ivpeclallzmg In painting. ttalbroorings, Wdstttr repairs. eaten-He tiling, etc 19 years expenonca Call Vince at 743-6836. (WW) ------..._"_"2 {ELIABLE WORK. Nisan, “butâ€. low a0tHons,rooti ,chn'moyu. MOS. niches. patios. 'l'l'lt,,'i'f, comm work, :onage. repairs. momma 'ml',',',','; replaces or what have you. roe sumates Phone Tom, 745-3253. (WR23) ----C-L=".2=.'iL""'i"L"'"V1l xCCURATE. '06! av: "rgnmttrtitt, Mston Plea SSONS IN Social. Ballroom and Latin Krrlg, m clam- or private. Availabh aoults and Wm" (air you: up). Can Bile! swam of Dancing. 9t Queen St l'rhAnn’ 1.. -..-- _ _..._... v. yvuia un- penence Decks, screened porches. Iances kehtmtbatttrooin renovations. Countertops, cupboam. Rec rooms, trywall, taping and textured Spraying. etc, Reverences Reasons!» moss. Free asumates 7452483. (WR23) k rmrways, pans _ Him": Iarameed. 8884i060, SFIC LESSONS for three to " you: “aâ€! "9M 11aeefotnir.e I We“)! Kayne? Kids. Ccvnmogo Q315, mtytinsr.vaiiaio 653-2794. â€562 Guelph/Fergus 3432439. ‘6990. Brartifrwroo'lic Ann 3. ocGGr',' MK PAINTING - We do anterior and ex- tenor pamnng. paper and vinyl hangi‘g. For tree estimates and the prom: I much, call 519-745-6458 (26) Spec'aluzmg mags LINERS: - -...v -_... Tr_rVqiFr.. a yum mtanf or toddler car seat worn or tom? Mm. cover It up With gunned covers made to m by Paincua's Child Care Crafts, 519576-4068. (WRE4) ------.U=if .ICENSED SARPettrtitt, fr1L.t?Ey'!r.part SEAT covers tr exnsnngidil _ more Info: and so are my pnces." Emergency leaks. smngles. rolled rooting. hot tar. Free aswnaIas All work guaranteed. Days 744-3594, nagms 74iy50iM. Lee um Maier" a: ROOFING BVVHUSSEEL - "I'm small QUALITY CAR CLEAMNG - Vacuum, mg, upholstery shampoo. windows. wash and wax Call for appomtmam aner 6 p m 7466922 1241 "Wm "mar, U? -- (this) . MIME MmmeOttasttt st 11t'l. Ju'lllJi,es; magmatic". amcll s, um .doeks. inau- 233mg; most homo repairs. Work wararueeeCa00Wrx 659-79116 (CRlIn) INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED By WITrMANN PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES AAA (Triple A) Paving Compulenzod who. m. [manual stateroom tor and Mm“... Call Marilyn, 745-7053. may name am an“. pom. Mtion8, brick M. attention. 3m: hm and chimney lm‘ . Fm ttttttttai" and pro am». Can 'alll' day and evenings. - (WM ,ROOFING - 'ttr, warranty, roam moi: ' new ro-roo . Fm 11'g2L/l!'Grd'dhs3". ting tWRtft tr00KKEEPmatACCouttrma PAINTING "'-"V "IIIIWVIIW IUI "tig. Computer is and b Guy Please can Lull- at 745-4853 may. thHtttt6 hummus imGiiGvFl;i'; w th Danci . a 2 r"is'.G'l'l'3d It' mum." Jsttrrtl'tl'l'. Hat.atttMltttttetoa, 9ettttraoati, NttMtttttotrtalt. mvm 884-6743 INTERIORS P. ACME. instinct! tf or *o"tout tube, l. 39 years ex- comrm to 44ttsar,' (CR23) l, ttdugated 1t1ll ls you} £4) (26) £4) lf) (tf) 3.AC'I'IVE LIFESTYLES FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW Topical quality of life discussion series THE AGING EYE . T David Williams Thursday, June 8 2:00 pm, 510 Dutton Drive, Waterloo For further informauon call Kathy 5796930 4. LINE DANCING Wednesdays 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm 404 Rotary Adult Centre For more information phone 8880356 5.0UTGOERS: Monday, June 5, 1:30 pm YNI fl, Dickson Conservatmn Area, Ayr For more Information call 8886356 TIME: Monday, June 12, 1989, 7:00-9:00 pm. PLACE.. Rink in the Park COST: FREE AGES: 13 and up (seniors welcome) This will be a great experience for people interested in developing day camp counsellor skills, Please note that participants will not be obligated to become volunteers. You can volunteer at one of many playgrounds throughout Waterloo, You will gain valuable experience with the potential of returning as a City of Waterloo employee. Come out and take advantage of a great opportunity! To reserve your spot, please contact Peter Banks or Randy Schumacher (Summer Programs Supervisors). Call 386-1550, ext. 212 by Friday, June 9. i SENIORS DIVISION PROGRAM§ June 13 -. Toronto Trolley Tour and Harbour Cruise June 20 - Geritol Follies _ Hamilton June 27 - Super Specxal F ish Fry . Port Dover July 6 - Huron County Play House . Grand Bead For more information phone 5794642 2. BE A FRIDAY AFTERNOONER: - 2:00 pm Friday, June 2, 1†Color slides by: Juk Templeton Wildflowers . Birds 1.A.R.C. TRAVEL 'THE CITY OF WATERLOO DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CULTURE INVITES YOU TO A SUMMER PROGRAMS VOLUNTEER TRAINING NIGHT ADULT RECREATION CENTRE lg “in; St. s., Waterloo June 4lh 7 00 p m, Dlxtelana Swing wo “Speakeasy 5 ' 2" June 11th 7 00 p m Country a Western wuth "Jamboree Reunion Band" June 18th 7 00 pm, Waterloo Concert Band June 24th A June 25m . Noon ll" 6:30 - COME OUT ' ENJOY THE "SOUNDS OF SUMMER July 9th 7:00 pm Waterloo Concert Band July 16th 700 pm Jazz wlth "Jazatus" July 23rd 7:00 p m Waterloo Concert Band Aug 6th 7 00 pm Chtloten's Concert with "The Source Brothers" Aug. 13th TU) p m Waterloo Concert Band Aug 20th 7 00 p m Classes wtth “Grand River Brass" Aug 27th Foo p m Waterloo Concert Band THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW - All Waterloo Park Concerts lake place In the Centenmal Bandshetl - For your own comfort. plan to bung a lawn char ov blanket - For more mtorrnation, please contact' Free concerts by local artists In of Waterloo Department c I . -T" On Saturday June 3, 1989, let Waterloo Scout Group will be holding a paper drive in the area bounded by UnivertritrPhihiwAhertivaU. KinmUniversity, Please have your papers at the curb by 9:00 A.M. If you live outside this area and wish to contribute to the paper drive, please bring your papers to Winston Churchill school, Milford Ave, between 9:00 AM. and noon, For more information, please call 886-9927 Next paper drive will be on September 23, 1989 g P R E s E N T s ' 1989 "CONCERTS IN THE PARK" SERIES _WaifiiiiiiiffiJ'i. Scout Paper Drive frsr,TssT-atr Gary Morton, Caty of Waterloo Department of Recreation ' Culture 7474mig gl artists In Waterloo Park cosponsored by the C hpurlmem of Recreation and Culture and the Music Performance Trust Fund WATERLOO PARK SCHEDULE Duxnelana Swmg wnh "Speakeasy 5 ' 2" Country a Western wo "Jamboree Reunion Band" Waterloo Concen Band r =G----i=yTt----- "e'""-"-")-':'.?,-';.",".-: [Pl 9mm: Dr., Watertoo WROTARY ADULT CENTRE 'ity __V..-‘. â€nuns. puns. DCOULS a be collecting bagged, bundled or boxed papers above areas between 8:30 am. and man Pape off at Purkrninster United Church, 275 Erb 8854630. 9th h. 15th Waterloo Beavers, Additional Hours for Payment As an added convenience for making payment. the will remain open until 5:30 pm on all due dates, .11 Business Tax (All Wards! Ward " (West) Ward " (South; Ward " (E330 Finn] Dates for Payment Without Ward " (North) Fur furl her 1nforrtttstion relating to outdoor City Clerk's ofrtce, Waterloo Clly Cvnttv. Waterloo A copy of By-Law No 39-45 mm Clerk's Omce ‘(mlnot operate within 5 metres of an mterwvlmn ml not operate on the travelled portmn of the strrut _ Sidewalk not interfere wrth the normal LN of th, (v) not operate within 10 metres of am compel establishment (an not operate within 100 metrey clan) FINN-nun my property All food vendors are required In mm-x hmlth ond .,r', Bylaw No 89-45 restricts outdoor vvndmsi UN thrm _ Ii) not operate within any resxdentml 70ny (ii) operate only In a permanent Iomnon other than M or landscape/portrait artist (iinnot operate within 5 metres of an Inlerwvlmn m) not operate on the lrnvpllod “a...“ ,4 .L, .. _ City of Waterloo By-Lass No balloons. flowers as well as pt'rrttl artists on public streets. (mum provmans specified m thr, by lass Interested person: up muted lo rpm“ and comment preliminary concept: to expand the Albert McCurmu k Ar surface, 1ntormatton to be presented wtll coruuder parktru, kaolin meeting room and we plannum man-ms among nthvn City trtafr members from the Prwm Tram NH 5.1m ht questions For further mfurmnhun please contact Gordon Lemon. P Eng Dtrector of Engineering ur 747 8742 Interested TWIN THE ICE SURFACE A PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY. JUNE 6, 1989 4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. June 3 1989 WATERLOO CHRONICLE ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA COMMUNITY ROOM 500 PARKSIDE DRIVE WATERLOO, ONTARIO. CITY OF WATERLOO OPEN HOUSE ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA C ___vc as well as prrmmmg mu-umv COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886.1 SSO 1989 FINAL TAX LEVY PAPER DRIVE CITY OF WATERLOO OUTDOOR VENDING 1st Instalment city-owned lands and by lav» u Cubs, Scouts and Venturers ml} No 319.45 mm m " boxed papers at curbside In the. and noon. Papers may he dropped turch, 275 Erb St E, Waterloo, PROPOSAL Waterloo City Centre 100 Remna Street s Revenue Diwslon 747.871ti 89.45 prrmlh payment. the Revenue {human I due dates, Juno 6. T a. and 9 uudmr \rndung pl, ‘enlrv. 14m Rwuum WEDNESDAY WY 31, was . PAGE 47 a! uv of tht ndvmqlk am mmpHmH‘ (‘unnnenm Penalty Added factltts up tht, wmhng :md Lindsay»- Pitrks mhwm Arruus and wh, n UHN' a rt rm)! musm 1ntlnhle aw (â€man [In Strum Numb IHH'd ftorn In. June 'erndnn who, June June June Our, Rulh M 5. bemor Plannrr standards June 6 the l'unauluml - mm: a sun-tuna m metttuUr new 19149 1989 199W 1989 11MB "