BELMONT AVE., Wit-n00. bemoan Allan and Norman. Neighbourhood gang. sub. Saturday, June 3, a ant-4 Pm. Fiona-Price toys. tools. antiques. bakes. tttttthum, knehon horns. stereo. magma-mm (22) June 3, 9:00 MIL. 526A Glen Forms! Btert., Waylon Four um. 70R". Gopdyw Irwin- and vow can“ may 1Ay8yyomw,rotamttt;fserervt how" iFis'i.7tiiireii, 223:“ "208?. W. 'tlt,. pr? tyjiniiiGa' -- "ri.7orar."i rira) G EE'BEX- Jun? Iutruirt aim-mat) trom tiiiti Lai, 506 Km SAWM'N. Jiitit3t5 -. ___ Weatmounl Hm awning can". com; munity gum. uh. Hugo men o homer-bow items. cram. etc. For more Irt- (emotion or to book a labia, call the Wear mfg "le “ministration omen. MOVING WEST. Top quality furniture tor sale. Old Ontario Home oak chair, Skim- Peppior oak dining table and six chairs. tsaktxitttatgtortdtxsrrtrttotttrtatgtr,two teak come! albums, hall me. two dark plus and tables, and a pair of bunching tables. 866-9094. (22) KITOHEN CABINETS and appliances for sale (nova top, buitt4n oven. Whinpool triage) good condition Great for comes or otherwise. see-7950, (22) Two amen bake. tor sale. good con- dmon. $60 each. 745.3253. (WR22) MOVING. Dryer, washer. 30-inch Kelvmalor stove. 26-inch oonsoie TV with converter and remote. Kitchen table with four chairs. Phillips siereo with eight track tapes. Exeqhmt condition. 864-1939. (23) .... . .. . “Nun“. - Inuuval H"""t white-gm. good pattern, 140 square yards, 12 10.! wide . man" with or without adheswe. WM all tot " sauare yard. Call 5853415 Mtwrrtm4Arp.m, (23) FIVE-DRAWER Km Illtrary dock; anti. que iron bode, single as. men; wooden beds; lady's toning bicycle; Column and coal oil Iememe; may Ieble Iernpe: kil- chen tebie and chair we; chewy diner lame and six chairs: ttotftNt and end names; lamps; night mass; (steam stands; m; dressers and mote at BU't Mace. 497 Lamas!" Street West, my; 1100an T. Hangs} quality SOLA BALLAST Pro Ant and SWIM: Lamps. Hydroponic km and books. pm much um. "and 82 to! 'tlent Groonhotl. "ydmptmltt ore. Clam Sid-nod. London. Ont. MSW 5W7. (51952-3919. (O) Two 1W3!) bike. tor “to. good con- dmon. â€one". 7453253. (Wm Ammo Pe0AL..rrotat8e W? Minimum order G Ital; $4,201:lb,; ttdd " PST; Shipping $4.75. Mail chemo KOH Komrmttelttl, Box 848, Station "u," Tovmlo, M32 5YB. (O) Kitchener. SWIM.“ POOL 8“.wa in- round Wound. one“ gods. mu docks. 'llu"dggl "mutation or kits. Book now and an. my.“ Pooh. 747-4399 or 655-9991. "can". -- Got tho but “new and adds. In Canada pun ma shipping program Buy from tho um we. a total More; Free “(about My! Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., VIneouvM. 6.0. vote 3m. (unsung (0) NEW 1“ Ontario Factory 0mm Guide now aealhthtt in K-W I1 Grab FD., Factory Shoo. - Fabrics. Gm Poe, Coho. WM Tobacco. N', to mm. Stone Crock. Know Pint. Ivor- tot 3'91???" 'tttA SW! an12thrs. br" Send {an (inn-- ttste, td: E ' Don MP, Box ' f?lvl't'd'lt, M! ave. (wag) III-nun". my" I", Hun. "oeq mean all. that m. m and meta draw. Two canopies W. New vino $1600. along 3700. Cal 57943MattttrS, (23) secoup ANNUAL GARAGE SALE timL"0frtrttN.etttxtytmtettt mama-2' CANOE! POI an ' mm “mwmmwï¬w 'iiiii' (fi ms). aaa - 82.1w. 40x63 $5,899; 503(17an $8.400: m qetthe" and on“ with tttutr,,': 'ttlt. ttga 30:10:30 B6,80., 12:45 so, , Wong and in a“: '8tytptt on“. 742-3922 or 742-0915. 1i'tNi (wnéz) (W925) (2_3) E Je') Grara,%. plicU, Royal Tum! & RV Comm. Twioialo. Ont. (519) 343213. N ) GAS POWERED lawn mowers wanted, Not necessarily an working condmon Call 886-t484atter3pm (25) SONAR R.V‘I I Trailers. Utility. Hardtop, Tent. Fumwmu. Trlvol & Park "roads. Also awnings. Add-Hoot“. au- conditioners. trruhtr4tit.tMt and Will buy anything new or used. but never abused, No clothes. appliances or tur. nlturtr. Call Dutty's Second Hand Shop, 743-1686. 19 Scan St., Kitchener A ____ P"-'""'." ""W-"' - . - _ _ condition. Asking $4500. comma. 746-3300. (22) “WWW GGoi, numerous 090m: vncludmg an Immaculate common Phone 746 aâ€. "or CELEBRITY EUHOSPORT. Low 1m MERCURY Cobny Park. rune -tttt" wpgon. fulttAetted, 195mg: Cupttoards, cellar tables. pre1950 toys, yewellery. fishing gear and guns, luke boxes. trucks. pro-1940 furniture, on paw ting. odds and ends. Complete aslales bought outright. Al Jones, Elrmra, 669-2960: 669-8787. In busmess 15 years. (tf) bickhp at your home. call 5784130 BUYING FOR CASH: Gold and Silver coins. Watery. stoning siNttryettte. trays, tea sets. antique cktcks, pocket watches. old pom cards. documents, All scrap gold and dental 904d Wm J Grant Coma. 1125 King St. E,, Kitchener. 576-4840. 8 Water St, s., Cambridge. 6210430 (If) EUVING FOR CASH: Gold and silver In 'ny.torm: Coins, bullion. baseball and Hummv we 3...: 1933-3 “Hun-m, Am M, "w...†an": a. I.“ -,m.-¢:w p.m. Rain data: June IO. Mnyview Crescent. Vii-tonne (memo Noah). Look pr THE SALVATION Am" requires donations of clothing, furniture, dishes, books, jewellery. appliances, etc Help pom who don't have as much! For trf BUY. SOLE) .Jaweuary on any loin: Silver also. Fail pricis pad bt, Diamonds l Gold Inc, 19 Scott Street, hobkoy cards. Mtctgrtd.httnd Marcos, Vtm's, cameras. Knchenov Coin Shop, 742-9181. (MRtt) _ V Giiiii, . iriGiiirGT""' Tt TWO m. 18 and 38 CW On... (Mt Grim in W. ytegti),y1tuitrjskj, gm 3.9 tt.ttt..3 We: SALE - Sammy. June 3. 234 Dtck 3mm. mm». horn 9 aim-3 pg}. t,itt.it1iit] 39913; rii"iiki'i'irp; umum common. Call “new Gr £65231} MIMI. M Kitotterter.746-ltMt Now is the time to "ooze aspara- tlt Bulk quantities ttrttilathe. It 293 beautifully. Just wash, break off ends. cut in one inch pieces, Hench for 3 minutes. Chin. drain and "can m, t/dii ii, kFtiir"iiii"," 3.33% mm. 123 Edam Strut Won. It ,7:30 |.m.-5:00 pm. (22) -----.-'---'r= Bat. 55:30 . “Asparagus Fresh From Our Farm" 148 Peel St. NetlyyAurg the Firm' Downtown'." Mom-Wad. Noon-6 pm. Thurs. , Fri. Noon-9 pm. a-r-kmw NEED CASHN??? 662-2553 ANTIQUES (WR22) (MM) GE) Le) g g Ct) "viva our“. an mu. VII N.W.T.. 't1AltRt.i6tt3)8Natt3t PM 0F community newsman: m the Nyet nooks Ionic! cantor-II staff. We need“ intrtVatlaGa7tiirii copy 'tting, was! pmthtet'on and -htrt9. mee. Returns, to: M JOBS FOR Experienced Welders. Truck/Trek! t'2t,t'"g,'t/'t'ot Truck Equipment Inna! . Durabody and TraiIer Ltd., PO Box 12, Bond Held. Om terio. LOG IBO. 1416) 775-5335. (0) IMMEDIATE INCOME WORK mth an ttstatkttttttrtt 20-year-dd company In [he water Industry, Earn from 32000-53000 pan-tuna. or 8300035000 tull-tinte No oxponence necessary For appomtmm call Linda. 893-6163 (WRZI) ans-0564' 'duoriiriii23,iiiri7.7i.' (i'iii Nomad to promo both temporary and Wren» meter care tor cmldren as well as weekend whet Blah to Mean years ot ago. Daily mo training and support ser- [ices provide' Call Famuly and Children's OUT or WORK and out ot school7 Are you between the ages of 16 and 267 An emmnt counsgllor from Lutherwood THE WU" CORP. - Get ahead. break away from the masses. Your answev to health and wean". Grog Thacker at 5762535 or 7459651. (WR27) CAFETERIA ASSISTANT a! Waledoo C.I Starting Somombor 1989. 1020 hours per week Apply NOW to Mrs Marlene Atkinson at the school, 5849590 bolor92:30p,m, (22) r90oTRAturtrttttrtettr.Lae- PBP, {Mimi-t Club, Am for * iEVirlgm Sow-dos. Libby muons". 376-0540 is available to help you mm your you uarch. Please drop m Thursday after noons bemoan 1 30 and 3:30 pm at me New Hamburg Commumty Sewlces ot. tice, 124 Hincks Sweat. Apt " or call 862-273t, (NRtf) Mougmxaas HAVE 8 may; mummy and earn extra Income by duslnbuung Grumman books. was Ind [was at book parties, book mugs and schools. For more information call 634-5637. (CR22) "W!" ,_. Fiirriau -. "if" CiGii'itiri _ N "710; on. ammo m. w (5). 'l'lll'lldt, moo or but am. 1tL,'l".2'l1t1tidrJl'stt (mm) Get your can "A" Incense at Ontano'l olden and Iergeex training centre Cameos man every Monday Tex deduct:- bie. weekend courses. yob â€valance. no experience required Merv tho Transom. 1.8004?65-3669 Cambridge ASSEMBLERS REQUIRED Immodlalely for light “gammy work on small transformers. Apply m person to ATC Manufacturing, 202 Regma St N, Water‘oo No phone calls (wan) 1" Fast m - 04.00 km. Love to travel? Always wanted to work m the tram business? Earn oommosstons, travel benefits You can do It all as an om- side ales rep Can Gong": today for more Into, Pater 740-6381 (Cambridge) or Dave 741-0770 (Kitchener). (CRun) 11 â€I.†These are the qualities we are seeking - as one of Guelph's lamest growing window a door companies - specializing in replacement & new windows, doors, & solarium. Our rapid growth has caused an immediate opening in our sales ll you are looking for a challenging career and have proven communication skills and track record give usacall. Tri, WATSON 'iiir,iliiigit WAREHOUSE 3Watson acts. 763-1479 Guelph, Ontario 658-3292 Tnnspon Drivers Needed FOSTER PARENTS N1H1H8 TRAVEL (CWn) Aj (N) working on a ort..toortq hues w many haw tttttwr-tc. Mung dommg. laundry and meal paper-non BtrryttA. to the 0M Phone Iron. o'Totge, 5794030, to apply (23) ._.e... urn l -- r ul'lllv'. I“ “I n.wtoout'queinSt..lactatm, Memo mule-non to Pow Elm Sam swan. 59 Em St, E, Watrrrtott, MU IL? (22) suns HOE WT SERVICES The Mun Recreation Comm. Watonoo. ,o'rtorstoutsi-ioiifrt"iGtrrGrtGr- 8"r00'rte'to-rtmtrrs?rtus ttttttre-rite-tKeir-hails/G- new“. sun: T" Pan-um. new tor AUSTRALIA: Expenence a “Fanlashc Challenge" on a bee! ranch m Queensland It you have tamun9 and horse rrdmg expenence and you are bet ween 1926, Contact 206. 150M7th Avenue sw, Calgary, Alberta. T2T DEC?> _ ( ) FREE: 1989 gurus to stu0yot-ttorms cw vespondence Drptoma courses for prestigious careers Accounting, Arrcortor, boning, Bookkeepmg. Business. Cosmetoiogy. EHtctromcs, Legal/Medal Secretary. Psychotogy, Travel Granlon (5A) 263 Adelaide w. Tovonlo. mowemm (O) www.mwumm Wm no.“ to a! and mm ourht-tltytmttNaitS-Urt Em Cal colon db! 3:30 pm, (519) 8274337. (0) ttttea':: g,hrgf ta'S,tti/. to: . (my, Man Sit, (CR8) Six tqat)ttatgtr indium wanted tor new tlnend!ftirne ptmit'tmto600taotx" 109 FteumErr new 6 students wanted to! weekend work For mote inbrmatnon call 112 CAREER TRAINING C," â€In. START TODAY! tE,g'jn Fashuons' In W! Fbmmmy' ma money‘ A has â€my. lung! Call us owed (416) 63b909tMW7.2660, Ma Chem Home Fashion Show. Est. 1975 (O) â€5.000000 per month at bus-nest we" .statgtsNtdoCanartaartduS_A_,smres very SOHOUS and teacher» mammals mm bummg 098ch to 9am pWHrrrtrt $5,000 try' tutr-tinte 310.†pins on WES. MOTHERS and m tended persona needed irrtrttFy to attll lay: and grits tor Malone] Home Pany Plan, No MmenL Gem/ones or money collection. Can (519) 2557905 (0) " month No ago mtnanona. but a. P/,1"sy?g/"l,aPg'tgr3"3rgrgs a must Call Andre at m7 tor up pomtmonl only (C5125) 103W Take your FUTURE in your hands and TRAIN tor a new CAREER! ESTABLISHED COMPANY tfffetr m momm- mu Go to School V: Day - Graduate in 6 months BUSINESS ADIMSTRATION TRAVEL ' TOURS“ HOTEL A RESTAURANT ACCOUNTING 5 WATERUX2 CW. WEDNESDAY MAY 31. I†. PAGE " Fhtatttial Assistance may he availalue oven 90% JOB moms“ EToronto School Of Business PART-TIME 623-0540 CAREER CHANGE? WHY WAIT!! ENROL NOW'.'. (W5) Kitchener Campus Eastwood Square On Ottawa St. N. at Weber (tf) 745-1140 ‘HZCMEEIW FOR ME HOME renovllnons no t$rtorts and custom bum hams Can Touch ttt Class Cynl 88SI633 or Larry 579-475 (30) POOL OPENING - 599 most pooh Ask about home care For more InOov-mmm in; and J Pool Servtce 7444971 i??) Mime hummus; uie june" Jud and August Phone 7452844 (22) 'gl'2'rt student to may“ a son-0v cum umttta Strmtt are: 8851786 (22) 'iLELI.AN aEMERar Cormnamg. mum and mmw Lawn mummncev grass cuttog, lnmmmg lawn edging. "men-no "so removal pane hymn and moans, lonemg. pummg (menu. alum). hung [amount and back m. wall and Ntor rope-ts Kevm, "6.5532 or 8367002 (warn 115 we»! 140mm BAA. TRUCK MVEH Tummy (Gait) 622-016 (CR2S) YtNmFuTUREatartssmttt Tom Truce Dover Trnmmg Sum In 1978. my touch Manet M. dawn-t mag and -trqrttt was Course Foo Income In tHthagettet Ht0tr_6o_00,Carttttr- (O) CANAL CRUISES on sconce 1'9"leme Kmnha' Voyw. Wile gummy. " ttteats Fm brochure Irom Captain Marc.80x15¢0,Poto¢ormm.KN Tr4? IN "IMAM†w teoricq tk/Gum/ta iaGdaGG '" Provon no pine-um "no. “out mamm- ot PM Tm Tran mgm 16002657173 Ch 537.21 15' mono-mg Non an»; {dwiu Ak tr*mtteritset can-a Summon-b ttt thtlNtTt-ll. Specializing in career guidance, relationships and counselling. OOIPUTER REPAIR FASHION WWW ALL SECRETARML BUSINESS COMPUTER LANGUAGES BM?“ Leave message at 't an ms'Wo tstti (0)