Hockm" "iii'? he for; ho§pital er White Boys. aitGiiGiiFUE. dam him; i'iiiE iGiiG 600 of the ticket-ho ,_“Mnny ofoxtrtheeatt't mun A’mdbm' um... -' "ttttttttrattle,,','),') V F n t'l'ilu'ih'llr', â€."m. “an! lihfbboon _ than . M M m 'tl'lnilifSilllt/, . Bonnie 8P%etr demanding tlyt.trt.Pettedttle, J.D-rthi mthunda’sm" . tint denial am. 'ag; tet rock-and-roll in one of C aluminum a Ftrrottettthtir,itvrubetutirst time that no Comte In The Square in and u a dame hall. Bsatsonthedtmlrleomttastratitt Whmemwsemm -.-..._ . , JV Cf'-, - ----,'. -"ev - - yum-u, m, mm: (,,'tttt",,ttiit"g' 'irkirh'G'llit'll, Jll%ll'l'l'l' disarm which†Bum thbirim,tivitsrt.. disitiraqeialemitt. s,'i?l'ili'?iliti?'r,1,!iiiiltiyit ii I . I it H ii I' Hulk†pe-Beatles “I. germanium 'l'rtCiii7ii",riihr'dG"g'r'"i'l'ig'lli ,illrptxtimtu-diifotti. 'eg. ketgthexmtxrrtinddanee m. dam-able been of the 'l'lttt6'l'lllhp,ddlEte; 359$ l/lt",;,',',,',,',':",',',"',','., I,'.',,'?"'""""'""""" 3 . ','t'Thf,'t'l',', ofMutsie firetlretetmtfimtretimi,,vttoit, an... .m k-..- _.L.__...:._ .. - M Puffin" n mo I m mum j T INSTRUCTOR OF _ O MARTIAL ARTS _ "tt RADA15YEARS. 'si) ::!-2.lwm.£.wn Au,', 385-6376 mus/0 MARILAL i ARTS ACADEMY .' . NOW ACCEPTING ' .' ENROLLMENT 'yi"' Jeet Kune Do Concept _ Filipino Martial Arts . "t1ttgttttttmltttittttGWttmtt S‘EXPERIENGE THE . _ DIFFERENCE†i, . Complete Qollision pd ttttttttWig Service _- 430 Man sum, wmnoo 884-0550 mama! Auto Body ckm" at" mthttt_t_Ctsn,tI., ‘- r/ hospital .eMerg fititd In 7 v Vii 'SE 2 mmrrr f; w u: Trek' junetion . which. MERE. aettrt_rit. lu Saws-All In writing the charts and pinyin; keyboard: with JD. and the White Boys. Thare-vent-tttsensing Mekttphand,andothermemhem oftuStmthrdnmtivai company will be guest artists along with the White Boys, who are J.D. “the. David Ke'elcy, Bradley cht,'fg,,r,eg,ggi'ig',',e 10W mem- ttery if.“ J?tiitthed tgre; aiaiG fijiiiiht It!!! m LI'l1TL' our Lab, and We. on and. (am by tlt/pit/ttttttg f?gt,i; tgtpdhttgtet,tttt l . In} halthft timtmm.d for it: taetit1reurieA)mitit'ie",' Plus the charts Ind plnyi The Centre In The Squm box, otrke in open 10 an. to 4 pan. gunning and 10 sun. to 6 pm. onday to Friday . Telephone 578-1570. Tickets are priced at 89.50. $12.50, $14.60, and $18.60. Pu lea to the (hue; tioor will be issued to all holders of $18.50 LARGE INDOOR SHOWROOMS Emulation, which in working on mining $12tnillion. The member: of J.D. and the White Bay: will be taking their Monday night off from Shake. we and Cole Porter at the Show Festival to bring some fun to the fundraising for K-W Thitst'imrqrmetunitrti. Kitdt-ahtteeuiiudarar,s silent: to enjoy this talented Itnnti.mtttttuuqsroetotthe ioealrnedia,mruoinhatitwip beatsutxxm,artdamemoratsie reettfyrthoyewlypattend,'iid iepfi960ond4thmek,inn ti?tii'r"iiri'i'i'liiiiiiiiii' 30 great In his. {The dun inchin- plenty of 'r.e9,.amLtintqrtmte- plied by The Green Room, a gnigm clothing store in Strut, SUPERIOR MEMORIALS '2iuiitiit.sus !,u,tattrr For Summer Installation mam â€IRWIN 'g3liajR))a.l MrMtedCtturettmnr, _tr2s2PretatiotNmomitrtrtxsng, 0'0!)qu (b3Ntltturr-ry-Th-matior, 0:170:me tb1osimrrtttutaitmior'aretrmgy "mt"eattt.rGtrttrttst '"1'""'"""t'i'""""'""'t,i,tt M Fttrirttttmtetiomptttmeorttrrmin mom-A m WWW f E-2eawtiarrtottt.tr-m-rtsGiG' September 7 to December " 7:00 - 9:45 pm. EVENING CLASSES Vatican Slut “5%???" as. FACTORY OUTLET F2??WomettietwtietrrAcm-turwum.n 1er!qi.ttPaeaiot-ten'st.rnitd VANITY OVERSTOCK SALE 51:? Minna-.89.»