f You Said It N like to quote tsomething to you. It’s [tom thet may] Pp.ort of the Carnegie thrpteatiort.Herrritir. "Ewe indoctrinatethoyoungpcrsonin an elaborate set of fixed beliefs, we are tsnsurittghitrearlrolarol-ntxt. “The alternative in to develop skills, attitu&ts,halttind,andthekindirof knowledge and tut4eeatandirtg that will bethehutrumentaofarntimtousdtattge and math on the 1ta.rt “MW Improving education is. students' job, too mam the otthetmmg sedfhl'ec"l,,ttm'i,h'dli,',l'l'l, krittt_thatimmithshritt' muon- 'mtiouggmtrtorandprdKj6iitrttr ' tttsith-in-failed-tion-dat amelqktl1atItntgt odtteatittn:todaFis mtatttrieta.11r indentâ€. ylftf,,tt am 1300910 no"! iiti','r.t1iy,,ii,'iyirt'hentt'l'r"tt m _ e'i'dtt/1'i'gt'tttii,se.-uu mm d garlic innovation. "an MWMMW.Wothink 1etttotinru-lt-totr0iud, "tt-th-imtrt-tttttid." Comment cards, how do you thinkHiauTvir' going to handle rm deek?’ "N have you I have a very 2th the chain will result in seven years. bankluck,butwithlimited hmdrtieaiula,mretadacktotreatar bettarirtstmintttrrnow. ."Yr'.r? building a what?" asked a however, by'milting' the ttGrimkdii instinct to fence in our backyard com- plete}; My witylkth_1utdrarrseertain Matador-an ' our ouugneigh- 'l'l'lfl'l'l'21"l,'lllWlhrflflPifti, activity at the lumber yard is any . li ti . We trerskt “We 1teighttorhrtodrtwe, eg/t mm 3.39.â€; FiG - “FW‘ . y r ' . Ppl','.",',",',,":'."?,:,)',','.":?,',":,,',',:,':,, if That’s Lfe' w me mun-hated. r " Tfit.-"--'-.--.-. 2tl't',tt'd,tgd't,tnp2rgg Ul Br Rick Campbell ' it, at WA non-WW - Wide of our IVA houste,mrdidith-k-mstsuiit. deck. talented brother-in-law who is goint aYttrlssutxurtth.utothertreu, g!rtmesrtared,tmtthefourtdittioti z, 7 ' _ A g Ci , .. ' P, c" tt CT ' 3 ' l. ' “w ҠL 5 , , , “I don’t think .0. There’s not enough “in. My to ex- pand and besides how can you MM? “Huh! You ean't even handle I deck of Aaroyrrtighuqr9ttrtiraoeetass Ctirifihtati'tyn that i'm dealing with a full deck t (e, ‘"' ““2 * " 3 , if) _ 29 I" i q ' . y A , . " 'M v k â€at; a _ _ _ f: Emil Michel Kitchener l 1tt,ttt,iyuz,Tg2t'gg,tt C,'idllt,"lltd'; aetytieeeyod Tut'sall so true, isn't it? constructive eritkigatitrgoodaodtlteidetlits1szasilept 1ugt't2ut2'2tituetti perhaps, our expectation of the minnow. Aaoatrrstmttlrrrmtermt,"Neltm+ mom W operates in a main; tsnvimnment.Nrduetuektltetimeto "hi-tttwot-i-ttding-al, tinrttditBeuttto withing-um: 'g','2'ierlll'l,"J'Mllll'dlJ Ittstrtrrtttrthpttryriutt-ettttt?ylt mumm'“?r*m cuihwivmldmh _ . m talented hrother-in-hw who in going to get me started, got the foundation in plaee,aridtunuivem.totiniah the 'a7'airfl','l'2'/J'l'/Tll',','2l'll1' nervousness in my voles. Not became I'm 3 total wipeout when it comes to working with hands, but let's just 27%"t'h','l'l.dS, plunked nailand my fintNmail share equal odds when. evetlrnieeahenmer. "Don't lnlké it too big," Beth said, lookingommyehouHu-ulroughed outtttkigrt."Wedtrt'twattttoriiake 'hhtpgutg2'tge,i',t,ttthi,t.'s', Aftermutuuy mug“ an,“ weforwardtsdthedirneiii0etstoBetit'i brother Steve to estimate how much wood we'd 'teod.lttqqroeertxRtidhave doneit,tmrwhaiarrtaiktoa 1omesattrbuiidirtgasntre,rtr-t the thtmghtoftreiniaaudsomething Ithink Waterloo is growing siatristsotneareatr..."rdonct unk_its ready for that expan- Geoffrey Fellows Paul Atkins IhotafelilratMtrttismaadiitqttt-itstirt Jttet,lh,1f,',t,t't/,f Ichild solely hath. inonlyhnlfoftheequntian. Ctsi1dr_t--dtof1owrsrs gntMnginag_.tt'ohappylittle apdtr1ooetttotheexteettthatthe tpgdeniseamdhr,arsdttteearxtdttte tgtuttgh'2'ththutrdut -t'm-rtitrhsmtutehir dmsahouldltedttmtthatititrtheir 'tlr,.,',,':',',,',',',',,',,',',':,,',',,,,',',,',,',:'.",." We“ without an. ',fl',u2t','t2','it,"tde,t,u, tm1rmtud-drmrruintumsrld vb let! their Mu: solely in the _tmtlr1ftbdrt-ttaewifthqrdid,tttRr'd trearotr_b-hiriwithinfi" their best in what are less than ideal conditions. What about the home? What about the dutieuofparentstodevel themindna an instrument to be my?) imbue their children with I Jove of learning and atytioye ot.eultr for. Market. “Ityl all yours, bud," said Steve. “Make her look like a million bucks." Quip. It was a if BtmhMMte had handed -tttrrytdnmruttr.Rhatdoroudo? Where do you start? What if something goes wrong? "Be a man about it, Rick," I said to myself, "it'g nothing more than measur- ing and cutting squaring and nail. tetyti.eai,e4heye,uorir-id. Tte1oiHttmtharurlrfiutGA,at, did my Win-luv and may. and J,',1'2ht,ttfttttig2ittdt,idet you it wanking . m, Q'ffdlu'flrtitit'legedi,thtif, ttttqt-id-tIli-d-tle), trtdthettougylater,aNrsotriruti, the rental and a bailout from Steve, thpttathwatrtxttnpletai. Ifa1totorrthitouowingar,ssohe tnliyudtleubtthivrifetamUrand tle1ht_tndjtwtisliteraiirailuniison deekforthenailing pemms.Thetime. fotmetimtetiritrtookrnoatdthedan but Steve did manage to erect the dilrieultporyoetoithGirmgandthe two sets of min before having to deethttldeu.lr,rqrt.yotoutrrihier In.the public lystgm. teacher} are. just “I think Waterloo is too paw- Ing quickly. We’re losing that amall town fueling!" Manda Michel WAN fili"?E, WV MV12. 1- - PAGE 7 Kitchener Sunday after-. At 6:30 lun, Sunday. Beth 'hotrted out tltetsidedoor."uthgrrtordinner, sometimes you have to walk any from I'tedemnelekutersoroudoit'tget too frustrated" She was right, ofcoune. “at: what I did,yutdltptertutttight,the-ee ready,railingmusinitl-idrettrve ourselves an Wu addition. to say nothing of incensed living spam them, ingtherefom' - G"titeaii,i,reTii; when you were starting this prom people wondered if you were dealing withaiulldeu.Nokrouauttwtheti, yes, and now you have one to prove it." And wands: upon wonders. it doesn't make the home look puny... t.u1tr,lplerudturetueratrdered ing(andremuin¢andremihn¢...). Malta: know 11,',,tfr;', I surprised Inne- upamiling 'mquite d of, including tt complicated 454mg tyPNtT,thetereitr,wi,tui'sa And late 'dondrrrtight,asiettthe driveway clean, I looked over my shoul- dey, and and: “Campbell, , week ago years of leaving school. Educated people put the responsibility where it ultimately rests - upon themselves. George Bernard Shaw said that the only time his educa- tion was interrupted, was the tune he spent in school! A: Robert I. Hutchinn. fauna peei- dent of I leading univenity. bu said: "rhettntrmrtothe-tion,'Rutam wegoingtodowithoarselmf'eanlte,hre mule-m!" Goad Fallon ops-us the Hum 1uqtrurrDyttkwnetPsttitytePNlox And many have achieved their other tians in spite of pot: home environments andinthe-ehoouthatweaotdun deplore. Everythiugauoundimpeovemeutand this include. our methods of dilution autltetmd-hoapp1ythem,butjusst ttratttelt,itamosstotheatudettuand "Yea I think Waterloo is grow ing too quickly, especidly it'spo pulatiom I don't like crowded cities" NIB Inrl, Pvridiat Sara: smnh Kiichener