Pam-WWW Somedealsaremadepriortothedateofthe announcement and they do take the rebate into account However, the actual delivery of the vehicle to the customer is likely to be deferred until after the critical date. The important question for the prospective carbuyertoaskis;Amlsmarthuyinganew one-yearold car at a discount instead of the next year's model? The answer itrrtotaisimpleytssorno.Theeeis anumberoffactorsthatcanmaketheanawer come out either way. Some of these factor! have to do with the vehicle and its price. Others concern the intended use. My readers will notice that I said the vehicle anditsprice.ldidnotsay anythingahoutthe discount. When it comes to the bottom line what you save is largely academic. The impor- tant thing is what you have to pay. What makes a deal worthwhile from the utetrummerande.r1rtuttnmrtmdititmai. lybeenthotimasoIesforearde_em" the country. Their objective has beentod’upon ofaamttnrettrrrsetotttdel"hikatrrtmitrk before the next year generation ate-n and trucks begin to arrive on the dealers' Iota sometimesinSeptember. Theeloatrmsgettothedrieittlann-. mentdatewbenncxtyear’s modelsgoon ale, themerealwillbethepountialuvinpon thelettdterunitsTheamsousementd.teit, thetimethomnufacturers credit theirdealen with approximately" percent rebate. also called the past model ullowgnoe. on all peat model units' physically in dealer’s inventor} at Buying trleftover can be' a smart move MIL-J,†compromise. Tostunup,burirtgauttovertnmulumld "eyeatrilybetherightthingf-todoif ymsgettherightearatthtrrightpriee.rodots mummieuqnqum of preliminary market "rygoodaalfhrsotrtet-honeadeeonoerF “transportation. Thehmgthoftimeth-eh-interndisto keepthe vehieleutouldtr-id-d.truor ahewillhavetodo0rtddrivingtlteintentiott ,riilprtrttahiyttetotmtkth-rronesto two year; Pot this type document] the buying a one-year-old new at wouldgmke 931m only if it was replaced with aitother leftmrertttodel. Thitrbringsusrettoanother-ettfthu potentialtrantmctitm.Whiieiti-i1r-r thmughtheearlysutmmrtothadth-s muttindtsalerinventritu-retd dtotut-arlimitad-dtutirmdtu whwillhelpyoumihlgoodaeciaion. newrnodelannoun-t.haemtidtm- for slooo'um its hula-pica may make otrntsetoitoeneontswhoha"-tiookirtgfUimdt aehariori1tetutrrtaeormettapdtrto 1ntyer'apttintdviewitrthath-dtaaedtt rxsliatshoehie1-1isuiudtohisoeurt-ds ,toryPtyl.prier'r1rtit.her#hmsChariot LIMITED SPACES mkuai, upcoima cusses ALSO maroon: (- For Extra Special :i!"j'ii'j;iiit . AWARD LUi3crrij]r A Special KIDS .mt1t--Kttn.thgtt.tttth"t6thgtt,at. a-mr:oe.1x.wrkmer!-Gs' t Sunggr Saying gangs 1 [or 'l5t'afil'l"" Now Ava bl. courage 'htsftave displayed. Whatever it is they are a shining example to othcrs. _ Some kids seem to stand out in a crowd. They are special. Maybe because of the kindness and humanity they Show: their hard work: or the exceptional owning your own . home, you owe it to Yourself to take time to i nvestigate this unique ‘ opportunity! _ Call I , If your and family tttttp, greater than ' , per , u can move M,' my: HOME of l?'4 choice and BUIL EQUITY! WE PROVIDE: . Full Dom Payment . Bank Rate Mortgaging 0 100% of the closing costs If you ere interested in ICJ Emmy Pumas "SDAVSrREE" 91mm "1 WEEKFEE" DIM“ "UNuqrTEiEAaE" “Hm P"'tl'4l'th'N1t'""L-, Cbntact this newspaper or call (316) 844-0184 for an Ittrttrtttatiott. CALL 854-5110 YA,:' on ST. Nuance "lCi'i"ard'rak .1 "ot,ti1ttEii? 747-1446