[j] MINE INTHE RIGHT (llllllii2'M mum. NHL tRUST â€06mm 'WM PY W N 'te, mum “mammal-rug non-â€noon. Samurai c-t-teitotte-ru- CW DEM '3h MORTGAGI WATCH ssts42tytsoristw19gii ALL TYPES of ronovarms guaranteed, manly workmanship at compomm Dhces Buck work, Mommas. moving, Jamal! concrete work and Carpentry Lee sshmates Small played: a wec any Hort) Wunoor Coetstructort. "sens surN16 shoals. news bulletins. analogues etc, vary reasonabte rates :an Waterloo Chromcte 886-2830 m d , C- WeoerSl N Commie sharpening 36’. ce All types cathodes. crrculal and :am saws scusson. chm. kttreqg, urn» awn and rthrn roots Shop ., .xs 300500 gtulday m1 noon 384 540' no 3m 3w 3nd sell used audiences We also mm mm; m my Diamond same. to m makes of appliances 7421081 ttt) APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay mo bag guys mew be poctrs? Snow's AmgWteo 99d" at a once you can word 'letrqerratcrrs, stoves, wasn't. Ms. aw furmor Citizen's auscOunL E wwm'menrs ave-labia Call “5-9240. JI mm nlognry and can. can Joli irikiit Sac: 579-3226. thtattty Help! Mammnanco Héme Masrtttrrtartctt Sum k.liiiia 1968 Manners. sum. to: m aamrooms, etc Work done p.mttnah irt'prriiriTiFrp] RETAINING WALLS .LAWN ROLLING -FEHTIUZING a WEED CONTROL ~AERATING & DEHATCHING 'INTERLOCKING STONE -ORIVEWAYS, PATIOS & WALKWAYS PAGE 46 - WATERLOO CHM. WENSOAYVQAAY M. was myw‘oporm a; V $3 r' ""tretststsr-siiiisriormtt< 258 KING ST. N. WATERLOO - 886-9000 . '.' '. tty. |.7 If a v cyl.:. l? tt " oi 'ihliitukipi 194151†4.1 ""AA"AA' * Sonny's Sharpenmg BECK APPLIANCE WE DELIVER CHNARR ERVICES EVALUATION vag‘y CERTIFICATE mu...‘ t?k 12et 't' m (m ;qsaEaEEaEAEiCLIPZSAVEanaaaaauaaaag :5t -= I""-----------").",-"',"'"], __ _ 743-7464 TUB DOCTOR . Fitoooass/Atvyte bathtub and shower unu rope": and pod-51mg a your: exponence. Call 656-2552 for estimates (NFM) ------.-' P‘PERHWW T _ Top†quality pagan-mm Ind pavntol. "us FG expononcc Rotunda. 747.3190 (MRm CUSTOM TVPING. Word processmg Full SOCYDIIHM some It? years oxpenence J0tWattor, m-vaemevemngs) M k spec-My Hand anppmg. repaws Free estimates Pickup and dam/cry 47 Bleams Road West. New Hamburg. 662-23V2 mm!) PAT‘i MESH REMOVAL . Wall washnng. light movvng; cloamng (basements. 908900‘ 2mm). odd 1008 Jeff Hardmg, 8842331 (tf) ----, EVOn/Ihmg don. hand; washing. wumg. mtmov Lu). motors steam charred. scotch guarding Cars, vans, Dock-ups. boats 20Umversvty Ave East at 9991M. 886-1511 Open Boo-5'00 MondayFnday. Saturday MI 4 00 M) h 2nytifytfttmet--ttotruasirm and â€â€933" “m“ - and Munro anttittwirttsrt-irt mu 'ummrtr hon out Auto Bonny Comm. Ber0,6orttmartt An. Elmira. m In: mimic: noun ot wanton 60tF2S06toratrpeotntm.rt M cErffLTfL:P, s “Hm - Dmmg suutes_our WE'RE NOT NO. l . . . YOU AME A-t CAR CLEANING REAL ESTATE EVALUATION le " -4 CERTIFICATE I». n ma um I. mu your" (mm --.t--..'--'-"'"'. STANDARD CONTINENTAL v- . lea! Estate Inc. Icahn! " V 886-1 2 34 . “we Cu", IA. Comm. led bun new Our Standard " First Clo-u" "mutt“ T -e,eal-h.m.a,,iw.,,e tt,,ter,Q,eut:.e'tctit,ieiiiEit “wk" " R Wye-um tteef_tet1t.i-mrut. .llrT,,'rt,77,,'vt1a,T, Call M85093: ai.Firid Compmonzod bookkoopmg. payroll, linancual summer“: and personal or gnomes; lax Pet your Mice a ours. ‘ynzmmmmgmï¬? 1.35.3332. 25:59.3: ,42‘5 Q. " alumnnum doors, 1aiiariGir7iiL'i'ii'i rec rooms, Call 885.044S allot 5:30.(MR") K HANQVIM - Repair or Inslall Specorong m DUCK and stone repavrs. concrete and foundation halts. chum-toys repaired and rebuilt. caulking. pointing, '"tiotirtg Fm estimates 701-8463. FINA]: roucg nesromnou - Tinong unsulalas your wundows 12 months of the year, 24 hours a day Also reducaa glare and 1309 up to 99%. For buudnngs and vehucles Auto Beauty Grntre, Elmira. Phone 669-2506 anytime to ( x ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS - Installaton of water softeners and heaters Palmmg and decorating Can Boo, 5762974. (MW) BOOKKEEPING/INCOME TAX AVON BEAUTY THAT WORKS FOR AVON SERVICE OR TO SELL. Ply-TECH HOME WASH. Chemical brick Cleanmg and "Sidi/tii/Vi/bug/a-i' -. .-., 9°le and Sidewalk; barns “and, and dusmhcted 653-6493 (OR?!) ALI. immune - " m .e"rettopf-.thtmp.tttieo - And In. W‘ Sonic: can-n mm. Call 634-5513 mar Small. "eii'tiruv"o"f.t.'s2';"wu..%%Ct.'::t"s":'y WINDOW TINTING ANYTIME let) CLARKE‘ '"s Room-num‘ 743-0421 "et' It.)'); â€ii i=3 (Mam tf) Penal Code Age ........... Name ... Address TREES, SHRUBS. HEDGE removal We specialize In removat ot large or dead shrubs and replantmg. Free 031mmâ€. “4-5302, (WRtt) ----.--_" Carriers are needed in the following areas: COMPLETE BOOKKEEHNG and ac- countmg Mme avlueble. Including linancnai statements. Personal income tax returns. References pmvtded upon re~ quests, Telephone 7w5076. MR") If you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after school, please S' " fill in the application form and send it to our office immediately. Christine is a grade rave student. at. Our Lady of Lourdes school where her favorite subjects are reading, writing, and French. Out of school Christine is a Girl Guide and takes clarinet lessons, She Also likes to play baseball and go camping. ln the future, Christine would like to be a doctor. tuarGiLaiiiiai? WIEu'tJ'Fr'M ia kriaiipFiiiri'sciiii7ik"ii;U'"r"r"Ji 1tliHt"ct2yrS-Thru Student Window Ten-yearold Christine Gloade ia this week’s Waterloo Chronicle carrier of the week, She delivers in the Westvale ms of Waterloo. ttCttAErEttttAtmttALT AND PAVING !tertthers,ettt-t-taiiparesrtt; lots and mom. - “My 519-049-3064. . 450 Phillip Street Earn Extra Money! Carrier Corner CHRISTINE GLOADE Illllllllllllllllll1 .117 I " . "New" home discounts on' homes up to I! l _ " yrs. old s n J. WW . Insured discounts over age 35 Ralph _ tbrung . Discounts on older "updaled" homes . Clem-Is free discounts . Renewal atscounle . Sewer back-up . Broad form coverage . Personal budget plans . Guaranteed replacement cost . Inf/alien protection I - Boner Coverage - . w.†3.10.. mm. 13...- "am I... NI Eh" $l. Jam " AT max " 2mm ttt. AT new mum ST. AT mu mum com 'EMtuWAUERt mm AT mm CtMttltqU m own: in St. " Wu 0mm " M IACDOUGALL " mm" nonou " "I“ 'ttttttIE " " was" m " #0Rtteeut was: " AT new was. Retlttth n W nun mars â€W n “WM Mttt.attTlttatrttuttE LESTER " MMR" "................... WINDOW CLEANING " Klng St. s., Wyyyte,pttarto N2g IPS mun 57m " new ST. ht ELM 81 Jam " AT Max " My. AT new: Hunk 'o"'"---...-.........-.. an Aim" - ' __-r. w an "Vim """""---....-............ WATERLOO CHRONICLE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT HERVICE 8 â€A VINGS 3 $0353 Homeownens POLICIES - "'""""---.-......... 'a'viriersis'f!tcir'tev'p'"' - algae-331M“? Waterloo, N2L tut? Telephone WtSWt1Ahtit"thltttBft0tME Mo: pm iid uiiiaTia' !'e.trtieryorlhFit%iia' 259551-57! PM on m. in. -ravttrhaiilGmTG-msinT. !!!trttetee "gre. mm»: new ...........o-..... - Well Below Outer Rates m?» y m: tertiirii