there's a number of part and Ill the while we're 'reintrtqrtusmms." BM had another example Iti1h SEW“. ae m†JurtA- THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS meme BASKETS 25% OFF . SILK FLOWERS a scams 15% OFF GIFT SHOP 1.8,; 2'lherci220e.eo grgtt tum r-iii-at in; anttto Manning-u “What '0 do when fai. hmy Wei" itoking It th, middle WATERLOO 102 Weber St. North (at Lincoln Plaza) SALE STARTS TODAY ENDS SEPT. " WHILE QUANTITIES 345 Erb St. West (at Quick Trip Plaza) u Mon. To nun Ith30at30,Ftt lemma, Sat. 103m 742-t f71 D - We‘re More Than Just Great sum» " STORE HOURS: Saw-11,1 " Thu: i. "ii.N, T CANADA’S LARGEST SPECIALTY FROZEN FOOD CHAIN!!! . Tum-Boot , To?“ 211001. PRIME RIB STEAK SALMON STEAKS CHICKEN KABOBS “They should have set an exam. Ps " a public agency," said DGovornmsnt is sometimes a big offender, not following the same rules it imposes on others. Take the mgion's extension of Westmount Road. It was graded without silt traps, which are acquired of developers. Silt is Trymo 00mm 4]?th cleerly goofed,†. um. " t guarantee. we have to tel le',',,",',',',: channel thpugh . ‘e've opened up the M to a real nice lawsuit. “The†are a lot of jurisdictional problems here. A lot of things fall between the much. There are a lot tnlting0eingputhedbrtlood control people. “Waterloo needs to be compli- mented for storm water manage- ment. But they're really falling thy,yph on quality." m. _ Mm mask}; mm. The In Fabien m the west and and with Martin Greek in the north put of the s',',1it,e,riit,teedtc.tr/,tit on V8,. p1 an be can elevated above an entrance to business“. Forwell 'tttttl-tr W118 em- - BACON ENDS BA TO SCHOOL __CI§AVING$ into @1095 VMUMM‘ \uuoz. V nut-0m , .56â€un sum 5 n1 OB CABBAGE ROLLS BABY coo FILLETS BEEF STEAKETTES Laurel SUPPLIER OVERSTOCKED CHICKEN SPECIALTIES te6rm1d3t3Wmt-meatMrgrEmmarer, 13. Iâ€- ’ Fast - Friendly Service muss new KOTE UHDErtCOATTttG For upon - at! Miehaqt local 884-7640 10 Wyman Rd. Unit #5, Watenoo ctttmett Ct-i-tarea? PIZZA ROLLS m 16'l BREADED BONELESS BHEASTS MINI SIZZLERS I â€new. , V MMAW‘ N MP, 3ttm. DRINKING (EVE SPLIT CHICKEN BREASTS SHRIMP APPLE PIES 13t